From janitor to actor

Chapter 380 Reunion

Chapter 380 Reunion

The car door opened, and a figure in a pale pink dress stepped out from the inside. Against the backdrop of the black body, it immediately caught people's eyes.

She has golden wavy hair that hangs down like a waterfall. In the golden hair is an extremely delicate and pretty face. Her eyes are like two bright stars, shining brightly, making it impossible to look away at a glance.

The moment the female star got off the car, all the staff in the building exclaimed, and then started shooting with their mobile phones that had been prepared long ago.

I don't know if I'm a little nervous to face the face-to-face shooting of the crowd. I always feel that this elf-like female star is a little unsteady when walking.

Cui Shaoyu, who was squeezed into the back position by the crowd, couldn't help being a little curious, and turned to ask the production assistant, "Who is this, he looks so beautiful."

Although Cui Shaoyu has some understanding of Yuanzhou's show business circle, it is limited to some established stars, and he doesn't know much about new stars.

The production assistant smiled and said, "This is the heroine of our film, the hottest newcomer of our Yuanzhou, Aselina."

Cui Shaoyu nodded slightly, turned to look at Ren Shuai, only to find that he was staring at Aselina with burning eyes.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, Esilina's face is indeed alluring, and this elf-like lightness can kill both men and women, even old artists like Teacher Li are no exception.

But Ren Shuai was very surprised at this time. The moment he saw Asilina, he felt a little familiar.

Although the female star in front of him had put on makeup and was more beautiful and eye-catching than when she saw it before, Ren Shuai still recognized it quickly.

Isn't this the same Esilina who agreed to treat him at the playground yesterday, but didn't give him any money in the end.

Lu Zhentian, who was also standing in the back row, straightened his collar at this time. His position is not far from the elevator. Asilina will come over soon, and he is ready to say hello to her.

The agent has already told him that this is the heroine of Stephen's film, and her future development will definitely skyrocket. He wants to take the opportunity to say hello to her and try to make a good impression.

Among all the faces of Yuanzhou, his face of Yuanzhou will definitely make the other party unforgettable.

Maybe, when Esilina chooses a rival actor in the future, she will be able to think of him.

Even if it doesn't work, it's a very happy thing to say hello to a beautiful elf-like beauty.

Seeing Aslina approaching the elevator, Lu Zhentian coughed lightly and introduced himself in a foreign language that he had practiced for a long time.

"Hello, I'm Lu Zhentian, an actor from Yezhou. Nice to meet you."

After he finished speaking, the manager introduced seamlessly like an actor, "This Mr. Lu is the actor of Yezhou."

The introduction of the two caught Esilina's attention. She was about to go straight into the elevator, but turned her head to look sideways.

Her beautiful eyes swept over, she nodded politely, and then planned to continue walking forward.

Because of her sprained ankle yesterday, it is very difficult for her to take every step. She doesn't want to stay for a second, and she can't wait to go upstairs and sit down immediately.

However, just when she turned her head, she seemed to see something she cared about.

Aslina stood up to the script and turned her head again.

Lu Zhentian originally thought that the beauty was cold and cold, and she dismissed him, so he just passed by like this.

But unexpectedly, Esilina stopped again and turned her head for him.

It seems that his Yezhou face really left a special impression on Aselina.

Lu Zhentian showed what he thought was the most charming smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Esilina.

However, Asilina's gaze directly passed over his shoulder, and looked at Ren Shuai behind him, the eyes of a star shone with excitement.

Cui Shaoyu also noticed Asilina's gaze. When she took a closer look, she was looking at Teacher Li who was staring at her with burning eyes.

She sighed secretly in her heart. Teacher Li stared at him so straightly that he was noticed.

It is very rude for a man to look at a woman like this, even if he appreciates it.

What an embarrassment it would be if we met in the crew later.

Cui Shaoyu wondered why Mr. Li, who is always gentle and polite, is so abnormal today.

If Ren Shuai knew Cui Shaoyu's thoughts, he would definitely say that this is not a look of appreciation, but a look of debt collection.

He defended day and night yesterday, fearing that he would be scammed for money and sex in a foreign country, but he still couldn't guard against it.

Not only did Esilina hold his hand and play all afternoon, but she didn't even give him any money.

He wanted to prostitute for free, but was prostituted by the other party.

Ren Shuai had so much fun yesterday that he forgot such an important thing, and by the time he realized it, it was already 3 o'clock in the middle of the night.

It seems that God has a good eye today, let me meet her again here, don't think that you can renege on being a female star, Ren Shuai thought viciously.

Just when everyone was wondering why Esilina stopped suddenly, she suddenly showed a smile that overwhelmed everyone, and accelerated her pace towards Ren Shuai's position.


Aselina looked at Ren Shuai in surprise, she thought that she would never have the chance to meet him again, and what happened yesterday was just a fairy tale.

However, real life is so miraculous that she unexpectedly met him here again.

At this moment, Esilina's thoughts were racing, wondering whether Ren Shuai had come to find her specially when he heard that she was coming to this building to sign a contract.

At this time, Cui Shaoyu, who was standing beside Ren Shuai, was very surprised.

How does it look, this female star seems to know Teacher Li?

Moreover, based on a woman's intuition and Aselina's surprised eyes, she judged that the relationship between the two was not simple.

Sure enough, Ren Shuai didn't even exchange pleasantries, and just spoke up.

"How do I pay back the money I owe?"

Ren Shuai's words stunned the two women.

Cui Shaoyu didn't expect that the two had such a relationship, and the pink bubbles in his mind suddenly burst.

Aslina didn't expect that Ren Shuai's opening remarks would be this sentence, she suddenly smiled, thinking that all the men in Yezhou were so humorous.

In her opinion, Ren Shuai would definitely not ask for debts just because of a few thousand yuan. He must have wanted her contact information and was afraid of embarrassment.

Seeing Ren Shuai's serious but clumsy performance, Esilina couldn't help being a little happy.

Following Ren Shuai's words, she smiled and said, "Then just wait for me, I'll go upstairs to sign a contract first, and I'll come down to find you soon."

After finishing speaking, she smiled sweetly and waved, then walked quickly into the elevator, intending to sign the contract quickly and come down to meet Shuai Ren.

But Ren Shuai gritted his teeth, thinking that he really wanted to renege on his debts. Since there are so many people at the moment, it is not convenient for me to chase you, so he used signing the contract as an excuse to get away.

When he wanted to stop it, Esilina had already taken the elevator upstairs.

Damn it, I have to squat and guard you, Ren Shuai thought to himself.

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(End of this chapter)

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