From janitor to actor

Chapter 411 It's About To Be Blown

Ren Shuai greeted several leaders, thinking that Vice President Chu treated him well, so he had to help him brag in front of the leaders, no, show off.

Leader Xie Ding glanced at Ren Shuai's thick hair, thought for a while and asked, "I heard you used to be the porter of the school?"

But I thought in my heart that being a leader is difficult, hard work, not as leisurely as a concierge, as can be seen from the amount of hair.

Ren Shuai nodded and said: "Our school has a strong learning atmosphere. I have been fascinated by it for many years, and I yearn for a beautiful university life. With the encouragement of Vice President Chu and other school leaders, I finally made up my mind to study hard and hope to be admitted to the Department of Acting with excellent grades." , Live up to the trust and cultivation of Vice President Chu and other leaders."

Leader Xie Ding was taken aback for a moment, thinking that no matter how you listen to this passage, it sounds like you have been prepared for a long time, so it must be a trust.

Vice-principal Chu showed joy on his face. People are really different when they are older, and everything they say is so pleasant.

A gleam of light flashed across the lens of the leader wearing glasses. He has been to many schools to inspect work, and he has used all kinds of means to face the inspections of his superiors.

He can tell at a glance who has been deliberately arranged.

He doesn't even need to distinguish overly obvious trusts like Ren Shuai.

However, he expressed his dissatisfaction with such a clumsy behavior in coping with the inspection, and decided to teach Meiying a lesson.

Let's take this nurse first.

"I heard that you are number one in cultural class?" He pushed his glasses and asked.

Ren Shuai smiled modestly and said: "Thanks to the supervision of the school leaders, I decided to work hard and live to learn."

The leader of the glasses sneered in his heart, his ears were callused when he heard this kind of cliché, it was not novel at all.

"Really, how did the school leaders urge you to study?"

One sentence from the leader of glasses is lore, and usually no one will break the casserole in this way.

Sure enough, Ren Shuai was slightly taken aback.

"It's like this. The urging of the school leaders to me is like spring wind and rain, and everything is silent. It is really not easy for you to let me sum up, but I remember a few words that Vice President Chu often said, which touched me deeply. .”

The leader of the glasses listened to Ren Shuai's words, and he couldn't believe that he used to be the porter.

"What is it, let's listen to it, and let's encourage each other."

His gaze behind the glasses revealed a look of waiting for a good show. As a leader, he has a lot of experience in motivating his subordinates. He can find chicken soup for the soul on the Internet at his fingertips. He would like to hear what Vice President Chu can say .

At this moment, Vice President Chu felt something was wrong. He sensed that there was something in the leader's words, and he asked too thoroughly.

Besides, he never encouraged Ren Shuai to take the state exam.

This cowhide won't be blown apart.

At this time, Ren Shuai said seriously: "There are roads in the mountains of books, hard work is the path, learning is boundless, and hard work is the boat. Whenever I think of this sentence, I will work harder."

The glasses leader showed a look of surprise.

Ren Shuai continued: "Vice President Chu also said that there is Yan Ruyu in the book, and there is a golden house in the book. Every time I think about it, it makes sense."

The more they thought about it, the more they felt it made sense. They didn't expect Vice Principal Chu to say such insightful words.

But let Ren Shuai speak again: "Also, I have the spirit of poetry and books in my belly, and I will become enlightened after reading thousands of volumes. That kind of state makes me yearn for it."


After Ren Shuai finished speaking, several senior leaders showed surprise expressions and turned to look at Vice President Chu in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this mediocre vice-principal could achieve such a level.

Vice-principal Chu was even more surprised than them, thinking that I could say such a level word?

"Principal Chu, you have depth, I admire you."

The glasses leader nodded appreciatively, and even quietly removed the adverb.

Leader Xie Ding also nodded and said: "There are roads in the mountains of books, hard work is the path, learning is boundless and hard work, well said, this sentence can be written as a school motto."

Vice-principal Chu was ashamed, and hurriedly said humbly that he didn't dare to do so.

But secretly gave Ren Shuai a thumbs up.

Although several superior leaders looked at Vice President Chu with admiration, their suspicions about Ren Shuai did not completely fade away.

No matter how you look at it, arranging such a special student is to show off in front of the leaders.

Maybe he had prepared these words in advance.

The leader of the glasses had a clear mind, turned his head and continued to look at Ren Shuai and asked, "I heard that you are not only very good in cultural courses, but also in professional courses. You have also participated in many well-known film and television dramas?"

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "It's just a fluke to participate in some character creations. This is inseparable from the promotion of the school as a big platform and the recommendation of Vice President Chu."

"Is that so? I've watched some recent film and television dramas, but you're a bit unfamiliar."

Although the glasses leader has a lot of work to do every day, the work content is related to the management of film and television dramas, and he knows a lot about this aspect.

If Ren Shuai talked nonsense about a few crews or characters, he would be able to hear it right away.

Ren Shuai was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "They are all little-known characters, and there are still several movies that haven't been broadcast. It's normal that you don't have an impression."

The glasses leader followed closely and asked, "I'm curious, you can tell me more about it."

"Currently, only "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", "Who Is the Real Murder", "Silent Business War" and "Number 88" are broadcast."


The leader with glasses couldn't turn his head around.

He didn't expect that the works that Ren Shuai participated in were all well-known works, but unfortunately he hadn't seen them, so he couldn't find out which role Ren Shuai played.

Shouldn't it be a group show?

At this time, Vice President Chu quickly introduced: "Student Li Laifu's role as an old fairy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the male lead in the recently hit "No. 88 Sick Building", his acting skills are well recognized."

"Male number one?"

He hadn't heard much about the role of the old god, but he was surprised that Ren Shuai actually played the leading role in "No. 88".

Ren Shuai saw that Vice Principal Chu praised him, and quickly reciprocated: "Being able to participate in these roles is inseparable from the school's training. I can have so many excellent opportunities, and I have to thank Vice Principal Chu for his recommendation."

Vice-principal Chu raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that Lao Li was almost done, and he would pass it if he played any more.

Sure enough, the glasses leader asked: "How did Principal Chu recommend it for you?"

When Ren Shuai heard this, he felt a sense in his heart.

If it was bragging before, then what I will say next is basically partly close to the truth.

"When Director Ma Chunpeng came to the school to cast a role, Vice President Chu recommended me to him, and it was only then that I was honored to participate in Director Ma's film."

Although this is not entirely true, Vice President Chu did accompany Ma Chunpeng to watch the play performed by Ren Shuai.

When the leader of the glasses heard the word Ma Chunpeng, he immediately showed surprise, and looked at Vice President Chu again.

Ma Chunpeng is a great director of Intercontinental, and he holds a very important position in the film and television industry. If Vice President Chu recommends him, he can choose Ren Shuai to participate in the film. What a face.

This Principal Chu is hiding something.

Old Chu, I am quite interested.

Ren Shuai gave him a look.

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