From janitor to actor

Chapter 374 Travel

Chapter 374 Travel
Cui Shaoyu, who was watching the exchange of several people from a distance, said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, do you think Lu Zhentian will buy the production assistant and then trip us up, or should I go and listen?"

Ren Shuai reached out to stop her, and replied with a smile: "It's okay, let's go upstairs to rest."

He heard it all in the car, the production assistant returned the room an hour ago, and got the consent of Lu Zhentian's manager.

The big manager smiled brightly and nodded in response.

According to the passenger flow and popularity of this hotel, it is estimated that those rooms have already been reserved by other people.

Cui Shaoyu confirmed worriedly: "They have used dirty tricks before, we have to guard against them."

Ren Shuai smiled brightly and said, "It's okay, the other party has a sixth child, so we don't have to worry."

Cui Shaoyu didn't understand what Lao Liu meant, but seeing Ren Shuai holding Zhizhu in his hands, he felt at ease.

As for Lu Zhentian, after the translator went through the process, he finally figured out the whole story.

After hearing this, the manager felt a dark hatred in his heart, so he tried to force him to shoot himself in the foot.

But now that the rooms have been withdrawn, they can only find other places to stay.

Lu Zhentian was very dissatisfied with this encounter. He was a great film star and came here to sign the contract, but his room was returned.

The point is, his agent nodded and agreed to check out.

Let him vent his anger.

After Ren Shuai and the others went upstairs, they started to suffer from jet lag. Cui Shaoyu wanted to remind Ren Shuai that "Sick Building No. 88" was going to be broadcast tonight, but he still didn't dare to disturb him because he was tired of traveling.

As for Ren Shuai, he had long forgotten about the launch of the TV series.

Along the way, he was given various scenic spots and delicacies by the production assistant, and his heart has long since drifted away.

After finally taking the time to visit Yuanzhou, of course he couldn't miss the good opportunity to travel, jet lag or something, it's none of his business.

Not only did Ren Shuai not sleep in the room, but he took out his mobile phone and simply made a strategy before going out.

Since retiring, it is rare to have free time to travel, so he naturally wants to hurry up.

In order to save for a pension, he was busier after retirement than when he was at work, and he basically never stopped working.

Moreover, Ren Shuai feels that if this trend continues, he will become busier and busier in the future, and he may not be able to find time for travel.

Due to the time difference, Ren Shuai took off from Yezhou in the morning and arrived here in the afternoon.

Ren Shuai still has several hours to play happily.

He tidied himself up a bit, and set off with a backpack on his back.

Ren Shuai stepped out from the hotel gate, but unexpectedly a figure with a peaked cap bumped into him.

Ren Shuai retreated several steps, and the other party was directly bounced back and fell to the ground.

What's the situation.

Touch porcelain?

Ren Shuai thought to himself that nothing happened to me, but you sat on the ground first.

Could it be that Huang Li is not suitable for going out today, and this kind of thing happened just after stepping out of the hotel.

However, before he could speak, the other party got up quickly, but his foot seemed to be hurt a little, and he was limping.

The other party bent down and rubbed his ankle, looked at Ren Shuai quietly, then turned his head to look behind him, suddenly grabbed Ren Shuai's arm and said, "Sir, are you not injured?"

Ren Shuai didn't expect the other party to speak with a female voice, but seeing that he was dressed in a hip-hop street style, and his hair was not exposed under the peaked cap, he thought it was a man at first glance.

The woman in the peaked cap didn't wait for Ren Shuai to answer, she quickly pulled him across the street and said, "Shall I take you to the hospital for a checkup?"

Ren Shuai felt that the other party's purpose was not pure, and he felt a great vigilance in his heart.

Even though he was limping, he dragged him to check.

There are tricks.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, this is probably Yuanzhou's new type of scam, pretending to touch porcelain, and then dragging him to a secluded place to rob him in the name of going to the hospital for a check-up.

There happened to be a quiet alley across the street, and the peaked cap always looked behind, it must be to see if the accomplice was in place.

Ren Shuai stopped and said righteously: "Don't go to the hospital, just call the police."

Sure enough, the woman tensed up when she heard the word call the police.

She quickly lowered her head, then began to fumble in her pockets and said, "Sir, I was really in a hurry and didn't see you. If you have any dissatisfaction, I can compensate you, no matter how much money you have."

When Ren Shuai heard this, he smiled in his heart, and when he met a timid liar, he was exposed as soon as he cheated her.

Not only did he not dare to continue cheating, but he also gave money out of his own pocket.

Ren Shuai said earnestly and earnestly: "It seems that you are a first-time offender, so I will let you go. You don't need to pay any money, just go away."

According to his experience, the scammer's money is not easy to get. Even if this person is a novice, timid and willing to pay compensation, her accomplices may not be willing.

In case Ren Shuai secretly followed him to find trouble afterward, Ren Shuai would not be able to enjoy himself this afternoon.

But before he finished his thoughts, the duck tongue seemed to be frightened suddenly, turned his head to look behind him, pulled Ren Shuai and continued to move forward.

"Sir, please help me. In fact, I was chased by the people behind, so I ran too fast and hit you. Now I have a sprained ankle and I can't run fast. You can help me cover and help me walk to the opposite path." .”

When Ren Shuai heard this, alarm bells rang in his heart.

Seeing that plan A didn't work, he came to paln B again. Did he bully himself for being too talkative?

Ren Shuai was completely unmoved and said, "If you encounter difficulties, I can call the police for you."

Liars are most afraid of the police. As long as they call the police, the other party will definitely retreat.

But this time the woman shook her head quickly, as if she had made up her mind, raised her head and looked straight at Ren Shuai.

"I'm Esilina, you know, if fans find me, they will definitely surround me. It's not good to cause chaos and stampede. Please help me."

Under the peaked cap reveals an unusually delicate face, a pair of big furry eyes shining like stars, pink and plump lips, and fair skin with a crystal clear feeling.

This is a face that can amaze everyone. Although it is still a bit young, it will definitely be a beauty that will overwhelm the country and the city in the future.

Ren Shuai said with emotion, the liar has already become so involved.

Pretend to be a female star and find a face value that can confuse the fake with the real.

But unfortunately, he had never heard of Asilina.

The other party obviously saw that he had a Yezhou face, and he was probably not familiar with Yuanzhou's showbiz, so he was going to cheat him.

It's a pity that he is a person in this industry, and he knows a lot of stars in Yuanzhou. As for the girl in front of him, he has never seen it before.

Ren Shuai looked like he was joking, and quietly waited for the girl's so-called fans to catch up. He wanted to see what serious consequences would arise.

After Aselina found out that she had shown her trump card, Ren Shuai still looked neither salty nor dull, and his watery eyes were suddenly full of surprise.

This uncle Yezhou doesn't seem to know her...

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(End of this chapter)

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