Chapter 56

The film crew changed scenes faster than Wei Yan. After the director said this one was over, they quickly switched scenes, and the machine was already set up to align with the next scene.

In the lobby of the office building, Qian Manjin caught up with Zhang Jingjing, wanting to keep him.

The male second waiting outside saw his entanglement and rushed in to make a rescue.

The reason why Qian Manjin is still entangled is that Zhang Jingjing proposed to break up because she couldn't let go of face. Another point is that Zhang Jingjing is really beautiful, and he doesn't want her to run into other people's arms.

After seeing that all departments were in place, the director quickly announced the start.

After all, the male and female protagonists only have a little time to rest, so if they can take the opportunity to take more shots of other people, they will take more shots.

Fortunately, Teacher Li was there, and the director was not too worried about the progress, so he turned to Zhao Li and said, "Are you ready?"

Zhao Li thought about his embarrassing performance in the game just now, and thought that fortunately this scene was his home game, so he could finally feel proud in the scene and get back some of the face he lost just now.


He nodded with a smile.

No matter how good Mr. Li's acting skills are, he is still a buffoon in this scene, and he, Zhao Licai, is the shining positive character.

Even if you are an old drama player, you are still a supporting role, you have to obey the script, and I am the second male in this drama.

Zhao Li let out a breath of turbidity in his heart, thinking that he would finally have a chance to find a balance.

"Actors pay attention, get ready, switch on!"

The camera zoomed in on Su Xin who came out of the elevator. She looked calm and walked out briskly.

Qian Manjin, played by Ren Shuai, followed closely behind, chasing and trying to persuade him to stay: "Jingjing, don't be really angry, there is something wrong with me, can I change it?"

His tone was urgent, with a hint of oppression.

Zhang Jingjing was pulled by Qian Manjin who was chasing up from behind, and twisted her shoulders to try to break free, but Qian Manjin was stronger than her, so she could only be held firmly.

At this moment, Zhao Li, who was waiting outside the hall, saw this situation, rushed in quickly, and snatched Zhang Jingjing.



Zhao Li expressed that he was a little anxious, he didn't control his strength when pulling Suxin, and dragged her staggeringly.

Su Xin lost control of her high heels, sprained her foot, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the director quickly stopped, and the staff ran over to ask Su Xin's condition.

Ren Shuai glared at Zhao Li angrily, and stretched out his hand to pull Su Xin up.

"Are you okay?"


Su Xin shook her head, but her feet limped when she walked.

"You sprained your ankle, don't force it, it's easy to get injured again." Ren Shuai instructed.

After speaking, he supported Su Xin to sit on a small chair beside him.

Zhao Li hurriedly followed and kept apologizing: "I'm really sorry, I used too much force. Just now, Teacher Li was pulling you. I thought it took a little effort to pull you over."

Before Ren Shuai could speak, Su Xin said, "Mr. Li just pulled me with force, and I didn't use any force at all. I didn't expect you to really pull, and I didn't stand firmly on my feet."

She complained slightly to Zhao Li in her heart, how could such a gentle person as Mr. Li really pull a girl's arm so hard, even if the acting was to be realistic, she would use her strength instead of using brute force.

Zhao Lichu was there, a little at a loss, with an embarrassed expression on his face, he could only keep apologizing.

The doctor with the team quickly came to check and found that Su Xin only had a slight ankle sprain, and she will be fine after two days of rest.

But the director was very helpless. He was most afraid that even if the actors were injured during filming, not only would the actors suffer, but the filming progress would also be seriously delayed.

The culprit, Zhao Li, lowered his head, knowing that his reckless actions delayed the progress, so he could only turn his head and apologize to the director.

He really wants to cry but has no tears. It is true that when he wants to show off in front of Teacher Li, there will always be problems.

Zhao Li seriously suspected that Mr. Li's horoscope was restraining him.

The director sighed, feeling helpless. After all, Zhao Li didn't do it on purpose, so he shouldn't be too harsh.

"Forget it, let's shoot this scene after Xiao Su recovers from his injury."

Su Xin felt that she couldn't delay the progress because of herself, she looked very delicate, stood up and said: "Director, it's okay, I've applied ice, I can stand up and walk."

Ren Shuai felt that she was quite strong, so he persuaded: "If you are afraid of delaying the shooting, you can take close-up and half-length shots first, without standing."

Su Xin said aggrievedly: "Then what about this scene, Mr. Li, didn't you just make an appointment for these few days, will it be delayed?"

Ren Shuai didn't expect her to be very considerate of himself, and he appreciated it very much.

"That's fine, just shoot me and push you down, let Zhao Li carry you away."

He took advantage of the situation to change the trick.

When everyone heard it, this change was quite in line with the development of the plot, but no one dared to agree, and the director also showed embarrassment.

This is Zhou Xuan's script, and no one dares to change the plot casually, even if they change from holding hands to walking with hugs.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and a voice suddenly inserted from the periphery: "This proposal is good."

A figure walked into the set, it was Zhou Suan himself.

He walked straight towards Ren Shuai, shook hands and said hello, and then continued: "I was wondering how the relationship between Su Xin and Zhao Li could quickly heat up. This is a good hug."

The director saw that Zhou Xuan agreed in person, of course he nodded happily.

Afterwards, the plot changed to Qian Manjin seeing the second male lead appearing on the stage, his anger welled up, and while scolding Zhang Jingjing for being promiscuous, he pushed her.

Of course, Ren Shuai pushed her just to borrow a seat, and Su Xin fell down by herself.

So far, Ren Shuai's role has been successfully completed.

In the later scene where Zhao Li picked up Su Xin and left, Ren Shuai no longer needed to participate.

But I don't know if it's because Zhao Li didn't watch the almanac when he went out today. When he squatted down and picked up Zhang Jingjing, he didn't stand up and put Zhang Jingjing on the ground again.

Su Xin's expression became embarrassing.

I am obviously not fat, Zhao Li has several meanings.

Zhao Li was even more embarrassed than Su Xin. When he hugged someone to stand up just now, for some reason, he twisted his waist with a sudden effort.

The director looked at Zhao Li and sighed expressionlessly: "Let's change this scene."

Ren Shuai has successfully wrapped up, so it doesn't matter whether the scene is rescheduled or not.

Taking advantage of this moment, Su Xin limped over to congratulate him on the finale, and Cui Shaoyu, the manager who came from nowhere, hugged a large bouquet of flowers.

"Mr. Li, congratulations on your finale."

She smiled earnestly, supporting Su Xin with one hand and holding the flower in the other.

Ren Shuai took the bouquet, nodded his thanks, and then asked Su Xin to apply ice within 48 hours, and then switch to heat.

Su Xin quickly thanked her, feeling the care from Teacher Li, her heart was warm.

However, I will say goodbye to Teacher Li soon, and I feel a little reluctant. Fortunately, I heard from Cui Shaoyu that Teacher Li may sign a contract with her, and I am looking forward to the next meeting.

Ren Shuai said goodbye to the staff who warmly congratulated him on his completion.

Wei Yan also wanted to take the opportunity to exchange acting skills with him, but was called by the director to film, and felt very sorry.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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