From janitor to actor

Chapter 392 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 392 Meeting in a narrow road

The blue team was aggressive and vowed to find Ren Shuai and tear him down.

At this time, the righteous master walked leisurely like walking down the street, completely unaware that he was already on the cusp of the storm.

Cui Zixun was very active after his resurrection, trying to find new skills while speeding up his pace to join his teammates.

"Mr. Li, do you think this is a bit suspicious?"

Inspired by Ren Shuai, Cui Zixun kept his head down on the road to pick up skill cards.

Next to a trash can in the shape of a bear, he saw suspicious plastic bags.

Ren Shuai glanced at it, felt that someone had accidentally thrown the garbage on the ground, and was about to remind him, but found that Cui Zixun had already opened the bag before him.


Cui Zixun looked at the messy garbage in the bag, his face turned dark.

Ren Shuai already thought about the entry when the show was broadcast, "Shocked, the top male star is actually picking up trash on the street!"

Just as his thoughts were wandering, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a familiar envelope protruding from the lid of Little Bear's trash can.

This is exactly the same as the skill card packaging he just obtained.

Ren Shuai walked to the trash can and reached in.

Cui Zixun's pupils trembled, and he thought that Teacher Li was working too hard. At most, he opened the bag next to the trash can to check, but Teacher Li actually reached out and rummaged through the trash can.

No wonder people can get the sky-defying skill card.

He instantly thought of the trending searches that might appear when the show was broadcast, "Shocked, the old artist actually rummaged through the trash on the street!"

While Cui Zixun was thinking wildly, Ren Shuai had pinched the corner of the envelope precisely and pulled it out from under the lid of the trash can.

"Ah, this..."

Cui Zixun's eyes were full of disbelief, mixed with a trace of shame.

I still haven't worked hard enough.

Ren Shuai pinched the corner of the envelope with some disgust, took out the card and thought to himself, the program team is really cruel enough to hide the clues in the trash can.

This is a restricted skill card, which can designate a guest not to leave the place within 5 minutes.

"Excellent, this card is good, I will use it for Xiao Hei later."

Cui Zixun poked his head to read it, then stretched out his thumb, decisively assigning this card to the fastest runner of the blue team.

Ren Shuai handed the card to Cui Zixun directly and said, "Keep it, I'm useless."

Cui Zixun thought to himself that Ren Shuai must not be able to compete with young people in footsteps and speed, and keeping the card can only be used to save his life, and it would be better to give it to him, so he readily accepted.

The next moment, he was about to hurry up and leave, but Ren Shuai reached out again, inserted the envelope back into the lid of the trash can, and made the exposed part more obvious.

This is obviously to disgust the blue team.

Cui Zixun thought that Mr. Li was really insidious, but he really wanted to applaud, fortunately he didn't go to the blue team today.

After a while, the blue team's triumphant laughter came from the trash can, which turned into curses after a while.

"I asked the tourists on the side of the road. Cui Zixun and Mr. Li came here just now." Xiao Hei of the blue team said bitterly.

Suo Tu looked at the crumpled envelope and threw it into the trash can, feeling very angry.

This teacher Li must not stay.

"Quick battle, they just left not long ago."

At this time, Ren Shuai and the others successfully reunited with Mu Xiaoqing and Qiu Yun.

The two asked about what happened just now with great interest, and lamented that Ren Shuai's luck was against the sky, while sorting out the skills at hand.

In the past half an hour, Mu Xiaoqing and Qiu Yun patronized Dongzang XZ, and only found one skill card.

Still very tasteless, its own brand name becomes smaller for [-] seconds, and it takes effect immediately.

Winning in the morning provides them with a nameplate shrink for half an hour and invisibility for 10 minutes.

These two skills were given to Mu Xiaoqing. After all, she was the only female guest, so she deserved the privilege.

Moreover, Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun had already made up their minds, knowing that their chances of winning were not high, and they wanted to leave the last chance of survival to Mu Xiaoqing.

Not long after they met, they were caught up by the three members of the blue team who were chasing after them.

As the saying goes, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. The blue team members have long been suffocated, and they didn't even say hello after meeting each other, and directly launched an attack.

"The two of us restrain Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun, Xiao Hei, go tear up Teacher Li." Suo Tu ordered.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't expect to encounter the blue team suddenly, she screamed in fright, and subconsciously hid behind Ren Shuai.

If she hides like this, Ren Shuai can't turn his head and run away, but can only confront the blue team head-on.

Fortunately, Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun were very responsible, and rushed directly to the front, keeping Ren Shuai and Mu Xiaoqing behind.

"Activate a skill card on Xiao Hei."

At the critical moment, Cui Zixun yelled loudly.

The broadcast was called to pause immediately, and Xiao Hei was ordered to stand where he was and not to move.

When the blue team heard this, they were immediately anxious. Isn't it just fighting skills? They also have it.

Now that it was time for the decisive battle, there was no need to hold back, so Suotu used all the three skill cards he found.

"Enlarge Li Laifu's famous brand for 5 minutes! Qiuyun and Cui Zixun stay still for fifteen seconds!"

When the red team heard this, their face immediately turned ugly. The bigger the name tag is, the bigger it is, it is basically a living target, and it can be torn off by sticky hands.

And the two strong laborers were immobilized at the same time, and no one could stop the other party from committing murder.

All of this happened very quickly, it can be said that the skills were flying around, and the program team changed the costumes of the two parties in an instant.

On the red team's side, except for Mu Xiaoqing's safety, Qiu Yun and Cui Zixun couldn't move, and Ren Shuai's enlarged nameplate was as conspicuous as a bright light in the dark.

The blue team cut down one person, but only Xiao Hei was restricted from moving, and Suo Tu and the other person were not affected.

Both of them are tall and burly, and they can be regarded as powerful players at first glance, so toughness is definitely useless.

The situation on Ren Shuai's side took a turn for the worse, and the name tag on his back swaggered like a big wing, swaying in the wind.

Suo Tu smiled, finally being able to avenge his shame.

Ren Shuai was helpless, with the situation like this, he could only... Before he could finish his thoughts, he suddenly felt a tight wrist, Mu Xiaoqing grabbed him tightly, turned around and ran away.

"Teacher Li, run away."

As she spoke, she spread her long legs, dragged Ren Shuai and ran back.

Seeing the two running away, Suo Tu could only temporarily change the target of attack, and first tore off Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun.

"Brother Suo, hurry up!"

The immobilized Xiao Hei yelled.

Suo Tu glanced at the aggrieved Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun, smiled and waved his hands and said, "The two main players of the red team are gone, so what are you in a hurry for? We will catch you together after your immobilization fails."

Panting, Mu Xiaoqing ran to the small road, and stopped in relief when no one was chasing her.

When he stopped, he found that his hand was tightly grasping Ren Shuai's wrist, and he was a little flustered. He pretended to be nonchalant and let go quietly, but his heartbeat was even stronger than when he was running.

Finding that Ren Shuai didn't seem to react, Mu Xiaoqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you blushing?" Ren Shuai said.


Mu Xiaoqing was in a daze.

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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