From janitor to actor

Chapter 394 Victory

Chapter 394 Victory
Suo Tu stared at his dry eyes, feeling that tears were flowing into his stomach.

Who is their opponent?
On the other side, Xiao Hei and Lao Mi, who felt that the name tags had been torn off, turned around in surprise and saw two familiar things in Ren Shuai's hands.

This, what happened?
Mu Xiaoqing, who was huddled in the corner of the wall, opened her small mouth slightly, and looked at Ren Shuai in amazement, her eyes full of surprise and surprise.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Li turned out to be a hidden ability user.

Now recalling Ren Shuai's previous appearance of not wanting to resist, it wasn't about surrendering at all, but the demeanor of a master.

The air was still at this moment, and even the cameraman and the director team were shocked and motionless.

The director looked at the monitor, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously, and then he let out a hearty laugh.


This time I really made a profit, this clip is out, the effect is absolutely bursting, it is a hot search and pre-order.

Different from the shocking on-site personnel, Cui Zixun and the others in the offline area were completely confused. They didn't see any movement on the radio for a long time, and their eyes were completely darkened.

But Cui Zixun and Qiuyun are still very happy, at least the battle is now two to two, even if they lose, it won't be too ugly.

Cui Zixun and Qiuyun relaxed on the sofa and drank yogurt.

This behavior made Afan's teeth itch, and he said: "You won't be complacent for long, I guess Teacher Li and Mu Xiaoqing are probably hiding, otherwise with Xiao Hei's strength, they would have torn them apart long ago. "

Not to be outdone, Cui Zixun said: "Your team Suotu has been torn up, maybe we won?"

If you lose, you don't lose. Even if you know that you are likely to lose, Cui Zixun doesn't admit it.

"You win? Haha, if you win this time, next time I will eat xiang, coriander!"

Afan was so confident that he almost talked bald.

But eating coriander is also a kind of torture for him. It is well known that he does not eat coriander, and his mouth smells of ammonia after eating it.

Just at this time, the long-lost radio sounded.

"Game over, red team, win!"

After hearing this, Afan grinned and said: "Listen, I said it will be over soon, the red team won, ha, no, I am the blue team!"

Cui Zixun and Qiuyun looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering whether their ears had heard it wrong.

"Fat, what happened?"

Qiu Yun looked at Cui Zixun in surprise. If he heard correctly, it seemed that they had won!

"Hahaha, Afan, don't forget what you said, eat coriander upside down." Cui Zixun smiled extremely happily.

Afan's expression was distorted, and his face was full of disbelief.

"No, the director must be talking about it, he made a mistake!"

He looked in disbelief, and walked out as he spoke, annoyed that he had mentioned coriander instead of sausage just now.

Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun also left the offline area and rushed to join Ren Shuai and the others.

"What happened? How did you lose? Can't three of you tear two of them apart?"

When Afan saw his teammates, he immediately questioned him.

Xiao Hei and the others were like eggplants beaten by frost, their brows drooped, and they hesitated to speak.

It was Suotu who mustered up the courage, raised his head and said, "You can watch it when it's broadcast."

He has no shame in talking about his great achievements. If it weren't for the huge notice fee, he would have left the picker and left.

Cui Zixun saw Mu Xiaoqing standing beside Ren Shuai with a full face of admiration, as if there were little stars twinkling in her eyes.

Ren Shuai still looked like he was playing soy sauce, as if he was a spectator participating in the show.

"Congratulations to the red team for winning, and thank you to the blue team for their hard work. I can only say that Mr. Li is amazing today." The director said excitedly.

Cui Zixun and Qiuyun felt that they had done nothing today, and just lay down and won.

"Why is Teacher Li super god? Could it be that the three of them were all torn apart by Teacher Li?"

Cui Zixun was full of curiosity.

Ren Shuai didn't respond, but the blue team wanted to seal Cui Zixun's mouth, don't want to put salt on their wounds.

It wasn't just the three of them. After careful calculation, the entire blue team was wiped out by Ren Shuai alone.


The director knew that he had to take the blue team's face into consideration, so without too much delay, he happily announced that the filming of the show had ended successfully.

A week later.

The popularity of Ward Building No. 88 continues to rise, and the audience's discussion is getting higher and higher. The new episode of the variety show "Run away, everyone" in conjunction with the promotion will be broadcast.

Many fans bought memberships early and waited for the new episode to go live. Apart from the inherent fans of variety shows, a large part of them came to see Mu Xiaoqing, and some were curious about Ren Shuai.

Since the role of Ren Shuai in No. 88 is too weird and terrifying, it brings a strong sense of oppression to everyone. Netizens want to relieve it by watching variety shows.

By the way, let's see what Ren Shuai himself looks like, and see if there is anything special about him.

Xiao Tian is a little girl with a big food addiction. She is not very timid, but she likes to watch horror movies. Recently, she is crazy about No. 88.

It's just that every update is at night, and she and her roommate Dou Zi have the courage to click on the watch, and she is almost scared to death by the character played by Ren Shuai.

This time, I read the publicity that the two protagonists are going to participate in the ace variety show on the platform. Her young heart needs to be comforted, and she must relax through the variety show.

The program had just been updated, and she immediately asked her roommates to click on it to watch.

"Cui Zixun is so handsome!" Xiaotian looked at Cui Zixun who appeared in a suit in a nympho.

"I think Suo Tu is handsome, mainly because of his high IQ!"

Douzi has been watching "Let's Run", and he is a long-time fan of variety shows, and he is very fond of the guests in it.

Soon, Mu Xiaoqing appeared.

Even though they are both girls, Xiaotian and Douzi have to admit that Mu Xiaoqing is pretty and very likable.

Wearing a small Lolita skirt, she looks like a princess who came out of a talking story.

"I don't know how Mr. No. 88 will perform in the variety show. Will he be very crotch? I heard that he is not young, and he still participates in this kind of competitive variety show. It seems that the actor is also very hot."

Douzi sighed.

She watched variety shows purely for looks, and she didn't care whether Ren Shuai participated or not.

Xiaotian is looking forward to it, he feels that Ren Shuai's performance in the TV series is amazing, and he should be unusual.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Shuai appeared on the stage.

Dressed in a tuxedo and a monocle, the gentle and wise Ren Shuai appeared calmly.

Xiaotian's eyes lit up immediately, and she felt that Ren Shuai's temperament was very special.

Douzi was a little surprised and said, "He looks a little handsome."

After Ren Shuai entered the arena, the game officially started, but the result of the grouping made Douzi sigh.

"This round is sure to lose. Cui Zixun and Qiu Yun have good looks, and they have never won in the game of IQ."

Xiaotian refused to accept, "Isn't there Mu Xiaoqing?"

Douzi didn't speak, and soon saw the problem-solving session, and Mu Xiaoqing and the others were completely clueless.

"I'm right, you have to rely on Suotu to solve the problem." Douzi looked like she was an old audience and knew the situation well.

Xiaotian snorted unconvinced, and muttered in a low voice: "There is also Teacher Li."

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(End of this chapter)

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