From janitor to actor

Chapter 426 Start the game

Chapter 426 Start the game

Hearing the director's final decision, Ren Shuai hurriedly hit the rails: "We have recently played a multiplayer card game that is very popular there. It can not only show acting skills but also test reasoning ability, and it can also let everyone quickly get familiar with it."

Stephen's eyes lit up after hearing this, isn't this the purpose of his team building.

"Lee, tell everyone."

Ren Shuai thought to himself that the mission was accomplished, and immediately smiled like a gentleman, and slowly introduced the rules of the game.

Without him, the werewolf will kill you.

To say that a card game can give him a chance of winning, there must be more than three rounds, and it certainly cannot be said to be a game of luck alone.

Although he is not proficient in werewolf killing, it is still easy to crush novices.

"Legends say that in the Black Forest, there lives a special creature called a werewolf. It is usually no different from a human being. When the moon is full, it will transform into..."

In order to attract everyone's interest, Ren Shuai did not explain the rules of the game in a straightforward manner. For novices, the overly complicated character settings and skills are not friendly.

Especially the actors who were meant to be playing the Won Chau card game.

People were already resistant to it, and if he talked about the rules at length, he would be interrupted before he finished speaking.

To be on the safe side, Ren Shuai used his primary writing skills to play a role, combined some of his knowledge and compiled a background story on the spot, which reasonably led to two camps, including hunters, witches, villagers and other characters living in small towns around the Black Forest.

The number of characters is completely determined according to the number of people on the scene.

Anyway, the story is all made up by Ren Shuai now, what kind of characters are there, what is the biography of the characters, and he alone has the final say.

It may be that the background setting is very in line with the preferences of Yuanzhou people, and the story immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Especially Stephen, listening to Ren Shuai's setting, he was about to think of a movie in his mind.

Along with the story, Ren Shuai also introduced the rules of the card game and the skills of each character.

Everyone listened very carefully, even the middle-aged actor who resisted at first became interested and was successfully brought into the story situation.

After listening to Ren Shuai's introduction, several people couldn't wait to start a game as soon as possible.

Naturally, it included Esilina, her crystal eyes were always fixed on Ren Shuai, and she never moved away.

"I haven't heard of such an interesting game before." Someone said with emotion.

"Let's hurry up and say something." Someone urged.

However, as the host, Stephen was distracted. He was still thinking about the story told by Ren Shuai. This story seemed to have touched his creative nerves, and he was in a state of two things.

A middle-aged actress seemed to be more familiar with Stephen, and explained aloud upon seeing this: "It seems that Director Stephen suddenly had an inspiration, let's not disturb him for now?"

The others were about to nod, but Stephen came back to his senses, ignored the others, and immediately walked a few steps to Ren Shuai and said, "Li, the setting and background of this game are really interesting, do you know who invented it?" Is it?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, this is the crystallization of the wisdom of the public after years of evolution, of course it is interesting.

But when it comes to the background story, half of it was fabricated by him on the spot.

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't answer right away, Stephen suddenly wondered, who would know who played card games and who invented this kind of game? He really couldn't answer this question.

But Stephen has already figured it out, he wants to turn this story into his next work, and he will find someone to check later, who owns the copyright of this game.

Seeing that Stephen turned around and returned to the center, Ren Shuai didn't seem to intend to ask any more questions, so he didn't hurry up to say anything.

Everyone began to enter the game mode. Since everyone was not familiar with the process, Ren Shuai was the judge for the first time, and Stephen stood aside to observe.

Although they are all newbies in the game, everyone's acting skills are extraordinary. The two camps fought evenly, and finally the civilians narrowly won.

After the second round, hosted by Stephen, Ren Shuai joined the battle.

For the sake of the task, don't say that I bully people.

After Ren Shuai got the werewolf, he started to kill and kill, and then used the language barrier as a cover to successfully disguise himself as a civilian and won the victory.

In the second round, he drew a werewolf again, but jumped straight to the witch, leaving the player who actually drew the witch card speechless, and made another move.

After a few rounds, everyone's hands became hot, and they gradually found some ways.

In particular, Ren Shuai's performance was too outstanding, and he received a lot of attention. In the first round, he was voted out without thinking. In the end, his camp ended in failure.

Ren Shuai was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect to be targeted by everyone.

But time is running out, and it takes a few 10 minutes to play each game, and it seems that there is only time left for the last game.

But Ren Shuai is still one round away from the three rounds stipulated by the system, and he doesn't want to fall short.

So he started to play the emotional card, saying that he is a foreigner from Yezhou, and it was his first time to film in Yuanzhou, so he hoped to communicate with everyone more, and hoped to give him a chance to stay for a few more rounds.

When the others heard the words, they immediately fell into the trap, lenient, and stopped paying attention to him.

However, Ren Shuai didn't know whether to call it good luck or bad luck today. In the last critical round, he drew an incompetent civilian.

All the actors present here are outstanding actors, and after a few rounds of games, everyone is an actor, so that he can't tell who is good and who is bad for a while.

He began to observe silently, and by coincidence, he found a person who observed the same as him, which was Esilina.

The eyes of the two separated instantly.

Then, with a tacit understanding, he marked the opponent as a teammate.

However, Asilina is a pure girl, and after she recognized Ren Shuai as her teammate, she began to protect him without reservation.

However, this kind of obvious clique formation can't help but make people think.

Here, apart from werewolves who can know their teammates, only the police are left.

But Esilina has always been a positive character in the first few rounds. According to the probability, she should also catch the werewolf.

The eyes of the few remaining civilians looking at the two suddenly changed, and the werewolf's eyes also started to shine. Isn't this a proper scapegoat, which must be kept and cannot be killed.

Ren Shuai was speechless for a moment. In this game, his personal strength alone is not enough. The key is that his teammates can't lead him.

If this trend continues, the two of them will be voted out by their own people sooner or later, and the werewolf will have a bigger chance of winning.

Ren Shuai is ready to launch a wave of Jedi self-rescue.

When it was Ren Shuai's turn to speak, he said stiffly, "I am a hunter. If anyone dares to vote for me, I will take him away."

Many people suddenly looked surprised, and no one thought that Ren Shuai would dare to blow himself up as a hunter.

This is a very dangerous move, because if he tells a lie, the real hunter can take him away.

(End of this chapter)

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