From janitor to actor

Chapter 401 Classic Advertising

Chapter 401 Classic Advertising
The director is trying to control his emotions so that he doesn't get angry and curse on the spot.

"Listen to you, is there a better design?"

Despite his efforts to suppress his anger, the director's tone was harsh.

Ren Shuai nodded slightly. He may not be sure about other scripts, but he has seen a lot of commercials, especially those classic brainwashing commercials, which are almost familiar.

Advertisements in this world are basically designed around products, and few of them target the human memory curve.

But the successful experience in his previous life told Ren Shuai that if he wanted to be remembered, he had to listen more and read more.

First of all, the advertising words should be catchy, and secondly, the content should be repeated repeatedly. In short, it is a repeater.

The director suddenly laughed angrily. He didn't expect that Ren Shuai would dare to nod in response. How much did he look down on the screenwriter of their advertising department?

"Then tell me, how do you shoot?"

He wanted to see what tricks Ren Shuai could come up with.

"It doesn't need to be too complicated. I'll stand with Manli and repeat the advertisement three times." Ren Shuai laughed.

The director was speechless for a moment, thinking he could say something, that's it?

If such an ad would work, he would write the name upside down.

"Heh, shooting an advertisement is not as simple as it seems. Even if it's just an interstitial advertisement, it's not without its gold content."

The director tried his best to make his tone more tactful, but he still couldn't restrain the resentment in his heart.

Hu Manli was immediately unhappy when she heard the words, and stepped forward to stand in front of Ren Shuai and said, "I think the plan proposed by Mr. Li is more feasible than the original one."

Hu Manli thought that Ren Shuai was standing up for her in the first place, and even if he stood still and read the advertisement three times, it would be more reliable than misleading the audience and acting like a tree hole to escape.

Seeing that the two actors were united as one, the director didn't do anything else, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Okay, even if we shoot as you said, what about the commercials, can we edit them now?"

Ren Shuai smiled, he was right about the advertising words.

Before he came to shoot the advertisement, he already knew about this generous benefactor. Xiangzizi Group is one of the three giants in the dairy industry. It owns more than a dozen subsidiaries and involves dozens of types of dairy products. The flagship product is fresh milk.

For their company's data, Ren Shuai also checked it online, and now it comes in handy.

The most important thing in advertising is the slogan, which Ren Shuai can learn from a lot of resources.

I saw Ren Shuai pinching his fingers and calculating, still muttering something in his mouth.

The director wondered if he really couldn't make it up, and was going to pretend to be crazy and fool around.

At this time, Ren Shuai said: "Xiangzizi milk is far ahead in sales, and the boxes can circle the world three times."

The director was taken aback after listening to it, and thought that this advertisement sounded quite similar, but the data should not be talked about nonsense.

Once there is a problem with the data, it is easy to become the target of the opponent's attack, so it is easy not to express the data in the advertisement.

Just when the director was about to question, Ren Shuai continued: "The circumference of Bixing is 40088.016 kilometers, and each box of 250ml Xiangzizi milk is 10cm long. According to last year's sales statistics, a total of more than 1200 pieces were sold. Ten thousand boxes, just enough to go around Bixing three times."

After this passage was finished, the director's mouth suddenly opened wider, with a feeling of ignorance.

After hearing this, Hu Manli's eyes lit up. She was very worried that Ren Shuai would be questioned by the director.

Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai actually defeated the director with a set of combined punches.

"Well, that, as long as the data is okay, let's take a test shot."

The director's aura unconsciously weakened a little bit, but he still didn't agree with Ren Shuai's proposal in his heart.

Hu Manli immediately cooperated and said: "I'm ready, I can start shooting anytime."

The director looked at the location of the scene and said, "The two of you should stand here and read the words."

Ren Shuai and Hu Manli stood side by side, one holding high-calcium milk and the other holding slimming milk, looked at the camera with a sincere smile, and began to read words.

After reading a line three times, the director nodded and called to stop, but he was not in the mood to continue filming a few more lines.

Anyway, after the advertisement is completed, it has to be sent to the advertiser for review, and it is not his responsibility if it is called back.

This kind of advertisement must be criticized by the sponsor's father for being autistic. He will not take the blame for this, and he will definitely dump it all on Ren Shuai.

Seeing that the director was going to be perfunctory, Hu Manli was a little unhappy and said, "Is this one enough? How many more?"

The director glanced at her, and said without interest: "It doesn't have much technical content, the two of you just read very well, so there is no need to reshoot."

"Why is there no technical content? Do you think our performance is very simple?" Hu Manli asked directly.

The director found that he accidentally said what was in his heart, and quickly waved his hands and laughed: "I just said that the lines are very simple, and the acting skills of the two of you are naturally nothing to say, so there is no need to reshoot."

"I think we still need to take a few more pictures," Hu Manli said.

Ren Shuai glanced at the time, more than half an hour had passed, and he had to remove his makeup in a while. There was not enough time. If he took more pictures, the task might fail.

The director just wanted to trip them up on purpose, since they didn't want to cooperate with him, he didn't cooperate with them either.

When the time comes, the advertiser will be dissatisfied, and it has nothing to do with the director.

Ren Shuai didn't want to work overtime, besides, he just watched the replay after filming, it was very good, it was the effect he wanted to present.

"The director may have more professional considerations." Ren Shuai persuaded.

Seeing what Ren Shuai said, Hu Manli glanced at him worriedly.

The reason why she asked the director to make more shots was also for Ren Shuai's consideration. After all, Ren Shuai proposed to change the script for her sake. The effect is not good.

"I'm worried that the advertiser will have an opinion. It's safer to remake a few." Hu Manli said directly.

Ren Shuai smiled and waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, the effect of this advertisement will not be bad."

He still has confidence in classic advertisements.

The director sneered when he heard Ren Shuai brazenly say that the advertisement was effective, and didn't give Ren Shuai a chance to repent. He quickly said, "That's right, Mr. Li is right, let's call it a day today."

After speaking, he immediately greeted the staff to call it a day.

Seeing the director's behavior, Hu Manli felt aggrieved for Ren Shuai, but she was also inexplicably happy.

Ren Shuai met her for the first time today, and he was able to speak for her like this, and he also took the risk of offending the advertising party to stand up for her, so he couldn't help but move her.

At this time, the director has already contacted the advertising party.

He must explain today's situation clearly and clear his responsibilities, so as not to blame the funder's father.

"Yes, yes, today's advertising ideas are all proposed by Mr. Li, and even the words of the advertisements are written by him. I am only in charge of directing the shooting, and I am just a tool."

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(End of this chapter)

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