From janitor to actor

Chapter 391 Famous Scene

Chapter 391 Famous Scene

The little brother in the dessert shop never thought that if Ren Shuai sells it by himself, he can still buy it by himself?

No, that's not the point.

The point is, the program team took back the mobile phones and changed the clothes of the guests. Why does Ren Shuai have cash on him?

This is due to Ren Shuai's experience.

The so-called poor family rich road, he has always followed the principle that you must bring money when you go out.

Although mobile payment is now used, Ren Shuai still carries a small amount of cash just in case.

Besides, he has watched a lot of variety shows, and occasionally encounters places where money is needed. Instead of haggling and borrowing from the program director, it is better to take the money himself and be prepared.

Looking at it now, it doesn't work.

The little brother looked at the money Ren Shuai handed over, and he didn't accept it, and he didn't accept it, he was embarrassed on the spot.

Ren Shuai had already seen that the little brother's words had other meanings. Obviously, he stumbled into the hidden mission by mistake.

But I didn't expect that the environment carefully designed by the program group was directly broken by Ren Shuai's cash.

The little brother hesitated for a while, but couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he glanced in the direction of the camera resentfully, then reached out to take the money, and handed the peaked cap to Ren Shuai.

The moment he picked up the peaked cap, Ren Shuai saw a small envelope inside the cap.

He was not in a hurry, picked up the small cake he just bought, sat in the store to enjoy it, and opened the envelope.

Seeing this, the corners of his mouth immediately raised uncontrollably.

It is indeed a hidden mission, and the reward is really against the sky.

He put away the little card on the envelope, and concentrated on enjoying his little cake.

Having obtained an important skill, he can fish with peace of mind now, but at this moment, the radio rang.

"Cui Zixun of the red team, eliminated."

Ren Shuai was a little confused. It's only been ten minutes since the start, why did Cui Zixun die?
Now only Qiu Yun and Mu Xiaoqing are left outside, basically at the mercy of others.

Ren Shuai thought that although the most important thing was to participate, the time for participation was too short, so he was merciless and would just tear it up?

The blue team didn't follow the routine at all, so don't blame him for being ruthless.

After spotting the location of the offline area, Ren Shuai decided to visit the mournful Cui Zixun, and by the way, find out who was the one who destroyed the weeds.

"Ms. Li, why are you here, and you were torn apart?"

The first time Cui Zixun saw Ren Shuai, he asked him this with a sad and indignant expression.

Ren Shuai couldn't help complaining, even if you are top-notch, you can't be so good at chatting.

"No, let me visit you."


Is that the right word?
Cui Zixun felt like a rare animal in the zoo. He bowed his head in shame when Ren Shuai, a tourist, looked at him wantonly.

He complained: "Afan from the blue team is too insidious. The three of us ran into the other two on the street. We thought we just passed by, but that guy grabbed me with his backhand and tore me apart!"

As for the reason why Mu Xiaoqing and Qiu Yun escaped, it was because of the protection mechanism of the game.

After a person is torn off, no one's nametag shall be torn off for five minutes.

Ren Shuai heard the whole story clearly, thinking that the blue team must have had a big face during the game in the morning, a little over the top, and was eager to get back on the field.

It's also because Cui Zixun is too outstanding. In their red team, he is the one with the best physical fitness. If you don't target him first, whoever is the target.

Cui Zixun looked aggrieved and regretful, and sighed: "I was too careless this time, otherwise, with my strength, I have to exchange one for the other."

Then he and Ren Shuai counted his great achievements in detail, saying that when he meets Afan in the next issue, he must avenge this.

Ren Shuai nodded and listened, his hands were already in his pockets, and he was not going to listen to Cui Zixun's nonsense.

After talking for a while, Cui Zixun came back to his senses and quickly told him, "Stop wandering around here, and find a place to hide quickly, or those people will definitely not show mercy."

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "It's okay, didn't you say that you are strong, you protect me."

Cui Zixun was stunned. He had already been eliminated, so how could he protect others? Could it be that Mr. Li didn't figure out the rules of the game until now?
Before he could react, Ren Shuai took out the card, looked in the direction of the camera and said, "Use the skill card to exchange the name cards of Cui Zixun and Afan."

This is the sharp weapon he obtained through the hidden mission.

At this time, the director was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ren Shuai to understand the game so quickly, and knew how to make the most of his skills.

If this skill card was used on two "surviving" guests, it would be a one-for-one suicide attack at best, but it's different now.

Ren Shuai exchanged Cui Zixun's name tag with Afan, and the result was that Afan was eliminated directly and Cui Zixun was resurrected.

The radio rang out again.

"Player Afan is offline, and player Cui Zixun is online!"

A huge question mark popped up in everyone's head, what is the show crew doing?

When did such a strange thing happen, Afan was walking on the road without being torn, and suddenly went offline?

The most outrageous thing is that Cui Zixun went online again.

The show will never arrange a resurrection plot, each guest has only one life, otherwise the fun of selfless struggle when tearing up the famous brand will be lost.

But this time it was very weird.

The director also expressed his helplessness. He obviously made three insurances, but Ren Shuai dug out the hidden content, and he dug it to the end.

There was only such a hidden mission in the audience, and Ren Shuai didn't know why Ren Shuai had a whim, so he went to the dessert shop to borrow my brother's hat.

That's the only trigger.

And even if the task is triggered, there is a high probability that it will be discovered and torn off by the opponent during the process of completing the task.

After all, selling things always involves shouting and attracting customers, so it is hard not to be noticed.

But who would have thought that Ren Shuai came to the hand of the gods and took the money directly out of his pocket, even the whole director would do the same.

It doesn't matter if the first two insurances are cracked by Ren Shuai, and the skill cards can be exchanged for one at most. The director also specially designed the expiration time of the cards. If the skills are not activated within ten minutes, the cards will be automatically invalidated.

But unfortunately, the blue team acted too quickly, and Ren Shuai's mind was flexible enough to know how to make the most of the rules.

So there was a famous scene that had never been seen in the history of the show.

Cui Zixun struggled to recover from the huge surprise, looked at Ren Shuai in amazement and said, "You, you actually found such a heaven-defying skill card?"

Ren Shuai touched his nose modestly, and said sincerely, "I picked it up on the road."

Cui Zixun believed it completely, and after he came out of the offline area, he lowered his head and searched all the way.

Compared to the red team who was full of joy, the blue team had a gloomy look, mixed with a trace of bewilderment.

Afan didn't know which god he had offended, how could such a disaster befall him, Yuan went offline?

The members of the blue team couldn't understand, and felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching, so they decided to go to the offline area with Afan and ask the director personally.

A few minutes later, the blue team who learned the truth felt aggrieved and wanted to curse.

"Mr. Li, won't you hang up?"

"Such a person can't be kept!"

"Go, brothers, rip him off!"

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(End of this chapter)

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