Chapter 393
Realizing her gaffe and guilty conscience, Mu Xiaoqing immediately coughed to relieve her embarrassment, and then smiled relaxedly with her superb acting skills: "I ran too fast."

Ren Shuai did not doubt that he was there, turned his head to look behind him, and was disappointed to find that there were no pursuers.

At this time, the radio sounded.

"Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun of the red team are offline."

Mu Xiaoqing was so busy taking Ren Shuai to escape just now, she forgot that there were two other teammates who were locked in place.

She was a little ashamed, thinking that she had the effect of an invisible nameplate, so she should at least help her teammates delay for a while.

What happened just now was so sudden that she didn't have time to think about it. She instinctively pulled Ren Shuai and ran away. Looking back at this moment, she really valued sex over friends.

Ah no, that's not right, respect seniors and despise peers.

Mu Xiaoqing was constantly churning with various thoughts in her heart, and her expression was also very complicated.

Seeing her preoccupied look, Ren Shuai comforted her and said, "It's okay, whether you run or not won't affect the outcome of the game."

Although Mu Xiaoqing was comforted by the words, she still felt that Ren Shuai's attitude was too flat. After all, it was a show, and it would be too embarrassing to admit defeat directly.

"We still have a chance of winning, but not much." Mu Xiaoqing said stubbornly.

Ren Shuai waved his hand, and before he could speak, he heard a series of footsteps approaching.

Xiao Hei's five-minute immobilization effect ended, and the three of the blue team chased after him.

Mu Xiaoqing was startled, she turned her head and wanted to drag Ren Shuai to continue running, but she realized that she was in a panic and ran into a dead end.

"and many more."

Ren Shuai turned his head to look at them, and raised his hand to say something.

The blue team didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and they did it right away.

Mu Xiaoqing wanted to step forward to block it, but Ren Shuai stood there completely still, looking like he was waiting to be torn apart.

"Miss Li, be careful..."

Before Mu Xiaoqing finished speaking, Xiao Hei tore off Ren Shuai's big wing-like name tag.

"Xiaoqing, you're the only one left now, and it's not easy for us to do anything, why don't you tear it up yourself?"

Suo Tu slowly came up from behind with a polite look.

Ren Shuai didn't give him another chance to speak, and stretched out his hand to tear off the name tag with Suo Tu's back facing him.



Suo Tu turned around in surprise and saw that Ren Shuai was holding his name tag.

"Mr. Li, do you understand the rules? You are already offline, so you can't tear others apart!"

Suo Tu looked defeated by him, and showed a helpless smile of caring for the old man.

Ren Shuai let out a long "Oh", looked at him with caring eyes and smiled, "I understand."

As soon as he finished speaking, the director team caught up panting and waved: "Pause, pause for a while."

The staff came over, took a normal-sized name tag and put it on Ren Shuai, and couldn't stop apologizing: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I didn't have time to restore you to the normal size on time."

Ren Shuai's name tag has a 5-minute time limit, which is the same as that of Xiao Hei. Therefore, when Xiao Hei ends his body, the effect of Ren Shuai's name tag will also end.

Hearing this, Xiao Hei narrowed his eyes and said, "Then what I just tore off doesn't count?"

The staff member nodded and said, "Yes, it doesn't count if I didn't change the nameplate in time."

At this moment, Suo Tu suddenly realized something, and said in surprise: "Then I was torn just now...does it count?"

The staff member nodded and said, "Forget it."

Ah this!

Suo Tu stared at Ren Shuai with wide eyes, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

But Xiao Hei said angrily: "That's not counting. You didn't change the name tag for Mr. Li at that time, so we were careless. Besides, Mr. Li should at least remind us?"

Ren Shuai was very helpless and said: "When you just rushed over, I yelled to wait. I wanted to remind you to wait for the staff to change the nameplates before continuing, but you moved too fast and didn't listen to me."

Xiao Hei was speechless for a moment.

Mu Xiaoqing cheered happily. Just now, she misunderstood that Ren Shuai was lying on the ground, so she was waiting for him here.

As expected of the one I value...senpai.

"Blue team Suotu, go offline."

Listening to the sound of the broadcast, Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun, who were sitting in the offline area, looked at each other in surprise. They never imagined that what they heard was the news that Suo Tu had been torn off.

What on earth happened?

Teacher Li and Mu Xiaoqing resisted desperately, risking their lives for one?
However, after a long time, no other broadcast was heard.

Both Cui Zixun and Qiuyun were confused.

Suo Tu is now in a state of despair, feeling that he has been completely manipulated by Ren Shuai today.

In vain, he pretended to be smart and taught Ren Shuai the rules of the game, but unexpectedly, the clown was himself.

Seeing his teammates deflated, Xiao Hei was very unconvinced.

Before Suotu left, he took a few steps forward, grabbed Suotu and said, "Brother Suo, don't retreat, just stand here and watch, even if Mr. Li takes advantage of the loophole to win a game, so what? It is impossible for him and Mu Xiaoqing to walk away from us."

Suo Tu paused when he heard that, yes, even if Ren Shuai tore him up, it wasn't based on real skills.

If you really want to show your strength, who can be Xiao Hei's opponent, besides, there is Lao Mi supporting him.

"Quick fight."

"Don't worry, the battle will end in a minute."

There is a 5-minute name tag protection mechanism in the game rules, but if there is only one player left in a certain team, the protection mechanism will be invalid.

That is to say, after Xiao Hei tore up Shuai Ren, he could directly tear up Mu Xiaoqing again.

Five minutes had passed since Ren Shuai tore up Suotu, and the blue team acted quickly, blocking Ren Shuai and Mu Xiaoqing in the corner again.

At this time, Mu Xiaoqing's brand-name invisibility and shrinking special effects are over. She was applauding Ren Shuai's wit just now, but now, she can only accept her fate.

After all, tearing up brand names is still a physical activity. No matter how smart Mr. Li is, he still can't win with just brain power.

"Go and hide behind the wooden pier."

Ren Shuai pointed to a decoration on the wall at the corner of the street, afraid that he might hurt her if he moved his hand in a while.

Although she knew it was useless, Mu Xiaoqing didn't intend to admit defeat directly, so she obediently ran over to hide.

Xiao Hei and Lao Mi of the blue team surrounded Ren Shuai in a fan shape.

There was no way for Ren Shuai to retreat, and there was a wall behind him.

"Mr. Li, don't delay the time. You should turn around and be torn off by us obediently. Wouldn't it be better to get off work early?"

"Makes sense."

Ren Shuai nodded in agreement and turned to face the wall.

Xiao Hei smiled and stretched out his hand, but suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes. Ren Shuai climbed up the wall like a gecko, then lifted his leg and kicked off the wall, flipped back in the air, and landed firmly on Xiao Hei and Lao Mi. behind.



Before the two could react, the name tag on his back was already in Ren Shuai's hands.

What am I seeing?
Suotu, who was waiting to welcome the victory, watched helplessly as Ren Shuai soared into the air, tearing his teammates down ruthlessly.

This is, man?

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(End of this chapter)

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