From janitor to actor

Chapter 400 Not Working Overtime

Chapter 400 Not Working Overtime

As soon as Ren Shuai came out of the dressing room, he felt a scented figure fall into his arms, and he was stunned on the spot.

Hu Manli found that her vision blurred and she ran into someone's arms in an instant. She immediately raised her head to see who dared to take advantage of her without looking at the road.

Ren Shuai just lowered his head, and the two looked at each other.

This man is a bit pleasing to the eye.

The moment Hu Manli looked up and saw Ren Shuai, this thought flashed through her mind for the first time.

Whether it's figure, temperament, or appearance, it all depends on her aesthetic point.

At this time, Ren Shuai was dressed in the attire of a herdsman, with some plateau red painted on his face, adding a touch of wild charm.

"I'm sorry." Ren Shuai said, his voice full of magnetism.

Hu Manli immediately lowered her head, realizing that she lost her composure and stared at the other party for too long.

"That, it's okay, I didn't pay attention." She took a step back in a little panic.

The lounge was originally adjacent to the dressing room, and the two pushed the door out at the same time, and walked in opposite directions, so they bumped into each other.

"You are, Teacher Hu Manli." Ren Shuai greeted with a smile.

When he was putting on makeup just now, he heard from the makeup artist sister that the famous dancer Hu Manli was his partner in the commercial this time.

"Well, it's me, are you?"

Hu Manli was a little puzzled, she had never seen Ren Shuai before, and guessed from his appearance that he was a herdsman contestant who came to participate in the rehearsal of "Talent".

Ren Shuaigang introduced himself, and the director saw the two from a distance, so he trotted over and said, "Mr. Li, you and Mr. Hu are ready, then let's start shooting quickly."

Hu Manli's first reaction was to discuss with the director and refuse to shoot on the grounds that she was uncomfortable, but then she realized something was wrong.

What did the director call him... Teacher Li?

He is the old man who wants to shoot commercials with his partner?
Hu Manli suddenly turned to look at her assistant, the news is too distorted!

Ren Shuai has nothing to do with the word old man, or she has not been in contact with society for too long, and now the old man has evolved into this.

Standing by the side, the assistant's eyes widened when he heard the director address Ren Shuai, thinking that his news was out of line.

Ren Shuai responded with a smile: "Okay, let's go."

Hu Manli immediately put away her resignation thoughts when she heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Let's go."

After all, the few people walked towards the shooting location.

The assistant looked at Hu Manli, who was closely following Ren Shuai, and said, "Woman."

In fact, Hu Manli is not a nympho at all, and she is a bit cold, but Ren Shuai gave her a perfect first impression, and she couldn't help but look forward to the cooperation.

It was the first time for Ren Shuai to wear ethnic minority costumes, and his overall temperament was different from usual. In addition, he substituted himself into the role intentionally or unintentionally, which made it easy for people to believe that he was really a herdsman living on the prairie.

Seeing that the actors are in place, the director begins to arrange the roles and the plot.

The most important thing about advertising is not logic, but memory points, so the plot arrangement will not be as logical as TV dramas, but more exaggerated and brainwashed.

Since the advertiser temporarily added actors, the script had to be modified to a certain extent, and the two actors did not know the specific plot yet.

The director began to quickly introduce the plot and commercials.

After drinking the high-calcium milk, the herdsman played by Ren Shuai has to make a handsome horse-mounting action and ride a prop horse to reflect the flexibility and strength of the body and highlight the high-calcium characteristics of middle-aged and elderly dairy products.

The tourist played by Hu Manli was stuck in a tree hole. Ren Shuai dismounted and handed her a bottle of skimmed slimming milk. Hu Manli got out of the tree hole after drinking it, highlighting the slimming effect of skim milk.

After Ren Shuai listened to the script, he put his hands on his forehead. This advertisement is really a bit nonsensical.

High-calcium milk is not a powerful pill. After drinking it, you can still be as light as a swallow. Slimming milk is not a diet pill. After drinking it, you can lose weight immediately.

It's just too speechless.

Ren Shuai felt that if he saw this kind of advertisement, he would call him a liar and never buy this brand of milk again.

But he is the patron's father, and the price has been increased by 30%, what can he say.

When Ren Shuai was silent, Hu Manli spoke.

"What is this idea, isn't it a lie?"

She has always been outspoken, but her emotional intelligence is not enough, so she can say what she has.

The director was so choked that he didn't know how to answer. Ren Shuai smiled and said softly, "It's not enough to deceive people. It should be artistic exaggeration, but it's really exaggerated."

The director sighed, and said helplessly: "The father of the gold master asked that the audience must remember it, and it must reflect the characteristics of the two types of milk. The screenwriters also worked overtime to come up with this draft. Let's try it out first. "

Hu Manli immediately objected when she heard the words: "No, I have to be responsible to the audience when I shoot commercials. If someone really believes in this exaggerated effect and drinks milk as a diet tea and finds it doesn't work, they will definitely come to question me."

The director has heard about Hu Manli's character for a long time, and he really said that if he doesn't do it, he won't do it. If he offends her, he can't continue the work.

Ren Shuai was surprised, he didn't expect Hu Manli to be so stubborn.

Originally, the whole afternoon was very tense. If this stalemate persists, it may be difficult to complete the task smoothly.

In case of overtime work, wouldn't the 30% increase in advertising costs become overtime pay?

[Ding, trigger the achievement task: shoot commercials without working overtime (0/3)]

[Task introduction: The scheduled time cannot be extended. Complete the commercial shooting within the original scheduled time, reward 1 achievement point, complete the achievement task, and reward an exclusive gift box]

Ren Shuai was taken aback, and actually triggered the long-lost achievement task, which is a very generous reward.

He immediately cheered up, but today's original shooting time was only 2 hours, so he had to hurry up.

Seeing the stalemate between the director and Hu Manli, Ren Shuai took the initiative to break the deadlock and said, "Director, what Manli said makes sense, why don't we adjust the shooting content?"

When Hu Manli heard the words, she immediately smiled, thinking that this teacher Li is not only good at her aesthetic point, but also her style of speaking and doing things is very suitable for her.

The director was very distressed. He didn't know that the advertising plan was not effective, but the time was tight. It was already the limit of the advertising screenwriter to submit such a script in a short time.

"It's definitely too late to change the script now."

Compared to changing the script, the director felt that it was more practical for Hu Manli to compromise.

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "Isn't the advertiser's need to let the audience remember their products? It's that simple."


The way the director looked at Ren Shuai suddenly changed. He had a bit of respect for him as an old actor, but when he heard him say this, he immediately felt a sense of anger as an outsider guiding an insider.

A successful advertisement has never shown that it looks so simple, don't think that a ten-second advertisement contains less gold than a TV series.

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(End of this chapter)

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