Chapter 397 5 minutes

Even Cui Shaoyu, who is an agent, doesn't know that Ren Shuai still loves programming.

The director froze for a moment, looked at those strange and strange titles, and said in a flash of inspiration: "From these books, it can be seen that Mr. Li is a person who keeps pace with the times, and has a wide range of hobbies."

As he said that, the camera continued to scan the bookshelf, only to find that dozens of books behind had the same cover, with the four characters "Cycle and Beginning" written on it.

The director didn't know why, and guessed: "From the name of this book, it reveals metaphysics. It may be a book on arithmetic such as Zhouyi gossip."

When Cui Shaoyu heard this, he couldn't hold back his chuckle.

The director quickly changed the subject, feeling that he had made some kind of joke, and immediately opened the cover of the book, and saw the introduction.

"Of course, the title of the book is often confusing. Maybe it's just an idle book."

He found a step for himself, looked at the introduction in the book, and unconsciously had the urge to open it and read the text.

The director restrained himself for a while, and then said, "Let me help you take a look at what this novel is about."

Ren Shuai's "Cycle and Beginning" is a system reward, which caused phenomenal follow-up readings during the serialization period on the platform. The director couldn't stop after reading Chapter 1.

Chapter 2, Chapter 3, the more I look at it, the more I want to see it.

It wasn't until the photographer couldn't help coughing lightly that the director realized that he had lost his composure, and said with emotion: "First of all, this book is not implanted, but I found it really beautiful, no wonder even an old artist like Mr. Li , will put it on the bookshelf, and there are dozens of copies."

Reluctantly, the director put down the book and looked at it carefully. There are four copies in this set of "Cycle and Beginning", but Ren Shuai put ten sets of the same one on the bookshelf.

He was very puzzled by this, and he thought he must borrow a set from Mr. Li when he left.

At this time, the director finally remembered the topic. He had been in for a long time, but Ren Shuai himself was not seen.

He looked at Cui Shaoyu and asked, "Where is Teacher Li?"

Cui Shaoyu saw that the director was so fascinated by the book, he unconsciously thought of investing in the filming of "Cycle Over and Over again". When he was asked suddenly, he didn't realize it, and subconsciously said truthfully: "He just got up and is washing up."

The entire film crew was taken aback and looked at Cui Shaoyu in amazement.

The old artist just woke up...

So how long will they have to wait to meet people?
Based on previous guests' make-up time calculations, the fastest one took nearly half an hour. That's because the guests had bald heads and didn't need to do hairstyles.

Cui Shaoyu realized that he had slipped his tongue, but Ren Shuai never lied, and he would come out in 5 minutes.

5 minutes have passed now.


There was a soft knock on the bathroom door, and Ren Shuai pushed it open and walked out.

Cui Shaoyu was slightly startled, thinking he forgot to tell Ren Shuai that the camera was shooting.

The director turned his head expectantly, beckoning the cameraman to shoot quickly.

Look at how casual the old artist is. He dares to be on camera within 5 minutes after getting up and washing.

The director's thoughts froze at this moment.

At this time, Ren Shuai was so perfect that he couldn't pick out any flaws. If he had to say it, he was wearing pajamas, which was a little more casual.

But despite this, the dark blue pajamas with silver-gray borders seem to be integrated with Ren Shuai, and I can't wait to make people say that they are as pleasing to the eye as if they are on the body.

Cui Shaoyu's red lips parted slightly, as if he had witnessed a magic.

Ren Shuai really only went in for 5 minutes, but he felt different when he came out.

The last time I saw Ren Shuai like this was at the spring show of Fenden Ko Niqi.

But that set of makeup is the result of two hours of hard work by the makeup team.

The eyes of the director and the film crew were straightened, as if they had entered the wrong house. The person interviewed today was not a teacher or artist at all, but an idol star.

"Hi, I'm Li Laifu."

Ren Shuai shook hands with the director enthusiastically, then looked at the camera and smiled.

"Hello, hello."

The director looked at Ren Shuai in front of him, and felt that the old artist still had deep routines.

Who would believe that he just greeted the camera in this state as soon as he woke up?

He forcibly captured his mind and brought the show back on track: "Mr. Li, many contestants in our show have unique skills, and you are the same. With one hand flipping [-] degrees in the air and tearing up famous tags, it became popular all over the Internet and caused a lot of trouble." The majority of netizens are scrambling to imitate, I wonder if you usually have any practice skills?"

"Practice skills?"

Ren Shuai was taken aback. Cui Shaoyu hastily introduced the situation to him just now, but he didn't say that it had attracted so much attention. He quickly waved his hand and said, "That's just a helpless act out of desperation. Don't imitate it, it's very dangerous. .”

"A helpless move?"

The director grasped the key point at once, and asked: "Did you just subconsciously counterattack at that time?"

Before Ren Shuai could respond, the director said excitedly, "Sure enough, you are an expert. That set of movements that no one can imitate is just a random move by Teacher Li."

Ren Shuai hurriedly waved his hands modestly and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Now even the director couldn't handle it anymore. He never expected that Ren Shuai would accept all the praise he had given for the effect of the show.

"That, you, me, yes, the book."

The director was almost torn apart by the turn of Ren Shuai's words, and the first thought that popped into his mind was the book "Cycle and Beginning".

He pointed to the ten sets of "Circle and Beginning" on the bookshelf that seemed to be copied and pasted, and asked curiously: "You have so many sets of the same book, you must be collecting it because you like it very much, right?"

Ren Shuai turned his head to look, and said honestly: "Oh, it's not good to have an empty bookshelf. It just so happens that the book doesn't cost money, so I asked for dozens more to take up space."


The director has never seen such an upright guest, who admitted so generously that he doesn't like reading.

He hurriedly found a step for Ren Shuai, nodded with a smile: "Yes, everyone reads more e-books now, and there are indeed a lot less paper books. No, even such a beautiful book as "Cycle and Beginning" was given away for nothing. , I just want to borrow a set from you to have a look, if you don't mind, can you give me a set?"

"Give it away for nothing, who said that?"

Ren Shuai suddenly looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He got a kickback for the sales of this book, no, he got a share.

He would definitely be the first to disagree if it was a set of free gifts for the sake of good sales.

The director asked suspiciously, "Didn't you say that the book doesn't cost money, so you need dozens of extra copies to take up space?"

"Of course I don't need money for my own book."

Ren Shuai took it for granted.

The director was speechless.

Self-published, book?

Breaking the defense, the director instantly broke the defense.

It turns out that the old artist thinks that the bookshelves are empty is just modesty, and only he, an honest person, takes it seriously.

How can someone who can write such wonderful novels not read books.

What an empty bookshelf is just an excuse!

If he could publish a book himself, he would wish that the entire bookshelf would be filled, leaving no room for other books.

 Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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