From janitor to actor

Chapter 423 Humble

Chapter 423 Humble
Cui Shaoyu didn't understand what Ren Shuai meant by watching a play.

But she has always had confidence in Ren Shuai.

Since he said to wait and watch the show, Cui Shaoyu had no choice but to suspend the action he was about to perform.

Just as she watched Lu Zhentian's promotion getting more and more lively, and she couldn't bear it anymore, an entertainment news instantly covered the whole network.

"Stephen sharpened his sword for ten years and created a fantasy epic system"

Similar titles directly reached the top of the entertainment board, and the hot searches directly slaughtered the list. A quarter of the hot searches on major platforms were related to it.

In terms of the ability to draw money, Lu Zhentian is eight blocks behind.

After clicking on this information, it is a promotional poster that the crew spent a lot of money to create. Whether it is Fuhuadao or post-editing, it is all top-notch.

In the full-screen poster, Ren Shuai is next to the protagonist, in a striking position in the upper right corner, wearing a white robe blowing in the wind, with a wise and calm demeanor, but his eyes are like a deep pool, with a kind of incomprehensible feeling Mystery.

Among the faces of Yuanzhou, Ren Shuai stood out.

As soon as this poster came out, all eyes were on Ren Shuai.

Many people began to ask around who the actor with Yezhou face was, and most of them subconsciously thought that he was an actor of Yezhou origin who had developed in other continents for many years.

But soon, someone found out that Ren Shuai was the actor who played the old fairy, and spontaneously began to spread the word.

In addition to netizens, those in the industry also started to ask around, wanting to know who is this actor who can play an important role in Stephen's movie.

In short, after the announcement of Stephen's new movie poster, no one paid attention to Lu Zhentian's small-scale publicity.

His press releases and tweets were drowned in the sea of ​​publicity for Stephen's new movie.

"Mr. Li, amazing." Cui Shaoyu muttered to himself.

When Ren Shuai saw the news, he just smiled and secretly praised Yuanzhou's team for being punctual.

When the poster was shot, the publicity team revealed the time plan, saying that the promotion of the poster would be completed by the end of February.

If a large team wants to advance in an orderly manner, it is natural to strictly abide by the timetable.

Today happens to be the last day of February.

Lu Zhentian was so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born.

"How did you inquire about the news? I wonder if Stephen's team is going to make an announcement today?"

"I'm sorry, the news over there is very tightly suppressed. Only the core personnel know. We calculated that the poster production and publicity plan over there couldn't be so fast. How would we know..."

The manager is also helpless, feeling that Lu Zhentian's Mercury is retrograde recently, what is he doing, what is not going well.

"Now the publicity is all in vain. The press release from the crew didn't even mention my name, making me look like a clown."

The more Lu Zhentian talked, the more angry he became, but it was Ren Shuai who did nothing and became the final winner.

"Let's just wait and see what happens." The agent said helplessly.

Lu Zhentian kept a dark face and did not speak. This time, from the poster shooting to the publicity and promotion, his studio spent a lot of money. Now not only is the effect mediocre, but he was ridiculed by the crowd because of a post by netizens, and caught up with the crew's promotion. Wei attack, it was a complete defeat.

He put this account on Ren Shuai's head.

Ren Shuai felt his nose itchy, rubbed his nose and said to Cui Shaoyu, "I'm going to Yuanzhou to shoot next week. Before I go, I have to finalize the main actors of the stage play."

"Ah, oh, yes."

Cui Shaoyu's mobile phone mailbox is almost overwhelmed, and many notifications have been turned off, but people keep contacting her.

This is the effect of Stephen's movie propaganda.

She has not been idle since just now, she has been answering and hanging up the phone.

At this time, Hu Manli also saw the promotional poster of the new movie, and Ren Shuai's eyes lit up with little stars.

"Ms. Li, I didn't expect you to participate in the film directed by Stephen. Is there any difference in working with the actor Yuanzhou?"

Ren Shuai smiled wryly and said, "The movie hasn't started shooting yet, it's just a preliminary promotion."

Hu Manli suddenly cared: "I performed in Yuanzhou when I was dancing before, and I encountered competition. I saw several intercontinental big names in the crew. They won't bully you when you go there, right?"

Ren Shuai was stunned for a moment, thinking that according to his popularity and influence, he would be the only one in the crew, but he was being bullied... Those big stars should not be so free.

"No way, by the way, I'm going to join the group next week, and I have to trouble you about the stage play, especially the choice of actors. You are an elite in the industry, and Xiao Cui doesn't know as much as you do." Ren Shuai transferred topic.

Hu Manli is often praised, but none of Ren Shuai's compliments made her happy.

"Don't worry, the script design is so wonderful, I don't need to bother at all. All the actors have to rush to the interview. I will definitely pick the best one."

Hu Manli is very optimistic about this stage play called "Dog". At first, she only agreed to have a chance to cooperate with Ren Shuai.

Later, I was completely attracted by the script. Every line in it was very meaningful. Although the script was about dogs, it was like a microcosm of human society.

And the choreography is also very professional, definitely a masterpiece.

I have been in contact with Cui Shaoyu before and discussed many details, but I forgot to ask who produced the script and choreography.

"Mr. Li, do you know which master made this stage play?"


Feeling ashamed, Ren Shuai smiled and said, "It's just a clumsy work."

Hu Manli froze for a moment, but didn't react.

What Ren Shuai this his work?
Hu Manli's eyes widened slightly. She was a little shocked at first, but then felt that it was reasonable. As an actor and experienced, Ren Shuai was able to write such a meaningful script.

"Then who is the choreographer?" Hu Manli was even more curious about this.

"I'm laughing." Ren Shuai smiled modestly.

Hu Manli's newly recovered expression was shocked again, and she didn't recover for a long time.

Obviously, Ren Shuai was the choreographer.

She was curious at the beginning, as an actor, Ren Shuai did not act in a drama but acted on the stage. Isn't he afraid that the dance will not be able to keep up?

Now she has nothing to say. Anyone who can choreograph such a dance must also be a dance master.

Hu Manli's eyes were bright, and she looked at Ren Shuai with admiration and admiration.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a master dancer, I'm sorry."

"Don't dare."

Just as Ren Shuai was about to say a few words of modesty, Cui Shaoyu came over and said, "Mr. Li, the company in charge of background music production called and asked, can electronically synthesized sounds be used instead of the piano for the ninth background music?"

Ren Shuai wondered, "Why?"

Cui Shaoyu said with a smile: "They said that the piano piece was too difficult, and no one could play it in a short period of time to achieve that effect."

Ren Shuai was a little surprised. He didn't look carefully when the system gave the reward, mainly because he couldn't understand it, but he didn't expect that there was a difficult piano piece hidden in the background music.

At this time, Hu Manli suddenly interjected: "I know a pianist, maybe she can help."

Cui Shaoyu said happily: "That's great."

"But..." Hu Manli turned to look at Ren Shuai and said, "Could it be that the background music is also yours..."

Before he finished speaking, Cui Shaoyu said for Ren Shuai: "That's right, all the design and arrangement of this whole stage play are the masterpieces of Mr. Li alone."

Hu Manli was speechless for a moment.

The person who can make such a grand masterpiece is right in front of her eyes. No wonder she felt that Ren Shuai was different from others the first time she saw him.

"Well, I made a slip of the tongue, I'm sorry Teacher Li." Hu Manli bowed her head slightly to apologize.

What gaffe?

Why do you apologize?
Ren Shuai was a little confused.

Cui Shaoyu also asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Hu Manli apologized: "Ms. Li can write such a difficult piano piece. I must be a pianist myself. I don't think I need to ask someone to help me play it."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

Cui Shaoyu looked at Ren Shuai expectantly.

Ah this...

 I was too busy for the past two days and didn't update, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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