Hearing that there will be a game in this class, a question mark popped up in Ren Shuai's mind.

When the superior leaders come to attend the class, they are going to show them how to make the game?
Is Teacher Wen serious?

"Now each of you name a game that you recommend everyone to play together, if you don't have one, skip it." Wen Bihua said knowingly.

After hearing this, Ren Shuai immediately had more question marks. If he hadn't seen Wen Bihua's serious look, he really suspected that Wen Bihua had something to do with the school leaders, and he wasn't even prepared to teach.

Even when making games, students are asked to recommend them on the spot.

He didn't take acting lessons, but that shouldn't be the case, right?
However, no one raised any objections. Many students proposed games that they recommended, such as games with performance elements such as you gesture and I guess, reasoning notes, and swapping roles.

Most of the students reconsider or skip it, and there are only five games currently available.

However, these games are relatively simple, Wen Bihua is a little dissatisfied, originally wanted to show the openness of the classroom in front of the leader, but the current effect is not ideal.

Fortunately, she is well prepared. If the games proposed by everyone are unqualified, she can only play according to the games she prepared in advance.

Only in that way, the sense of participation that allows students to exert their subjective initiative will be lost, and the effect presented to the leaders will be greatly reduced.

Wen Bihua had no choice but to delay the attack and interrupt the students' speeches.

"Maybe the time is a bit rushed and the students are not prepared enough. Let me give you 2 minutes to discuss and brainstorm to see if you can come up with more interesting games."

Wen Bihua was also helpless, this leadership inspection came too suddenly, she didn't even have time to prepare the students in advance.

That being the case, only the trump card can be used.

Taking advantage of the gap between everyone's discussions, she walked up to Ren Shuai and whispered, "Student Li Laifu, please help me."

Ren Shuai was about to lose his mind, but was suddenly called by the teacher, and subconsciously tensed up.

"What help?"

"Shh, be quiet."

Wen Bihua lowered her voice, and continued: "The discussion will end in a while, and you can help make a game suggestion, and so on and so on."

She explained to Ren Shuai in detail an identity guessing game, which she had prepared in advance. Once the students had no good ideas, they would use this guarantee plan.

In this way, the leader will not be able to see that the game was proposed by her, nor will it affect the subsequent classroom effect.

Ren Shuai gradually understood and guessed Wen Bihua's intentions, but this game sounded like a beggar's version of Werewolf, far from logical and game-like.

He simply wanted to be a good person to the end and help Wen Bihua improve.

"Okay, I understand, don't worry." Ren Shuai nodded.

Wen Bihua was suddenly a little worried, feeling that Ren Shuai was old after all, and his memory and comprehension might not be as good as that of young people. Besides, the rules of this game were a bit cumbersome, and people who heard it for the first time might not be able to remember them.

Just now, she inexplicably thought of asking Ren Shuai to help her, but she forgot about it. She should have asked the squad leader to be her internal response.


Wen Bihua regretted it a little, but time was running out.

Two minutes passed quickly, and the discussion was over.

She could only pin her hopes on Ren Shuai, but she was very uncertain in her heart. She always felt that Ren Shuai's promise just now was too easy, which seemed to be perfunctory.

Wen Bihua asked the students to continue to put forward suggestions. Although she had a few new ideas, they were not suitable for teaching. In the end, she could only cast her eyes on Ren Shuai.

Success or failure is here.

Wen Bihua looked expectantly at Ren Shuai and asked, "Student Li, you have rich experience, do you have any good suggestions for games?"

Seeing her pointing to Ren Shuai, the students in the class turned their heads curiously. Everyone had already noticed that there was an unfamiliar face sitting in the middle.

But judging by his age, he thought he was a teacher, but he didn't expect to be a classmate.

The students in the class were instantly full of curiosity, wanting to know who he was.

At this time, Zhuang Wenting and Chai Ming also stared wide-eyed. Although Ren Shuai had explained many times, they had clearly confirmed that he was the teacher.

Ren Shuai had already made preparations, nodded and said: "I played a game before, called Werewolf Killing."

When Wen Bihua heard Ren Shuai say the words Werewolf Kill, his head was buzzing.

She had clearly explained that the game was called catching them, but Ren Shuai's words changed it.

I can't even remember the name, and I'm afraid I can't remember it.

Sure enough, Ren Shuai began to continue: "Game players are divided into werewolves, civilians..., the rules are..."

What she said was completely different from what she explained, and occasionally there were some similarities, but the rules and settings were completely different.

Wen Bihua's face turned pale, thinking that what he entrusted was not human.

However, after Ren Shuai explained the rules of the game clearly and logically, she felt something different.

At first, the students were only curious about Ren Shuai, an elderly classmate, but after hearing him explain the whole rules, they were immediately attracted by the game.

Just listening to the settings, I feel that this game called Werewolf Killing is very interesting.

Only then did Wen Bihua finally realize that the game Ren Shuai proposed was even better than what she had originally imagined.

It's her worrying.

At this time, the leaders who were observing had some doubts.

A middle-aged man with Mediterranean hair turned his head and said to another man wearing glasses: "It's too obvious what their school is looking for, so why don't we pretend to be students at such an old age?"

The person wearing glasses quickly echoed: "Yes, and it's a new game with clear logic and order, obviously it has been prepared for a long time."

Vice-principal Chu, who was always watching the movements of the superiors, was startled when he heard the conversation between the two, thinking that if he didn't explain it clearly, there would be a big misunderstanding.

He pretended to introduce casually: "Several leaders, this student Li is a typical example of our school's inspiration, and he has even been in the news."

Several leaders turned their heads when they heard the words, showing expressions of willingness to hear more.

Vice-principal Chu quickly introduced: "He used to be a concierge in our school. After retiring, he worked hard to further his studies. He was admitted to this year's acting class with a double first place in the cultural class and acting class. He also starred in many excellent film and television dramas. .

The leaders of Mediterranean Sea were surprised after hearing this, and they were extremely curious. Ren Shuai has reached the retirement age...why is his hair still so thick?

The leader wearing glasses showed a trace of doubt, and asked: "I am very curious about this student with such a legendary experience, can I ask him to chat for a while?"

Of course, Vice President Chu would not refuse. He nodded repeatedly and got up to call Ren Shuai himself.

As soon as Ren Shuai taught everyone the rules of the game, he saw Vice Principal Chu waving to him, signaling to go and chat alone.

"Old Li, the superiors are very curious about your experience and want to chat with you, you know that."

Vice President Chu gave Ren Shuai a look, and he immediately understood.

Isn't it just bragging, you can do it.

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