From janitor to actor

Chapter 424 Arranged

Chapter 424 Arranged

Where does Ren Shuai know how to play the piano?

He froze for a second, and said truthfully, "I didn't..."

Before he finished speaking, Cui Shaoyu suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Ah, yes, yes, Mr. Li doesn't have time. He's going to Yuanzhou to film a movie soon. I still have to trouble Manli to find a friend for help."

Hu Manli nodded in agreement, feeling a little disappointed, she really wanted to see Ren Shuai play the piano with his own hands.

After Cui Shaoyu finished speaking, he continued: "However, I have never seen Mr. Li play the piano. I must listen to it when I have the opportunity."

Hu Manli's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she immediately answered, "You must call me when the time comes."

Just as Ren Shuai breathed a sigh of relief, when he heard the two say this again, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Actually, I have never learned the piano."

"I've heard that talented musicians are self-taught and don't need to study."

Hu Manli was full of admiration.

Ren Shuai didn't expect her to be wrong, and quickly explained: "No, I mean I don't know how to play the piano."

Unexpectedly, Cui Shaoyu covered his mouth with a smile and said, "Mr. Li is good at everything, but he is too modest. Before that, he was always quiet, writing novels and doing stage plays unconsciously."

Ren Shuai was speechless.

Hu Manli was slightly shocked when she heard the words, and asked: "Ms. Li still writes novels by herself?"

Cui Shaoyu just nodded, and before he could speak, a staff member approached him.

"Sorry to bother you, may I ask... are you Ren Shuai?"

Ren Shuai was startled suddenly, he heard right, what did this man call him?
Hu Manli felt that the other party had admitted the wrong person, but Cui Shaoyu seemed to remember something, and asked, "You mean Teacher Li's pen name, right?"

The staff member immediately nodded and said, "That's right, I really like your "Weekly and Beginning", can you sign it for me?"

Cui Shaoyu asked curiously, "How do you know that Ren Shuai belongs to Teacher Li?"

The staff member held the mobile phone and said, "Just now, the pilot film of Talent was released, and everyone knows about it."

Ren Shuai recalled that at that time, the director team of "I'm the Best" came to record the pilot film, as if talking about it again and again.

"Cycle and start? Is that the cycle that goes back and forth?" Hu Manli suddenly asked excitedly.

Ren Shuai was a little surprised. Does Hu Manli also read novels?
Cui Shaoyu quickly said: "That's right, that's the novel written by Teacher Li. Have you read it too? Our company is already preparing to make it into a TV series."

The stars in Hu Manli's eyes gradually increased. When she heard that Ren Shuai wrote novels, she was just curious. She didn't expect that the novels she wrote were repeated again and again.

That was the novel she stayed up all night chasing.

"Mr. Li, please sign for me too." Hu Manli joined in the fun.


After leaving a bunch of signatures, Ren Shuai finally escaped from the song and dance troupe venue.

Cui Shaoyu's mobile phone received another wave of email bombardment. Many talk shows invited Ren Shuai to be a guest, and several literary programs also offered olive branches.

Even the talent program group didn't expect that a leading film would arouse such a huge amount of enthusiasm.

What was even more unexpected was that the attention of the show was brought to a new level by Ren Shuai.

It has not been broadcast yet, and it has aroused the highest expectations since the broadcast. Many people want to know what kind of unique skills Ren Shuai will show in the show.

An actor who can volley and then roll, and the author of a well-known novel, how could he not attract attention.

However, Ren Shuai still appeared in the poster of Stephen's new movie today, and the hot searches on the entire entertainment board were almost occupied by Ren Shuai alone.

Cui Shaoyu was already overwhelmed with business invitations. She herself was not a very experienced agent, and she handled the work with her talent and strong learning ability.

Now that she was suddenly bombarded with dense news, she was at a loss.

Being a manager for an ordinary artist and being a manager for a well-known artist are completely different things.

Those who are not strong enough are simply not qualified for the position of a gold broker.

Although Cui Shaoyu has this qualification, he lacks experience and needs some time to adapt.

Ren Shuai didn't feel much about it, but everyone in the phone's address book sent him greetings.

However, he was busy preparing to send the luggage to Yuanzhou, so he didn't have time to reply to the message. This time, he will be there for three months, so he has to send the needed luggage to the crew first.

Apart from acting as the leading role in an online drama, he has never been in a group for more than half a month, at most a week, and this time he went to Yuanzhou for three months, and he is still the main role of a top-level crew, so he doesn't know much about it.

However, the experience value of the middle-level acting skills has increased a lot, and it seems that it is about to touch the threshold of the advanced acting skills, and the recognition is also sufficient, which can realize the freedom of skill cards.

At least to the extent that stepping out of the continent would not embarrass Yezhou.

Three days later, Ren Shuai boarded the plane to Yuanzhou full of expectations. Cui Shaoyu was too busy to go with him. Only his assistant Xiao Jin accompanied Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai is looking forward to seeing the heroine Esilina at this time, and the debt she owes should be repaid.

After a while, interest will be charged.

At this time, Cui Shaoyu was still in a state of confusion. Before that, she was also in charge of representing Su Xin's brokerage affairs, but now Ren Shuai was alone, and she was already overwhelmed.

So Cui Shaoyu could only transfer Su Xin's business to other agents first, and concentrate on Ren Shuai's business.

Ren Shuai was already in Yuanzhou at this time, and he couldn't agree to all the recent business invitations, but Cui Shaoyu still selected two good business offers.

One is an invitation to the pianist Lulu's five-continent concert tour, and the other is Fenden Konicky's fashion festival in Yuanzhou.

Ren Shuai, as one of the spokespersons of Fenden Conic Qiyezhou, signed an eight-figure gambling contract with the other party. Looking at the current trend, it is difficult to reach it.

After all, it is not so easy to increase the market value of Fenden Konici by two thousandths.

Last time was just a coincidence.

However, it is an opportunity to participate in the fashion festival in Yuanzhou this time. Although it will not have much impact on the increase in market value, it can deepen the cooperation with Fenden Konic.

Maybe the contract can be renewed next year, and the scope of endorsements may also be expanded.

As for the first invitation, it was Hu Manli who made the arrangements. The friend she introduced who could play the piano was Lulu, a well-known young pianist.

It just so happened that Lulu was going to hold a concert in Yuanzhou in a month's time. After hearing Hu Manli say that Ren Shuai was also a master of the piano, she came up with the idea of ​​inviting her.

Ever since Lulu saw the piano piece composed by Ren Shuai, she has always wanted to make friends with him, and just took the opportunity of the concert to see the demeanor of this master composer.

The so-called reciprocation, Lulu agreed to help play the background piano music of the stage play, and Cui Shaoyu naturally couldn't refuse the other party's invitation.

And in Yuanzhou, it should be no problem for Ren Shuai to spare a day to attend the concert.

She thought to herself that she would also take time to participate that day, to see Ren Shuai's hidden piano skills.

Ren Shuai sneezed loudly.

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(End of this chapter)

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