Chapter 396
Upon waking up, Ren Shuai felt as if he had missed something.

When he turned on the phone, he saw a bunch of messages and missed calls popping up on the screen. The phone ran out of battery when he was sleeping yesterday. He didn't expect so many people to contact him.

While he was still in a trance, there was a knock on the door.

"Ms. Li, are you there?"

It was Cui Shaoyu's voice.

Normally, the person who came to see Ren Shuai was his assistant Xiao Jin, but today it was his agent who came to the door in person.

Ren Shuai put on his chicken nest head, put on his slippers and went to open the door. When he saw the door, Cui Shaoyu was exquisitely dressed, with flaming red lips, as if he was about to go on stage to receive an award.

"What happened?" Ren Shuai was a little confused.

Cui Shaoyu was even more confused than him. He never expected that Ren Shuai would only get up after three hours of the day, and he was still in such a slovenly manner, really...

Kind of, cute.

This can't be blamed on Ren Shuai. He has participated in several promotional activities of "Sick Building No. 88" non-stop these days. He finally had nothing to do this morning, so he naturally slept for a while.

It's just that I didn't expect that when I woke up, I was greeted by the manager's kind greetings.

"Is there something urgent?" Ren Shuai asked.

He thought to himself that he usually kept himself safe and obeyed the law, so there shouldn't be any emergencies, but he didn't know what happened yesterday.

Cui Shaoyu took off his sunglasses, walked into the room with very thin high heels, and unexpectedly found that Ren Shuai's room was very tidy, not at all like the messy look he just woke up from.

"Well, I didn't respond to your message or phone call before, I was afraid that something might happen to you, so I came here in person." Cui Shaoyu laughed inexplicably flatteringly.

Ren Shuai was immediately alert. Her fox-like smile must have no good intentions. If she really cared about him, wouldn't it be faster to let Xiao Jin come over directly.

Besides, Cui Shaoyu's makeup is extremely exquisite today, and the makeup will take at least two hours.

"Tell the truth." Ren Shuai smiled peacefully.

Cui Shaoyu immediately failed, feeling that he was playing tricks, turned his head to look outside the door, and whispered like a child who did something wrong: "I just received an invitation to a program last night called "I'm the Best". I want to invite you to be a flying guest, I think it looks good, I want to contact you to talk about it, but I can't contact you, and then..."

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't express anything, Cui Shaoyu could only continue to confess: "Then, I made my own decision and agreed to it for you."

After listening to Ren Shuai, he was puzzled. No. 88 is a horror movie. Even if it is for publicity, it has nothing to do with "I'm the Best". Why did you ask him to be a guest?
"People are already outside the door?" Ren Shuai saw that Cui Shaoyu looked at the door frequently, obviously someone was waiting outside.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I was wrong. I didn't know that you just woke up. The program team was coming to record the pilot film, so I led the people here."

Cui Shaoyu stood in front of Ren Shuai with his head down, as if resigned.

She thought to herself, Teacher Li's work and rest has always been very regular, going to bed early and getting up early, why did she wake up so late today.

"Why so suddenly?" Ren Shuai didn't mean to blame her, but was puzzled.

Cui Shaoyu was even more puzzled than Ren Shuai, and said in astonishment, "You don't know?"

Seeing Ren Shuai's bewildered eyes, her expression gradually became brighter, and then she listed Ren Shuai's out-of-group performances in variety shows one by one, and introduced all the netizens' reactions and influence on the Internet.

All in all, Ren Shuai is on fire now.

Ren Shuai was completely confused, not knowing how to describe his mood.

He worked conscientiously in acting in movies and TV dramas, and there was little trouble. He didn't expect to participate in a variety show and show off his martial arts, and he would become popular?
Ren Shuai thought to himself, this is a bit of a waste.

If it becomes popular in film and television dramas, he can still reap a wave of recognition, but variety shows are useless.

Except to make some money.

Ren Shuai was refreshed in an instant, and the sleepiness from getting up early was swept away.

He quickly stood up, looked at Cui Shaoyu with an earnest smile, and said, "Since the film crew is here, how can you be so negligent and invite him in quickly?"

Cui Shaoyu was completely confused by Ren Shuai's operation, although, but Ren Shuai hasn't cleaned up at this time, is it really good to just record the show like this?

Ren Shuai ran into the bathroom in a hurry, and before closing the door, he poked his head and said, "Help me entertain the guests, it will take five minutes."

"Uh, um, good."

Cui Shaoyu can only sigh, Mr. Li is efficient.

She adjusted her expression, showed a commercial smile, and walked outside the house on high heels.

"Everyone, please come in."

The director of the film crew originally thought that he would have to wait for an hour, but he didn't expect that it would only take a few minutes?
One of the biggest features of their program is the surprise interview on the residences of celebrity guests before the broadcast. Although this surprise is not completely real, it at least restores the star's home life to a certain extent.

Generally speaking, the guests who receive the invitation of the show will clean up in advance, dress themselves up, and present their best state.

However, Ren Shuai's situation is quite special. He suddenly became popular yesterday because of a set of magical operations. The program team temporarily decided to invite him as a guest, leaving him a short time to prepare.

And judging from Cui Shaoyu's state, she and Ren Shuai had been out of contact for a while, and this visit was purely a surprise attack.

When the door was opened just now, the director vaguely saw Ren Shuai's chicken nest head, as if he had just woken up.

If this is going to be interviewed, it will take an hour at the fastest.

"Can it be turned on?" the director asked with some uncertainty.

Cui Shaoyu wasn't too sure, but seeing that the environment inside Ren Shuai's house was clean and there was nothing that couldn't be photographed, he nodded.

The director was very surprised, thinking that he was still an easy-going old artist, without the hypocrisy of some starlets, and said that the interview was immediately let in, and there was no need to pretend.

He immediately signaled the cameraman to get ready, and the personnel in charge of lighting and sound recording followed up simultaneously and began to shoot the furnishings in Ren Shuai's house.

While filming, the director also introduced the narration.

"We can see that Mr. Li's home is simple, clean and elegant, and the furniture is well organized. There are many books on the bookshelf here. They must be the content of Mr. Li's usual study and study. I will take everyone to take a look, Mr. What types of books do artists like to read."

Following the director's guidance, the cameraman pointed the camera at Ren Shuai's bookshelf.

"The first book is a big tome. It's thick and heavy. At first glance, it looks very, uh..."

The director gently took out the book with the original page facing out, and looked at the cover - "Five-Year Continental Examination, Three-Year Simulation".

He immediately revised the wording and said: "Ms. Li is a teacher of Meiying. He must refer to this book when writing questions. Mr. Li's acting skills are well recognized, and he must have studied a lot in acting. Let's look at other books."

As soon as the camera turned, the spine of the book was facing outward this time, but the voice of the director's explanation stopped for an instant.

"Mysterious Code Encyclopedia", "Crazy Programming Thoughts", "The Way of Programmers to Practice", "Super Programming Secrets"...

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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