Chapter 373
Ren Shuai looked at Lu Zhentian's manager with the eyes of a mentally retarded man, feeling that the other party forgot that he was also in the car at this time, and was sitting beside him listening.

Facing the surprised eyes of the production assistant, Ren Shuai explained with a subtle smile: "I'm sorry to make you laugh, this teacher usually has little contact with Yuanzhou's business, and his language skills are slightly insufficient. Please bear with me."

Ren Shuai spoke quickly and fluently, which stunned the manager next to him.

Before he could react, Ren Shuai continued to explain: "I also introduced to you just now, this is Mr. Lu's manager. He may have a little accent, so he named Lu as Li. This gentleman just said Mr. Lu's request is not mine."

After the production assistant heard this, he suddenly realized, and then looked at Lu Zhentian with even more surprise in his eyes.

At this time, Lu Zhentian's manager looked even more surprised than the production assistant, and turned to look at Ren Shuai.

He can speak foreign languages?

Ren Shuai was taken aback by this look, thinking that I only know foreign languages, and I am not an alien.

Lu Zhentian's manager was overwhelmed, feeling that there was a gap in the car and he could get in right away.

He never expected that Ren Shuai, who had been a concierge for many years and finally became an actor by chance, could know foreign languages.

Moreover, although he didn't understand the fluency of the spoken language, it didn't prevent him from knowing that it was very good.

Simply unscientific.

Totally out of line.

At this time, Lu Zhentian was the only person in the car who didn't know what happened. He just noticed that the production assistant suddenly turned to look at him with unfriendly eyes.

Lu Zhentian could only respond with an embarrassed yet polite smile.

He didn't hear what a few people said at all, and he was just looking at the scenery outside the window, why did he suddenly feel hatred?
The production assistant suppressed his dissatisfaction slightly, and said with a commercial smirk: "Mr. Lu has an extraordinary status at first glance, and it's normal to have high travel requirements. Unfortunately, our team's production funds are limited, and the hotel specifications booked for the actors did not satisfy you. I can only trouble you to choose and book by yourself.”

This sentence was spoken too fast, Lu Zhentian's manager didn't understand, but he knew that something was wrong and he had to find a way to make it up.

At this moment, the production assistant turned to look at him and asked: "I see that you have a lot of people in the team. I'm afraid we don't have enough hotel rooms. How about I cancel all the rooms reserved by you? Can you arrange another place to stay by yourself?"

Did the agent understand, but the other party seemed to be asking for his opinion, and of course he had to cooperate unconditionally in this situation.

"Okay, okay, no problem."

The manager showed a bright smile and nodded repeatedly.

The production assistant raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that the more he played tricks, the more he would take himself seriously.

So he returned a bright smile, then took out his mobile phone, called the hotel to cancel the room reserved for Lu Zhentian and the others.

The agent didn't know what happened, and thought it was over.

But when he was sitting in the car, he could always feel that Ren Shuai's vague gaze was sweeping over him, making him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in his throat, like a thorn in his back.

He never imagined that he would dig a hole for others in front of Ren Shuai, and they would understand.

It's all because of the inaccurate information given by Cha Renshuai, who doesn't even know that the other party can speak foreign languages.

It's the scene of social death.

Even if it's a trick, he prefers to make small moves behind his back. The feeling of being exposed face to face is really embarrassing.

The agent thought silently, why the journey was so long, and why didn't he get to the hotel sooner.

Ren Shuai was not impatient at all, he was quietly admiring the wonderful expression of Lu Zhentian's manager.

I thought the actor's manager was a high-ranking player, but he didn't expect that the method was like a joke.

The production assistant stopped introducing any scenic spots to Lu Zhentian and the others, and started chatting with Ren Shuai instead.

Originally, he was just introducing the scenery routinely, and all he said were simple words. After all, there was no translator present, and he was afraid that some people would not understand.

But I didn't expect Ren Shuai to speak fluently, and there was no obstacle in communicating, which made the production assistant even more fond of him.

No wonder people can play the main role, relying on strength.

Unlike some extra actors, the role is not heavy, but the burden is quite heavy, the travel is huge, and the requirements for staying in the hotel are high.

It is really difficult to serve.

Finally, after a harrowing hour... drive, the broker was freed from the cage of the car.

He didn't want to stay with Ren Shuai for a moment, and he was under too much pressure.

If other people's death was beheading, his death just now was like Ling Chi, cutting up the flesh little by little, it would be better to let him die all at once.

After heaving a sigh of relief, the manager hurriedly pulled Lu Zhentian aside and said, "Look, this Li Laifu is not easy, he can get an important role, and it must be because of the language, you will suffer because you don't know a foreign language." .”

After Lu Zhentian finished listening, instead of feeling that his language was a weakness, he felt a little more at ease, thinking that Ren Shuai did not rely on acting skills and popularity to win, that is, his language was better than him.

The two walked into the hotel lobby with the production assistant, waiting for the others to arrive.

At this time, the production director has already taken the initiative to lead Ren Shuai to introduce the furnishings of the hotel.

Chatting all the way in the car just now, his affection for Ren Shuai increased and he became more enthusiastic.

Although this hotel doesn't look very luxurious, it looks like a very old-fashioned building. This kind of hotel is the most upscale on their Yuanzhou side.

It's not that the luxurious decoration and large area can reflect the level of a hotel. They pay more attention to the historical heritage and cultural history of the hotel.

This kind of hotel, which has been baptized by the wind and frost of history, is the best choice for entertaining guests.

After the production assistant introduced the various furnishings of the hotel, he also recommended several signature delicacies to Ren Shuai, and added Ren Shuai's private chat account by the way.

Ren Shuai reciprocated, and also recommended several Yezhou delicacies to him, and invited him to visit Meijing City when he had time.

After a while, Cui Shaoyu and the others also came to the hotel and began to carry luggage for check-in.

The people on Lu Zhentian's side could only wait for Ren Shuai and the others to do it first. Although there was some resentment in their hearts, they could only temporarily obey the arrangement of the production assistant.

When Ren Shuai and his group completed the check-in procedures and were about to go to their room, the production assistant turned to look at Lu Zhentian and the others in surprise.

"It doesn't matter why you guys are still here. You don't have to wait for me. Let's take a good rest today, and sign the contract at the agreed time tomorrow."

After the translation was completed, Lu Zhentian's agent asked with a confused face: "But we haven't checked in yet?"

 Ask for a recommendation~

(End of this chapter)

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