From janitor to actor

Chapter 381 It's You

Chapter 381 It's You
Seeing that the female star had already left, the crowd gathered in the lobby on the first floor gradually dispersed, leaving only those who were about to leave by car in twos and threes, and...

Lu Zhentian with his hands stretched out in the air.

His face turned black at this moment, not at Esilina, but at his manager.

Lu Zhentian turned his head and asked: "Didn't you say that Ren Shuai is just an ordinary concierge who can dub, why did Esilina even take the initiative to say hello to him?"

"for this I……"

The agent was speechless for a while, and he was also puzzled.

Esilina is a new star who has risen to fame in Yuanzhou recently. Although she debuted as a child star, it is rumored that her family background is good. Coupled with her outstanding looks when she grows up, she instantly attracted a wide audience.

Coupled with the fact that Stephen appointed her to play the leading role this time, Esilina seems to be a top star in the future.

"No, after you go back, quickly delete all the posts of Black Li Laifu. His identity is definitely not simple. I said that the news you found out in such a short period of time must be unreliable." Lu Zhentian said displeased.

The agent nodded quickly, but he argued: "You don't have to worry too much, the team I hired is very reliable, and Li Laifu really has no background after checking and checking, so let's remove the post that hacked him first, but we Don't be in a hurry to give in, I'll ask someone to inquire about it."

Lu Zhentian let out an "um" from his nose, feeling quite upset.

Seeing that everyone had almost left and the congestion was relieved, Marenka immediately said, "Shall we go too?"

He didn't have much time to ask Ren Shuai to dub, and he became even more anxious after a while.

Ren Shuai was a little embarrassed, although a few thousand yuan was not much, but it was real money, and he couldn't be cheated by a female celebrity for nothing.

He really wanted to squat for a while.

Seeing him keeping his eyes on the elevator, Cui Shaoyu immediately understood, thinking that Mr. Li probably wanted to wait for Aselina to come down, and the two must have more than a debt relationship, or in other words, not that kind of simple debt relationship.

She smiled and said, "Esilina is the heroine of the film directed by Stephen. If you want to meet her, you will have more opportunities after joining the group."

Ren Shuai was very surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Esilina would be the heroine.

He immediately showed a relieved smile, thinking to God, she can't escape this debt.

After hearing the news, Ren Shuai had no worries, turned to Marenka and said, "Okay, let's go."

Seeing Ren Shuai's heartfelt smile, Cui Shaoyu couldn't help but think, it seems that Teacher Li values ​​this Aselina very much.

What is the relationship between the two?
An hour later, Esilina complained to her agent with a full face of dissatisfaction, disliked her for signing the contract too slowly, what if Ren Shuai didn't wait for her.

But the agent was unmoved at all, and instead asked her who the Yezhou man was.

Aselina was questioned, she suddenly remembered Ren Shuai's words, and she had an idea: "My creditor."

The female manager was startled, and hurriedly asked: "You borrowed money before, why didn't you tell me when you were short of money, don't get in touch with dubious people, tell me, how much do you owe him?"

Asilina lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Anyway, there are quite a lot, anyway, you can't pay it off for me."

The female agent was shocked when she heard the words, she lowered her voice and asked tentatively, "He threatened you?"

Esilina hurriedly waved her hand and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, Lifle is a good person, so don't ask me any more."

After she finished speaking, she stared at the elevator display expectantly, waiting for the number to change to 1.

The female manager was alert, thinking that Esilina had been too well protected since she was a child, and she was not deeply involved in the world, so she was easily deceived.

The man from Yezhou just now didn't know the number of routes, how to catch up with little Ai Si, I must ask him later.

"ding dong"

The elevator door opened, and Esilina hopped on one leg without caring about her image, and jumped out like a bunny, looking around.

At this time, there was no sign of Ren Shuai in the lobby on the first floor except for a few staff members who were waiting for her to appear again.

Esilina's smile suddenly collapsed, and she looked at the manager with resentment and said, "It's all your fault for being too slow, he must have left because he couldn't wait."

The female manager smiled in satisfaction and said, "He's smart, if I bump into him, I have to call the police and arrest him."

Esilina pouted, feeling very unhappy that her manager misunderstood Ren Shuai, but she couldn't explain that she went to the playground with Ren Shuai when she was sneaking.

At that time, I'm afraid the agent will be even more nervous.

Aslina sighed, wondering if she would have a chance to see him again in the future.

On the other side, Ren Shuai came to Marenka's studio.

"Li, come and listen to the promotional music I recorded."

He started to play the background sound that he had already prepared. This sound sounded very magical, and it immediately led people into another world.

However, Marenka was not satisfied with this, feeling that this voice was superficial and lacked soul.

"What's your opinion?"

Ren Shuai is actually not professional in this area, and he can't tell the shortcomings, so he can only ask: "What do you want to add?"

Marenka said with a sad expression: "I feel that although this piece of music is rich enough, it always gives people a feeling of emptiness and magnificence, without the throbbing that penetrates directly into the heart."

To make a promotional video, it must be very concise and give people enough impact in a very short period of time.

Marenka strives for excellence in recording, and even the slightest deficiency is unacceptable, which has created his status as a recording master.

After hearing this, Ren Shuai was a little confused.

But this does not affect his performance.

In his previous life, he had watched many promotional videos of sci-fi giants, and Ren Shuai had an impression of them.

It's not easy to get the feeling directly into people's hearts, just copy it.

He tried hard to recall the music he heard when watching Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter in his previous life, and began to imitate it piece by piece.

Although he can't remember the details, what can leave an impression is the superb soundtrack.


Ren Shuai didn't know why, thinking of Harry Potter, he suddenly imitated the sound of a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

In fact, snakes don't have vocal cords, so they don't make any sound at all. When they spit out, they vibrate and rub against the air to make a slight sound.

The sounds of snakes spitting out letters in the movie are all amplified by human beings according to the actual situation, combined with their own fantasies.

The moment Marenka heard the voice, his whole body went numb.

"Yes, that's how it feels."

Among the magical voices, there is a voice of a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, which can instantly make people feel like an electric shock, with goose bumps all over their bodies.

Marenka was as excited as if he had won the lottery, and quickly synthesized the voice imitated by Ren Shuai into his own soundtrack.

His hands were fast, and he quickly re-shot the audio track and clicked to play.

Music remembered again, this time, even Ren Shuai, a layman, could hear the difference.

Marenka listened to it once, and then again, the corners of her mouth grew wider the more she listened.

"Hahaha, Li, as expected of you!"

 Ask for a recommendation~

(End of this chapter)

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