From janitor to actor

Chapter 427 The situation is chaos

Chapter 427 The situation is chaos

After Ren Shuai blew himself up like walking a tightrope, the scene was chaotic.

The civilians who were sure that Ren Shuai was a werewolf began to hesitate, and the werewolf was afraid of this chosen scapegoat.

In case, as Ren Shuai said, he will take away another person after he dies, no matter which side is taken away, the situation of that side will become quite passive.

In the last round, no one wanted to lose, so no one dared to bet.

Only the hunter stared at Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai quietly observed and found that the real hunter was well disguised and did not dance with him. This is a good sign.

At least his identity at this time has not been questioned, at least his life can be saved for a short time.

But there was a problem with Aselina's speech that obviously pulled Ren Shuai as a group. The good people suspected that she was randomly recruiting companions in order to conceal her identity.

The werewolf camp suspected that she was a policeman, and only the policeman could verify the player's identity.

The two parties locked their murderous intentions on Esilina at the same time.

Esilina's eyes were blank, like a ignorant deer, but her mind was not stupid, and she knew that she seemed to be in a bad situation.

She subconsciously cast her eyes on Ren Shuai for help.

Ren Shuai's mind turned sharply. Although Aselina's speech put him in a dangerous situation, it was Aselina who spoke for him before, and everyone agreed to play Werewolf.

He can't just ignore death.

But according to the order, the opportunity for Ren Shuai to speak has passed, and Aselina can only save herself.

Suddenly, Ren Shuai had an idea. He remembered that when he was playing the merry-go-round horse that day, Esilina said that he had heard a fairy tale when he was a child. Ren Shuai couldn't remember the specific plot, but he remembered that there was a witch with a pointed hat in the story.

The main reason is that Esilina even used her hand gestures for a long time to describe the shape of the hat, which was impressive.

While everyone was looking at Esilina, Ren Shuai quietly raised his hand and drew a pointed shape above his head.

Esilina's pupils trembled instantly.

It's him.

It was him.

Ren Shuai's gesticulating gesture was deliberately tilted to one side at a 45-degree angle, exactly the same as when she was gesticulating.

The carousel of the day...

The corners of Aselina's mouth suddenly burst into a bright smile.

Those who were staring at her were suddenly dazzled. This kind of smile was too foul, and it was definitely cheating in the game.

Looking at such a smile, who would have the heart to throw her to death.

Director Stephen began to uphold justice: "Ace, you are blatantly using weapons of mass destruction."

The others immediately echoed the words, this smile is too sweet, men and women, old and young, kill everyone.

Esilina came back to her senses immediately, pursed her lower lip shyly, and glanced at Ren Shuai out of the corner of her eye.

At this time, Ren Shuai was looking at his nose and heart, avoiding eye contact with Esilina, so as not to cause other people to misunderstand again.

Asilina looked away resentfully, and then obediently said: "I am not only a good person, but also have a special identity, everyone must treat me better, maybe it can save lives at a critical moment."

She fully understood Ren Shuai's meaning, and kept hinting to everyone in her words that she was a witch and had a bottle of poison and a bottle of antidote in her hand.

In this way, in terms of the situation, at least everyone will not openly cast her away.

It's just that when the night comes, I'm afraid it won't be so good, not only the werewolf will kill her, but the real witch may also give her a bottle of poison.

Ren Shuai can only help her get here, and it depends on the arrangement of fate.

After Aselina finished speaking, everyone's eyes and thoughts suddenly became confused.

Now two capable users have identified their identities, this is just the beginning, the game shouldn't be played like this.

After Aselina finished speaking, there were only the last two people left.

Following Esilina was a girl with freckles. She was completely confused by the speech of the player in front of her. The speech was completely illogical and she could only guess randomly by intuition.

It was the last person's turn to speak. He was the tall and strong young man who played the role of the centaur general in this movie. He had heard of Mr. Bodybuilder. He was full of tendon and flesh and couldn't be covered by a suit.

He stared at Esilina in front of him for a few times, and thought again and again: "I am the witch."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised.

Ren Shuai showed a smile, and had to sigh, the heroine still has a lucky attribute bonus.

If it's just Aslina dancing the witch herself, the probability of her being killed at night is as high as 9%.

However, another witch suddenly jumped out, and the situation changed immediately.

The muscular young actor said: "There is obviously something wrong with Esilina's speech, she..."

He began to make a long speech to prove that he is the real witch and Esilina is a fake.

Now everyone is completely confused. It is completely public saying that the public is right and the woman is saying that the woman is right. Anyone may be lying.

Only Ren Shuai knew that the tendon was probably real, but it was very unwise for him to jump out at this time, and there was a high probability that he would send himself away.

Sure enough, after the voting started, the scene was extremely complicated, and it was inevitable that everyone had a vote.

In the end, the tendon was voted out with a narrow margin of three votes.

Now Esilina's chances of survival doubled, at least the witch couldn't poison her to death with that bottle of poison.

Ren Shuai noticed very keenly that the three people who voted for the young man had a very werewolf temperament.

In the chaos, they seemed to be unintentional, but they followed each other to vote. The first one to take the lead was the middle-aged man with shoulder-length curly hair parted in the middle and a faintly sinister aura.

His eyes always look at others like a falcon. This kind of character with a villainous temperament is often subconsciously targeted when playing games. No, he was wronged as a werewolf twice in the first three rounds.

After some explanations, everyone became resistant to his temperament.

But this time it's true, Ren Shuai is very sure, it's not that this person showed his flaws, but those two actors who secretly followed the ticket revealed his identity.

Ren Shuai glanced over the two of them silently, but everyone was alert, and his gaze was immediately spotted by one of them.

The main reason was that the woman with the golden long straight was also paying more attention to Ren Shuai. When Ren Shuai looked over, she immediately noticed it, and then returned a gentle smile.

Ren Shuai remained calm and showed a harmless smile.

Aslina noticed that the two were looking at each other and smiling, she suddenly felt an inexplicable sourness in her heart, and her mouth immediately pouted.

"Please close your eyes when it's dark."

Stephen doesn't care about the intrigues and intrigues on the field, the game time is not much, so hurry up and advance.

Several werewolves opened their eyes one after another, and the Jin Changzhi woman took a deep look at Ren Shuai, turned her head to look at the man with a gloomy temperament, and then quietly raised her finger to herself.

The werewolf cut himself, and she quickly grasped the essence of the game.

Although Ren Shuai showed a warm smile just now, she always felt that she had been exposed. If she killed Ren Shuai tonight, given his status as a hunter, she might also be taken away, and she has no last words yet.

That being the case, it is better to commit suicide, get a good identity, and when you make your last words, you can step on a wave of Ren Shuai and take him away.

(End of this chapter)

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