Chapter 53

"Mr. Li, were you killed too?" Su Xin couldn't help asking.

Ren Shuai was silent and focused on buying equipment.

Su Xin thought that Teacher Li felt frustrated, so she didn't say anything because she lost face.

But Ren Shuai was so focused on his phone that he didn't hear Su Xin speak at all.

Zhao Li, who was also at the resurrection point, was a little embarrassed.

But Su Xin asked curiously: "Zhao Li, why are you back?"


Zhao Li raised his head and looked at Su Xin, facing the watery eyes of the other party, he really couldn't say that he was hanged up.

Ren Shuai bought all the equipment and ran to the middle of the road after he was healthy, leaving two desolate figures waiting for the countdown.

Li, how could Teacher Li leave the resurrection point?
Su Xin blinked her big eyes and said hello, then gradually turned to look at Zhao Li's cell phone.

A gray screen that also showed a countdown came into view.

"So it was you who died."

Su Xin was surprised, but he didn't expect that Zhao Li, who was known as a master, was also hanged back.

Zhao Li quickly explained: "The opponent is too strong, besides, after you are killed by them, I will be left alone, and I will be beaten by the opponent two by one."

"Aren't all masters capable of one-for-two?" Su Xin asked suspiciously.

Zhao Li coughed dryly and said, "The two bottom laners on the opposite side are also veterans. They are evenly matched and difficult to deal with."

As soon as he finished speaking, the system prompt came again from the phone.

"Three kills."

"Four kills."

Both of them lowered their heads to look at their mobile phones when they heard the sound, and found that the opposite bot lane duo had both been eliminated, and their originally suppressed pawn line also began to counterpress.

The little handsome guy watched Ren Shuai's cell phone from the sidelines all the time, his mouth could not be closed for a long time, and only shock was left in his heart.

Whether it is acting or games, Mr. Li is an absolute master!
Zhao Li, who had just boasted how powerful the other side was, was dumbfounded.

If you read correctly, it seemed, roughly, it seemed that it was Mr. Li's jungler who killed the two?

Su Xin said pleasantly: "Ms. Li is so powerful, one hit two!"

Zhao Li's face was stiff, and he said unwillingly: "Just now I have worn down a lot of HP from the opposing duo. Mr. Li's jungler is only successful in sneak attacks, and I rely on my basics."

"Really?" Su Xin was dubious.

However, Teacher Li and she are both newcomers, so they should be about the same strength, there is no reason why they are so much stronger.

Maybe what Zhao Li said made sense.

Before she could finish her thoughts, she suddenly noticed that Ren Shuai's jungler was going straight to the middle.

The opponent in the middle lane is a master. He has been suppressing his teammates and forcing them back to the resurrection point to replenish blood.

Ren Shuai approached quietly, came up with a sneak attack with the second skill, hit it instantly, and then he was lucky to trigger a 2% chance of a stun effect on the weapon.

Immediately after catching up with the last skill, Lian A, the big move was still counting down, and he couldn't keep up.

Zhao Li sighed regretfully, "It's a pity, if you keep up with the big move, the opposite side will be gone."

As soon as the words fell, Ren Shuai's assassin ran away after finishing the fight, but the opponent in the middle lane did not chase after him. Instead, he calmly judged the blood volume and decided to go home.

Zhao Li said in a low voice: "This is caused by Teacher Li's lack of experience. If you wait for the cd of the big move to be ready before opening the big move, you will definitely be able to take it away."

"Five kills."

"The group is destroyed."

Zhao Li suddenly felt a burning pain on his face.

Just as he was expressing his opinion, Ren Shuai had already circled back from the opposite wild area, waited until the CD of the ultimate move was over, and instantly dropped Dumiao in the middle of the opposite side who was about to go home.

"Ah this."

Looking at Ren Shuai's head count, he finally understood what happened.

It turned out that from the beginning, it was Mr. Li who took the first kill!

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Teacher Li is so scheming.

Little stars appeared in Su Xin's eyes, and he said in surprise, "Mr. Li, you are so good. Is it really the first time you play this game?"

After winning Pentakill, Ren Shuai was not idle, went to the wild area to steal a wave of monsters, and responded casually: "Well, it's the first time playing on a mobile phone, and I'm still a little uncomfortable."

He played it once on the computer.

Moreover, many skills and button positions in this game are different from the ones he played on Earth before, which affected his ability to display his strength. Otherwise, in this kind of pecking game, he should let the opponent out earlier.

Zhao Li curled his lips secretly, expressing his disbelief, but he was confused again when he saw Ren Shuai's old cell phone next to him.

This kind of mobile phone definitely can't afford this game, even if Teacher Li wants to play it, there is no condition.

But if he played like this for the first time, it really made Zhao Li doubt his life.

Could it be that Mr. Li is his nemesis, every time he wants to show off and show off his presence in front of Su Xin, he will be punished by the teacher for justice.

Zhao Li looked at Ren Shuai with a bit of resentment, and felt that it must be the novice halo who was at fault, it was definitely luck.

Even if the team wiped out the opponent in the early stage, but the resurrection time is not long, and the economic gap will not be widened too much, it does not mean that they will win.

Seeing the end of the countdown, he regained his energy immediately, and said to Su Xin: "Go, I'm going to be serious this time, and beat the opponent back to the Three Towers."

Su Xin looked at Ren Shuai who was wandering around, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Li, can I fight with you?"

She thought to herself that as a support, she should belong to Panacea Oil, and she would need it everywhere, besides, Mr. Li was obviously better at playing than Zhao Li, so of course he was picky when he hugged his thighs.

Zhao Li's face turned black, and he said in a low voice: "Don't make trouble, Mr. Li is also a newcomer, how can he take you, besides, he is playing the role of jungler."

As a result, Ren Shuai said indifferently after hearing this: "It's okay, I can go to the bottom lane."

For him, in this level of confrontation, it doesn't matter which role plays which position. The gap in skill level is too big, and the opponents are all at his mercy.

Su Xin smiled and said, "Okay, then Zhao Li, go to the jungle."

Zhao Li: .
Teacher Li is okay, but he is!
He doesn't know how to use the marksman role to jungle.


Teacher Li is too scary to be such a bully.

Isn't it okay if he doesn't show off...

But Ren Shuai didn't give him a chance to refuse at all, and had already led Su Xin to the next road, leaving Zhao Li standing at the resurrection point in a daze.

The teammates were puzzled when they saw Ren Shuai's character going down the road.

Later, seeing the shooter Zhao Li standing still at the resurrection point, he issued a bunch of question marks in doubt, and then typed and complained: "Where did the second idiot come from? He went offline when the situation was good. This one is obviously a sure win!"

Zhao Li saw that others misunderstood that he was offline, so he quickly controlled the character and ran to the wild area.

The teammate immediately typed again: "Why don't you stand there in a daze without logging off the assembly line, where did you come from the second fool."

The veins on Zhao Li's forehead were throbbing. It was obviously Teacher Li who insisted on going down the road, which caused him to be at a loss for a while. Why did he become a fool.

Too bad.

As a result, the teammate typed again: "Will the shooter know how to play? If you don't go to the bottom lane honestly, what are you doing in the jungle position?"

Zhao Li immediately planned to quit.

It's not like I'm going wild.

He was about to type to express his grievances, but suddenly he found a large group of people rushing out of the grass, with knives, guns, swords and halberds in their hands, and they all chopped at their heads.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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