After Ren Shuai met Cui Shaoyu, he learned the result of the fermentation of the matter.

"Mr. Li, we are really lucky this time. Not to mention saving a lot of money, we have also received so many cooperation invitations."

Ren Shuai let out a "huh".

Cui Shaoyu continued excitedly: "What a fairy netizen, do you remember who you met when you met the group in Yuanzhou? In her feed, she said that you are very gentlemanly. I guess she must be a kind girl."

Ren Shuai shook his head and was speechless.

This immortal netizen is himself.

That post was written by him himself.

But Ren Shuai remembered that when he wrote the post, he didn't reveal his gender, so how could he judge that it was a girl.

Just because of the carousel...well, probably because of that.

Ren Shuai didn't speak again, afraid that Cui Shaoyu would notice something.

He didn't want people to know that this post was from him.

Now this effect is not in vain for his hard work last night, and the development of the matter is smoother than expected.

Originally, it was impossible for a small post to spread widely in a short period of time, but Ren Shuai had a good understanding of the rules of capturing and pushing big data, and he specifically searched for hot words in the entertainment sector. In that post, there was no Pyrotechnics inserts many keywords that can trigger push rules.

This will invisibly increase the spread of this post, but Ren Shuai didn't expect the effect to be unexpectedly good.

I didn't expect to see results so quickly.

In fact, he still has to thank one person, that is Lu Zhentian.

Due to the hype of Lu Zhentian's team, many people saw the news that Lu Zhentian was shooting Stephen's movie, which indirectly aroused many people's curiosity and enthusiasm for the great director Stephen and his new movie.

Many smart people on the Internet, after seeing Ren Shuai's post, immediately identified the director of Yuanzhou S in it, and then used a series of adjectives such as "fellow town" and "very well-known" to guess which one Lu Zhentian played a small supporting role.

Everyone has always been interested in solving puzzles, especially when they guess the answer, naturally they can't wait to share it.

As a result, many netizens who thought they had seen through this post began to automatically forward it, spread the word, and increase their conversation resources in various group chats.

Afterwards, the forwarding volume of this post increased sharply, and it was naturally noticed again by big data, which again increased the weight of the promotion.

Under such a virtuous circle, Ren Shuai's news reached an astonishing amount of communication in a short period of time.

Social engineering does not deceive me. This method of using letters such as s to refer to words such as mysterious people to attract attention has really aroused the desire of the majority of netizens to find out.

Now those companies that know that Ren Shuai is going to play an important role in Stephen's movie are rushing to cooperate with him.

And those netizens who don't know who the mysterious person is are still speculating and discussing in full swing.

It even directly put the entry "Who is the mysterious man" on the hot search list.

Ren Shuai's trumpet, comment section and private messages have long been blown up, and a bunch of people are asking who the mysterious person in the news is.

Naturally there will be no response.


Ren Shuai wrote this post without naming or revealing his surname, and he does not have to bear any legal responsibility.

Netizens are free to guess.

However, Lu Zhentian felt uncomfortable. After spending a lot of money on publicity and promotion, it turned out to be someone else's wedding dress.

At this time, Lu Zhentian's face was dark as hell.

The agent hurriedly organized a meeting, and tried every means to contact Ren Shuai's trumpet, hoping to get in touch with him.

Of course nothing will come of it.

Ren Shuai had already deleted his account and left.

Lu Zhentian also suspected that someone was playing tricks secretly, but the whole thing was very natural, and there was no trace of manipulation at all.

The most important thing is that this news is telling the truth.

This is what makes him miserable.

They didn't mention their names by name, and they didn't spread rumors to make trouble. They were telling the truth.

Let him only suffer from this dumb loss.

"Aren't you usually able to operate, why are you so passive by a small dynamic now?"

Lu Zhentian looked at the manager.

"Don't worry, the more you have to hold your breath at this time, besides, the post didn't mention the name of the person, so we can operate better, as long as we don't admit it."

"But everyone is now discussing the so-called mysterious man, and all my propaganda has gone to him!"

"Don't worry, there will be no one to discuss in a few hours."

Brokers still have great confidence in the PR team.

Lu Zhentian snorted, thinking that it's not because he paid for it.

Seeing that he was still unhappy, the manager quickly said, "At least the popularity is very high now. We have prepared your stills and will post them on the Internet in the evening. It will definitely bring the attention of the media and netizens back on track."

In the end, the brokerage team decided to use money to open the way, forcefully suppress the news, and release new news by the way to divert the public's attention.

Lu Zhentian can't help it. This trip to Yuanzhou, he didn't take advantage of the right time, place and people. He was already at a disadvantage. He didn't expect to go back to Yezhou to build momentum. He used some tricks and was destroyed by an inexplicable netizen. plan.

Now he can only spend money to eliminate disasters. Fortunately, he is very confident in the promotional photos he carefully crafted, and he will definitely capture a lot of passers-by fans.

Sure enough, the banknote ability took effect very quickly, and the news about the mysterious person on the Internet gradually decreased. The team saw that the timing was almost there, and released Lu Zhentian's refined map in due course.

Cui Shaoyu also planned to quietly let out the wind while everyone was discussing the mysterious man, revealing that Ren Shuai was the mysterious man.

But when she was ready to publish the manuscript, she found that the heat dissipated quickly, which seemed extremely abnormal.

Just at this moment, Lu Zhentian's so-called Reuters photos appeared one after another in the entertainment news.

That photo was like a magazine cover.

Cui Shaoyu immediately knew what was going on.

She bit her lip in displeasure, and said to herself: "The film king is amazing, he is too deceitful."

Turning her head to look at Ren Shuai who was negotiating with Hu Manli and others, she did not disturb.

At this time, Ren Shuai just looked up and saw that Cui Shaoyu was frowning. After discussing with Hu Manli, he walked over to Cui Shaoyu.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

Cui Shaoyu was thinking of a way to fight back, when he suddenly heard Ren Shuai's voice, he immediately raised his head and said the matter again.

"I won't let it go this time." She said angrily.

Ren Shuai didn't take it seriously, and instead asked, "What date is it today?"


Cui Shaoyu didn't understand why Ren Shuai asked this suddenly, but he still said truthfully: "February 29th."

Ren Shuai nodded and said: "It's almost time, don't worry about Lu Zhentian's affairs, just let nature take its course."

Cui Shaoyu admired Ren Shuai's demeanor, but she couldn't swallow it.

"If we don't respond, Lu Zhentian will think you are easy to bully."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Don't worry, wait for the show."

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