From janitor to actor

Chapter 54 Mr. Li really didn't do it on purpose

Chapter 54 Mr. Li really didn't do it on purpose

After being wiped out by the team on the opposite side, there was a fire, and they all knew that they were killed by a jungler. They all played to the top, and when they went online, they immediately started a team. wild.

I'm not.
Before Zhao Li could finish his sentence, he turned into a ghost and flew back to the resurrection point.

He was literally on the verge of crying.

Without such a bully, if Su Xin hadn't proposed to fight with Ren Shuai first, he would have suspected that Mr. Li deliberately set him up.

Looking at the screen that turned black and white again, Zhao Li choked speechlessly.

At this time, the handsome guy leaned over curiously, and asked politely, "Brother Li, I want to see whether it's okay for the shooter to play wild?"

Zhao Li rolled his big eyes, and angrily threw the phone into the handsome boy's hand.

"Casual look."

After speaking, he got up and went to Ren Shuai and Su Xin to see if Teacher Li was really good or if a blind cat ran into a dead mouse.

At this time, Ren Shuai led Su Xin's auxiliary character, and led the line of troops to advance quickly, directly pushing down the opposite tower and heading towards the second tower.

Since Zhao Li was beaten by a group on the opposite side, there were no opponents in each lane, but the progress of the upper and middle lanes was not as fast as Ren Shuai's bottom lane, and only half of the blood was pushed away from one tower.

The main reason is that Ren Shuai has five heads in his hands, so he has a huge economic advantage, and his equipment and level are also far away from other characters.

Su Xin just manipulated the character to run with Ren Shuai, adding a shield from time to time, without even needing to replenish blood, feeling relaxed and comfortable.

Ren Shuai's character doesn't lose blood at all, and no attack can hit him at all.

It wasn't until the bottom lane duo came online that their pace of attack slowed down.

Zhao Li looked at it with his head, leaned closer to Ren Shuai and Su Xin and said, "The shooter on the other side has a long attack distance. Mr. Li, please take Xiao Su to hide away first, and let the soldiers go up and consume."

However, Ren Shuai turned his head to Su Xin and said, "Go up and sell it."

Su Xin didn't understand.

Zhao Li was completely dumbfounded.

Ask my sister to sell it?Mr. Li, you are a fermented straight man in the old altar, right?
Did he get a wife... No, that's not what he should care about. What he cares about is Su Xin's level, even if he sells it, it won't be of much use.

However, Su Xin seemed to have come to his senses, and was very obedient, so he rushed forward with a firm head.

When the other side saw this good opportunity, all natural attacks greeted her.

Ren Shuai immediately launched the three skills that had just ended on CD, the speed increased sharply, and the second attack came first, surpassing Su Xin's character, and the attack instantly enveloped the two opposite people, directly interrupting the attack of the two.

Because the skill was interrupted, the two people on the opposite side did not destroy Su Xin's blood at all.

Zhao Li's mouth gradually opened wide, and he stared straight at Ren Shuai, thinking that Mr. Li was lucky, could Su Xin be unscathed?
Senior show or coincidence?

He watched Ren Shuai's fingers slide smoothly on the screen, and gradually felt that he was naive.

The two people on the opposite side were eager to attack, let alone move, completely covered by Ren Shuai's big move.

By the time he reacted, Ren Shuai's character had already distanced himself, and ran away after the standard fight.

Before leaving, Ren Shuai said to Su Xin, "Let's go again."

Without even thinking about it, Su Xin controlled the character and ran forward.

Now she completely trusts Teacher Li, and she can do whatever she asks, anyway, she will not shed any blood in the end.

Seeing this posture, the two people on the opposite side thought that Ren Shuai was going to repeat the same trick, so they backed away in a tacit understanding and hid under their own towers.

As a result, due to this delay, Ren Shuai's soldiers had already pushed down the tower.

Ren Shuai immediately turned around and counterattacked, rushed directly under the tower and began to frantically click on the tower.

With his attack speed, the second tower with residual blood didn't hold it for a few seconds before crashing down.

When the two people on the opposite side saw that the situation was not good, they quickly retreated and fled towards the Three Pagodas.

Ren Shuai didn't catch up, turned his head to Su Xin and said, "You are here at this little soldier, I'll go to the wild area."

"Yeah." Su Xin nodded obediently.

It's so easy to follow Mr. Li to lay down the road, and it's much more interesting than being dictated by Zhao Li.

That's how games should be played.

Ren Shuai ran to the wild area to harvest wild monsters.

And Zhao Li's gaze towards Ren Shuai has changed from letting the seniors see how well the young people play games, to looking up to the seniors playing games.

It's hidden, Mr. Li, this is the highest state of playing games with a girl.

A lot of learning is ah.

At this time, the little handsome guy suddenly handed over his mobile phone and said, "Brother Li, your teammates are urging you."

Zhao Li took the phone and looked at it. The screen was full of conversations from his teammates spraying him.

"The second idiot is in a daze again, and he doesn't move when the countdown to resurrection is over."

"It doesn't make any difference if he goes up or down. It's better to just squat at the resurrection point honestly and don't make trouble."

"But he won't be able to defeat the monsters in the jungle, right? Let's clear it up a bit. Didn't you see that the assassin has already joined Luka as a jungler? Do you want to show some shame? I really want to lie down and win!"

Zhao Li held his breath, picked up his mobile phone and rushed to the wild area, he had to show his true strength, not to be despised by those rookie teammates.

However, before he could play, Ren Shuai said: "Go back to the bottom lane, the side is basically stable, and I will clear the wild monsters."

Zhao Li blinked, seeing that there were only three towers left in the next lane, he felt that it would be good to seize this opportunity to save his image in front of Su Xin.

"Okay, I'll go now."

He happily ran down the road, but Su Xin said: "Why are you here, I fight pretty well alone."

She was cleaning the little soldiers comfortably, feeling that she didn't need Zhao Li's help at all.

"I'll take you to push the three towers and end this round as soon as possible." Zhao Li said vigorously.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly found that the opposite duo came out of the tower and started to attack him.

why is it like this?

He said to Su Xin: "Retreat quickly."

And Su Xin shook his head and said, "I can rush up and attack, and you take the opportunity to sneak attack."


Before he could finish his sentence, he was blocked by the middle lane and the jungler from the jungle.

Zhao Li looked back in doubt, wondering why Mr. Li didn't stop the other party, but found that Ren Shuai had quietly gone to the other side to steal the house.

Ah this
He felt that he was betrayed again. Teacher Li really didn't do it on purpose.

The four people on the opposite side surrounded him and Su Xin, attacking back and forth, and output crazily.

Just now, the opposite road was shown by Xiu, and he was so angry that he hid under the tower and began to shake people.

After the middle lane and the jungler were in position, they directly attacked back and forth, blocking Su Xin and Zhao Li.

The two were quickly disabled, and they didn't even have a chance to call out.

Ren Shuai seized the time, moved in various positions to dodge the attack of the minions, and then quickly tapped the tower.

Seeing that the attack speed is still not enough, simply carry the tower and start connecting points.

Su Xin and Zhao Liding were killed within a few seconds. The other side hadn't found out that the house had been stolen, so they decided to team up to make a move in the middle of Ren Shuai's side.

Su Xin squatted at the resurrection point, looking at Zhao Li resentfully.

When he didn't come, he played well, but when he came, he got hurt and was wiped out.

Mr. Li is still reliable.

Zhao Ligang wanted to defend himself, when he heard the system announce loudly.


 Please recommend, please collect~


(End of this chapter)

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