From janitor to actor

Chapter 404 Simple?

Chapter 404 Simple?
The one who irritated Lou Peter the most was actually Hu Manli who was sitting next to him.

She always turned her head to look at Ren Shuai from time to time.

What's so interesting about a man eating? Although he eats very elegantly, the roujiamo looks delicious, making people salivate.

However, he did not allow the goddess to always look at other men.

Lou Peter decided to take the initiative, vowing to draw Hu Manli's attention back to himself.

After the players on the stage performed the trick of smashing cups with a hand of cards, Peter Lou immediately applauded and said, "It's so amazing, I can't help but itch."

When the audience heard this, several people wiped their saliva, and with difficulty turned their attention away from Ren Shuai.

I don't know what magic power Ren Shuai has in eating, it always makes people drool.

Lou Peter saw that he had attracted everyone's attention, so he stood up from his seat very gracefully, walked to the stage and said, "I once tried to break the cup when the pitch was high."

When the audience heard it, they immediately applauded and cheered, calling for him to perform live.

Peter Lou enjoyed the attention of the crowd, and he smiled after the applause fell: "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I will perform for everyone, but it may not be successful. It is very difficult to sing broken glass."

He was simply humbled, and actually confident in singing Broken Glass.

After speaking, he borrowed the glass prepared by the contestants and tapped it lightly to test the vibration frequency.


A high-pitched voice came from Lou Peter's mouth.

The cup on the opposite side gradually vibrated and began to shake at a high speed, appearing to be shaky.

The audience in the audience held their breath, waiting for the cup to shatter. However, the quality of this cup seemed to be very good. Although it was vibrating at a high speed, there was no sign of rupture.

Lou Peter's voice gradually sank, he was a little hypoxic after holding his breath for too long.

He stared at the cup a little unwillingly. Fortunately, he didn't finish his words just now, otherwise the pretense would have turned into a show.

Although the cup was not broken, everyone saw the violent shaking, which also proved Lou Peter's treble ability.

The cheers of the audience sounded from the audience.

Lou Peter let out a breath, and looked at Hu Manli, like a peacock with its tail open.

Hu Manli looked down on his behavior. At this time, there was no Lou Peter sitting in the middle, so it was easier for her to communicate with Ren Shuai.

Unknowingly, Ren Shuai killed two more Roujiamo, and was about to continue ordering at this time.

Hu Manli was a little worried and said, "Eat slowly."

She thought, if Ren Shuai ate too much, and he would not be hungry when he ate with her at night, wouldn't the meal be over soon.

Ren Shuai smiled and nodded, "I just had an appetite."

At first, Hu Manli thought that Ren Shuai said he was going to perform a dinner show because he couldn't think of a unique skill, so he did it temporarily.

But looking at Ren Shuai's state now, it is indeed different from other people's eating. There is no smoke and fire at all. Eating four Roujiamo is as easy as breathing.

This is the real unique life.

Suddenly, she was a little annoyed that Peter Lou stole Ren Shuai's attention, and she opened her mouth to help Ren Shuai attract his attention: "Ms. Li's eating skills are really amazing. It would be great if I could eat like you without gaining weight."

Lou Peter didn't expect Hu Manli to speak for Ren Shuai, a small fire in his heart ignited on the Internet, he picked up the microphone and asked: "I heard that some strange people can eat glass, Mr. Li is so good at eating, I don't know if there is any This hand is unique?"

Ren Shuai was baffled by the question, why did he have sex with the glass.

He's just a big eater, not an iron mouther, so it's hard to think about chewing glass.

However, this question is very offensive.

Sensing Lou Peter's inexplicable hostility, Ren Shuai waved his hands generously and said, "I can't eat it, it's too difficult, it's not as simple as singing broken glass."

Sing broken glass easy?
Lou Peter seemed to be stepped on his tail, and immediately asked: "Is it simple, then you can also break this glass?"

Ren Shuai shook his head.

Lou Peter saw that he had given up, and was about to show a winner's smile.

But Ren Shuai said: "It's too easy to break one song."

This is a naked tenor who looks down on himself. If he is challenged in other fields, he can bear it, but in the field he is best at, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Okay, then Mr. Li is welcome to come up and show it to everyone."

Lou Peter directly took over the job of host and began to invite Ren Shuai to perform on stage.

Hu Manli's impression of Lou Peter continued to decline. It was obvious that he was the one who provoked Ren Shuai to eat glass, and Ren Shuai said that it was easy to break a glass.

How could it be possible to make an inch now, and let Ren Shuai perform singing broken glass? It's outrageous.

Just when Hu Manli was about to speak to stop her, Ren Shuai stood up calmly and said, "As the saying goes, you can sing while you're full and hungry. It just so happens that I'm still hungry, so it shouldn't be a problem to sing high notes."

When the audience heard this, they were amazed. On the one hand, Ren Shuai ate four Roujiamos and said he was hungry. On the other hand, he dared to challenge Lou Peter's treble?

Everyone's expectations were immediately filled.

Ren Shuai stepped onto the stage and took the microphone from the host.

Hu Manli was a little surprised. She didn't expect Ren Shuai to take up the challenge. Tenor is Lou Peter's best field.

So high, maybe it's because of her?

Hu Manli's mood suddenly became complicated, she was both happy and worried, fearing that Ren Shuai would suffer.

Looking at the five cups arranged in a row, Ren Shuai knocked on each of them, probably knowing what to do.

Lou Peter sneered when he saw him pretending to knock on the cup by himself. He is a genius with a super sense of pitch, and he can judge the approximate frequency by just listening to the sound of the cup.

This kind of ability, ordinary people don't have it.

Ren Shuai really can't judge the frequency of the glass very accurately, but he can try.

He can't sing and speak, but Gao Yin is not afraid.

With the blessing of a treble card, he doesn't believe that anyone can sing him. If it weren't for the health of everyone present, he could directly sing at 180 decibels.

Ren Shuai didn't even need to open his voice, he just sang into the glass.


As if the glass had been hit suddenly, it instantly collapsed and shattered into dross.

In just one sound, Ren Shuai had already uttered treble sounds of various frequencies, directly shattering the cup with his ultra-high output.

Ren Shuai's high-pitched voice continued.

"bang bang bang bang"

The other four cups also shattered one after the other, scattering into pieces of glass shards.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then there was a mountain of applause and cheers, and the audience was filled with admiration.

What is a unique skill, this is it.

In comparison, Lou Peter's high-pitched voice, which was about to suffocate but only made the cup shake, was nothing short of child's play.

Looking at the unrecognizable glass, Lou Peter felt that his heart was hit hard, and it was broken more thoroughly than the glass.

What the hell is this tenor, siren?
 Ask for a recommendation~


(End of this chapter)

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