From janitor to actor

Chapter 398 Leisure Time

Chapter 398 Leisure Time
The director felt that he had interviewed a big melon today, and Ren Shuai actually wrote his own book, and it was a very good novel.

He let go of the surprise in his heart, and said sincerely: "Can you lend me your set of books?"

Ren Shuai is not a stingy person, he took out his mobile phone, and passed a membership code to the director.

"This is a senior member of the starting line APP, use this to log in and look at it as you like."

If you want to borrow books, it's still free. It's ugly to have an empty shelf.

It's not that I can't bear to part with the set of physical books with a price tag of more than [-].

The director readily accepted and couldn't help but thank you.

While lamenting that the old artist kept pace with the times and played with his mobile phone stealthily, he used his mobile phone to receive the membership code sent by Ren Shuai.

The material for the leading film of their show is almost ready, the director pulled the staff to leave, and asked Ren Shuai curiously before leaving: "Apart from martial arts, what other unique skills do you have, which are suitable for on-the-spot demonstrations."

Every time the flying guests come to the show, they will show their unique skills.

Ren Shuai thought about his skills and props. Calligraphy and cooking skills are at best considered talents, not unique skills. The card for staying up late is quite good, but unfortunately it is not suitable for on-the-spot display, so there is only one option left.

"Does it count as a meal?"

The director looked up in surprise and saw Ren Shuai's sincere eyes, only to realize that the other party was not joking.

"Uh, okay, the program team will arrange for you to have dinner on the spot, hahaha."

After finishing speaking, the director retreated gorgeously and led people away quickly.

He has interviewed so many guests, and he has never met someone as interesting as Ren Shuai. Even so, he really can't keep up with the conversation, and if he continues to talk, his brain will run out.

After the few people left, Cui Shaoyu stayed behind, quietly scanning Ren Shuai's body, and even looked into the bathroom.

She really doubted that there was a whole top modeling team hidden in it.

Ren Shuai only went in for 5 minutes just now, why did he change so much that it was better than her two hours of makeup?

"Ms. Li, are you..."

Before Cui Shaoyu finished speaking, Ren Shuai put on a frank and lenient look and said, "That's right, I learned some makeup skills in my spare time, but not many, just a few hundred million points."

Cui Shaoyu could only marvel at Ren Shuai's talent, and then tentatively said: "Then next time, can I ask you to put on makeup?"

Ren Shuai nodded happily.

"Of course there is no problem. It just so happens that some of the drama fans in the No. 88 ward are going to hold a masquerade party. Let's join in."


Cui Shaoyu was speechless for a moment, who wants to paint that kind of makeup.

Ren Shuai swore: "After the painting, no one will recognize you."

Cui Shaoyu: ...

She didn't continue the topic and turned to work arrangements.

"Recently, your popularity is very high. Our No. 88 has received a good response. Director Ma's movie promotional video has also attracted much attention. In addition, Director Stephen's poster is about to be finished. Everything is ready. I am ready to create a movie for you. A comprehensive publicity plan."

Cui Shaoyu thought to himself, Ren Shuai has excellent acting skills and is kind and can be described as a combination of virtue and art. Such a person can only play supporting roles in various dramas all the time, which is really inferior.

After finally playing the leading role in a TV series invested by his company, he is also the villain of a horror film.

As an agent, she couldn't stand it.

Now the timing is just right, it's time to raise Ren Shuai's status as the protagonist.

"What plan?" Ren Shuai asked curiously.

Cui Shaoyu took out her mobile phone and opened a packing plan she had drawn up.

First of all, she intends to allow Ren Shuai to participate in variety shows in an all-round way to increase exposure, so that more investors can be attracted to submit good books to see if there is a suitable male number one to play.

On the other hand, letting Ren Shuai show his talents more and strive to expand his business in the live broadcast industry can also help open up the drama.

After reading the plan, Ren Shuai didn't speak, but just lowered his head slightly to think.

Seeing this, Cui Shaoyu asked, "Do you think there is anything wrong?"

According to this plan, there is a high probability that Ren Shuai will be able to rank among the first-line, and his popularity will also be greatly improved.

Although making money in this way is fast, it is unstable and cannot develop sustainably. Ren Shuai still needs to prioritize recognition.

After all, there are too many variety shows, and although the exposure has increased, it is difficult for the audience to develop a sense of trust when they watch him play a role, and it will be brought into the actor himself unconsciously, which is not conducive to character creation.

The fundamental condition for obtaining recognition is that the audience needs to recognize the character he created. Once the play is out, it is difficult to recognize it again.

Ren Shuai's most urgent need is word of mouth, not popularity.

Once word of mouth is recognized, every role he plays is easily recognized by the audience.

But if the goal is to become famous and participate in too many variety shows and live broadcasts, the audience will preconceive that he is a variety show guy, and it will be difficult to substitute for the role he plays.

Ren Shuai always believes that actors should maintain a certain sense of mystery.

He said his thoughts, and Cui Shaoyu immediately agreed, but now there is a problem, that is, whether the book in her hand is low or high.

If Ren Shuai wants to gain more recognition, he naturally needs to improve his status and play a main role, so that he can be remembered by the audience.

But in the current big productions, the people who invite Ren Shuai are supporting roles, and there are not many scenes, and the people who invite him to play the main role are some pheasant teams, so it is not certain whether the film will be broadcast after the filming.

"Although your popularity has increased now, many big crews still hold a wait-and-see attitude, and there is no suitable script for the time being." Cui Shaoyu sighed slightly.

Ren Shuai didn't care when he heard the words, he already had an idea in his mind.

"I have been paying attention to the development of stage plays recently. Now there are many people watching plays offline, and there are great investment prospects."

In order to improve word of mouth, it is natural to take the route of transformation from drama to screen.

Although he didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry in his previous life, he also knew that many actors with good reputation came from the drama stage.

Since there is no suitable script for the time being, it is better to join the offline stage and accumulate word of mouth before accumulating.

"stage show?"

Cui Shaoyu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. Stage plays are different from dramas. They not only require performance and dialogue, but also excellent body expression and singing voice. In addition, it is a live performance, so the requirements for actors are very high.

She thought about it, and although she didn't know if Ren Shuai could sing, there was no problem with his performance and body, and it would be fine if he was exposed to stage plays.

It's just that the current stage plays don't have any outstanding scripts, and even if there are, they are classic plays of some professional troupes, with no new ideas or bright spots at all.

Besides, the actors of those professional troupes are very fixed, and it is impossible to invite Ren Shuai to play.

Seeing that Cui Shaoyu was frowning, Ren Shuai smiled and said, "In my free time recently, I wrote a stage play, how about sending it to you?"

Cui Shaoyu looked up in surprise, thinking that Mr. Li had too much free time or was too efficient, why could he write a stage play while learning makeup?

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(End of this chapter)

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