From janitor to actor

Chapter 399 Advertisement from the Sky

Chapter 399 Advertisement from the Sky
Ren Shuai sent Cui Shaoyu the stage play "Dog" that was rewarded for the previous achievement task.

The scripts rewarded by the system not only include the plot and dialogue, but also involve professional arrangements such as music, modeling, stage design, lighting, etc. It can be said to be a comprehensive design.

The reason why stage plays are difficult to succeed is because there are too many factors involved, and every step must be perfect to be considered a success, and these conditions are quite harsh.

It's not that everyone doesn't like to watch stage plays, and it's not that no one wants to do it. The main reason is that it's difficult.

too difficult.

With this worry in mind, Cui Shaoyu flipped through the script Ren Shuai gave him.

The more I looked, the more shocked.

This script has no details, everything is clearly arranged, the key is that the plot is also fascinating, with many climaxes and thought-provoking.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing."

She looked up at Ren Shuai in surprise, she really didn't know how much skill he still had hidden, probably, only the tip of the iceberg of this treasure was dug out now.

Cui Shaoyu was amazed in his heart, his eyes naturally had a different kind of light, Ren Shuai was a little uncomfortable being watched, coughed lightly and said: "Although the script is already there, but if you want to present it, you have to find a professional troupe to cooperate .”

"Don't worry about this. I have the script in hand. Don't worry about those troupes who don't want it. I'll contact the professionals right now."

Cui Shaoyu has always been vigorous and resolute, and has a strong ability to act. Holding the script given by Ren Shuai in his hand, he has already drawn a blueprint in his heart.

This stage play definitely has the qualifications for a big hit.

Ren Shuai quickly said, "My road show promotion this afternoon..."

Cui Shaoyu paused when she heard that, and clapped her palms. She recently arranged a lot of road shows for Ren Shuai, on the one hand to promote No. 88, and on the other hand, to increase Ren Shuai's popularity.

But now she has changed her mind. These roadshows are all arranged by the company itself. It doesn't matter if there are more actors or less actors. Since Ren Shuai can create such a huge value in his spare time, then he should arrange less work for Ren Shuai in the future.

Strive to create more powerful works.

"You've worked hard recently, so let's take a day off this afternoon, and you don't need to go to the road show."

After speaking, she walked away with a smile on her face.

Ren Shuai raised his eyebrows slightly, he just wanted to ask about the time of the road show, why didn't he have work yet?

The notice fee...

After a while, Cui Shaoyu suddenly left and returned.

She walked to the door and said, "Just now the director of "I'm the Best" suddenly contacted and said that there is an advertisement in the program to be recorded in the afternoon. The advertisement party heard that you are a guest, so they insisted on letting you record."

Ren Shuai was slightly taken aback, wondering if he could temporarily add actors for commercials?
Cui Shaoyu was a little confused: "The advertiser is a dairy company that focuses on high-calcium milk for middle-aged and elderly people. It offered to increase the price by 30%. Although the salary is good, you should have a holiday in the afternoon."

"lets go."


Cui Shaoyu didn't expect Ren Shuai to be more aggressive than her, maybe it was for the advertising fee...

No, no, no, it must have been moved by the sincerity of the advertiser.

How could it be possible for Mr. Li to bow down for a mere advertising fee.

Ren Shuai gleefully boarded the car heading to the program group. If every advertiser took the initiative, life would definitely be 30% better than it is now.

The shooting site was set up in the program shed, with green cloth and some grassland decorations, creating a fresh and natural feeling.

This kind of in-program advertisement is not as detailed as professional advertisements, but only slightly more refined than oral broadcasts.

Moreover, the production time is short and the requirements are not too high. Basically, it can be done in half a day.

As soon as Ren Shuai arrived, he rushed to the dressing room. Time was running out, and the director said that the guest who shot the commercial with him was already ready.

This guest is Hu Manli. She is a dancer and has won many awards at Intercontinental. She is known as the Queen of Dance.

Later, she transformed into an actor, and she was the queen actress of those major directors of literary films. With her cool appearance and temperament, she was nominated for many film awards.

The advertiser hired her to shoot an ad to promote a skim slimming milk.

But this kind of milk is only a small category. Now that I heard that Ren Shuai is coming, I immediately added the big category of middle-aged and elderly high-calcium milk.

When Hu Manli heard that the content of the advertisement was going to be changed, and the sponsor temporarily added an actor to participate in the shooting, she was slightly displeased.

She was born as a dancer with a rigorous style of work, and she doesn't like changing orders from day to day.

"If this kind of thing is put on a stage play, it is a performance accident." She complained to her assistant in a low voice.

"Grandma, you have been an actor across borders for three years. This kind of situation should be commonplace by now. The money owner's father will do whatever he wants. Let's just use the money to do things." The assistant comforted.

Hu Manli has never been used to being an actor. In the past, as the first sister in the troupe, she never said anything different, and her opinion must be considered in any arrangement.

Although she is now an actress, she still has her own arrogance. She does not accept many business endorsements if she is not satisfied, and never considers the company's opinions.

But her personality is also what fans like, and it brings great commercial value, so the company tries to rely on her as much as possible.

"I don't know which guest it is, but it came so suddenly." Hu Manli was a little curious.

The assistant heard some rumors from the staff.

"It seems to be the flying guest of the new episode. The protagonist of the famous brand tearing video that has been very popular these two days, I heard it is an old man."


Hu Manli was a little surprised. The guests invited by the program group are always athletes or magicians with unique skills. Why did they invite an old man this time.

What will be the effect of shooting commercials with such a guest partner?
Hu Manli was a little worried, and also a little bit conflicted. She had always taken the cold route, and the commercials were shot with a strong sense of distance. Shooting commercials with the uncle would inevitably remind her of the scene where her granddaughter went home to see her grandfather.

This kind of advertisement is not suitable for her at all.

If the persona is skewed because of an advertisement, she would rather not earn the money.

"Contact my agent for me. I'm afraid this ad is not suitable for me. Just say that I'm not feeling well and reject it." Hu Manli thought for a while and said.

The assistant immediately panicked after hearing this. She understood Hu Manli's character and knew that there was no room for change when she said this.

Just when she was about to persuade her, the director knocked on the door.

"Manli, Teacher Li has put on makeup, let's get ready to shoot."

"Ah, um, good."

The assistant thought about it for a long time, but decided to help Hu Manli agree first.

"I always say push..."

As soon as Hu Manli opened her mouth, the assistant quickly begged: "Auntie, I beg you. You should at least go through the scene first. If you say you don't feel well then, I have a step down so I can help you explain to your manager."

"Oh, for your sake."

Hu Manli walked out of the lounge with some reluctance, and bumped into someone when she went out.

 Ask for a recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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