From janitor to actor

Chapter 403 Eating

Chapter 403 Eating
After agreeing on the dinner, Hu Manli left in a hurry.

She originally wanted to have a meal with Ren Shuai alone, but she didn't expect that the manager of the other party was so strict that she wanted to have a meal with them.

Hu Manli was a little unhappy, so she decided to take her agent with her. When the time came, the agents would chat with each other, and she and Ren Shuai would chat alone.

Soon, the program began to be recorded, and several guests entered the venue one after another.

Hu Manli was one of the main guests and always sat in the center, but the flying guests sat on the side.

Although she wanted to sit next to Ren Shuai, but adjusting her position without authorization would definitely attract others' attention, Hu Manli thought about it and gave up.

Anyway, it's not at this time to have dinner together at night.

There are three regular guests on the show. Besides Hu Manli, there is Niu Pengpeng, an actor who has transformed in the sports world, who is good at funny, and the other is Lou Peter, a singer who is good at high-pitched voice.

The two male guests guarded Hu Manli from left to right, talking and laughing and joking.

Lou Peter, who was sitting on Hu Manli's right, seemed to have a different idea of ​​her. Every time he recorded a program, he would get close and tell some jokes that he thought were funny, but Hu Manli felt boring.

From time to time, he deliberately made some physical contact, which made Hu Manli a little disgusted.

However, Lou Peter has won the favor of many female fans with his sharp-edged handsome face and sky-shattering high-pitched voice.

"A hunter shot a fox, and the hunter died. The fox said: Hahaha, I'm a reflex fox."

Hu Manli ignored Lou Peter's cold joke, turned to look at the entrance of the stage, and looked forward to Ren Shuai's arrival.

Five minutes later, the host, who received the director's signal to start recording, walked onto the stage.

"I'm very happy that everyone is reunited on the stage of "I'm the Best" again. We welcome Mr. Li Laifu, today's flying guest, with applause."

Ren Shuai walked onto the stage in casual attire, nodded and greeted the audience.

The host smiled and said: "According to the tradition of the show, every guest who comes to our stage for the first time has to show off his unique skills. I heard from the director that you are going to show and eat?"


Ren Shuai nodded seriously.

The audience below suddenly laughed, thinking that he was being serious and funny.

A smile appeared on Hu Manli's cold face, and she felt that Ren Shuai's sense of humor was a plus.

Lou Peter felt a little dissatisfied when he noticed this change. It couldn't be more funny than his jokes.

The host was stunned for a moment. When he checked the information before, the director clearly said that Ren Shuai must have been joking when he said that he had dinner, and he would definitely perform a backflip at that time. The props group even had the mats ready.

As a result, Ren Shuai said "yes", and there was no more text.

The host quickly reminded with a smile: "Besides eating, you must have other unique skills, right?"

Ren Shuai was a little puzzled. When the director asked him if he had a unique skill other than martial arts, he clearly said it was eating. Why did he have to ask again now.

He nodded and confirmed: "There is nothing else except eating."

The host panicked and almost lost his voice.

Fortunately, the director's reminder sounded in the earphones in time, and the host suddenly showed a professional smile and said: "Okay, it seems that Mr. Li's meal must be a little different from ordinary people, then we will wait and see, please take a seat."

The audience sitting under the stage and the three regular guests all began to look at each other, why did they really want to perform and eat?
Just when everyone was wondering, Ren Shuai had already taken his seat calmly, and the director quickly ordered someone to deliver the takeaway he had just ordered to Ren Shuai.

Now the director is also very helpless. When he went to Ren Shuai's house for an interview, he really thought that Ren Shuai was playing with humor, and he replied very cooperatively, saying that he would shoot and eat while recording the show.

Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai was serious.

He was caught off guard and completely unprepared.

Fortunately, he didn't have time to eat lunch, so he ordered a takeaway for himself and it just arrived, which came in handy.

The director wanted to cry without tears and ordered a takeaway for himself, thinking that Ren Shuai has some unique skills in eating. Could it be that eating without using hands, but the filming is also unsightly.

At this time, Ren Shuai looked at the two Roujiamo in front of him, opened the package happily and ate it. He knew this brand of Roujiamo tasted very good.

Bursts of fragrance wafted through the judges' seats, and Lou Peter, who was next to Shuai Ren, turned his head in surprise, thinking to himself, what is this? He didn't have time to eat before he came to record the show?

It's too outrageous to actually eat while recording.

In order to maintain his figure, he only eats five percent full every meal. How can he be so seduced by this scent.

Lou Peter was extremely upset, and smiled with eight teeth on his face: "Mr. Li, you are also the first guest in history to come to our show for dinner. It really opened my eyes."

Although there is nothing special about this statement, it is just a touch of irony.

Ren Shuai turned his head and smiled and said, "Do you want to eat too, I'll give you one."

As he spoke, he handed the other Roujiamo to the other party.

Lou Peter looked at Roujiamo, swallowed secretly, and firmly refused, "No, I'm just curious, why is your eating a unique skill? Is there anything special about it?"


Ren Shuai took a sip of iced Coke and spoke concisely.

Lou Peter didn't understand. He thought that Ren Shuai hiccupped, with a slight smile on his face, so he stopped talking to him.

After a while, Ren Shuai had already killed the second Roujiamo, and the ice soda had bottomed out.

The director's new takeaway arrived again, and he was about to take some time to enjoy his lunch when he suddenly heard Ren Shuai from the show asking, "Is there any more?"

The director was taken aback, and quickly ordered someone to send this Roujiamo to Ren Shuai, and then the word Ren Shuai just said suddenly crossed his mind.

Special food, how much?

He finally realized what Ren Shuai's unique skill was. He paused to place an order again, and called his assistant over, "Go to the Roujiamo shop and buy 10, no,, 50 copies." Roujiamo is back."

When the assistant heard this, his eyes lit up slightly and he said, "Do you want to treat everyone to dinner?"

The director was inspired when he heard the words, and immediately added an order: "Buy 100 copies, remember to ask for a receipt."

He thought to himself that there is a prop fund for the recording of the show, and the prop used by Ren Shuai to perform his unique skills is Roujiamo, and he can reimburse it, so why not go along with the flow and buy more.

At that time, Ren Shuai can't finish eating, and their program team will have benefits.

The assistant got the order, and immediately called a few more people to go with him, but he couldn't get back 100 copies.

Ren Shuai looked at the two Roujiamos that appeared in front of him again. He was very satisfied with the preparation of the program group and started to enjoy the food again.

Ever since he acquired the skill Big Stomach King, he has never used it. After all, eating costs money, so he has to save money.

When Lou Peter saw that Ren Shuai actually ate two more rougamo, he almost burst into tears. Jealousy makes people perverted.

Especially a hungry and jealous person is even more perverted.

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(End of this chapter)

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