Chapter 57
Seeing that there were no more people around Ren Shuai, Zhou Xuan smiled and walked over.

"Ms. Li, are you free? Please drink some wine."

Ren Shuai saw that Zhou Xuan was so active in asking him out, so he nodded and agreed, "Okay, let's drink tea."

He felt that it was time for him to pay attention to health preservation, but he was helpless.

Zhou Cun smiled and nodded in agreement, knowing that the old artists either liked to drink or drink tea.

The two found an elegantly decorated teahouse nearby, and sat in a small cubicle by the window.

Zhou Xuan didn't exchange too many pleasantries, and cut straight to the point: "Mr. Li, the work I just wrote has a character that suits you very well. It's a short story. If it's a movie, I'd like to make an appointment with you in advance."

Ren Shuai knew that the basic acting skills given by the system were pretty good, but actors his age were all good at acting, so he was very curious and wondered why Zhou chose him.

"Why did you choose me?" Ren Shuai asked.

Zhou Xuan replied: "That's right. My book is different from the previous urban themes. It has some elements of surrealism. One of the scenes is that the male protagonist enters a dream and finds that he is very old, but his soul is still alive." a young man."

When Ren Shuai heard this, his heart thumped, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

I'm afraid Zhou thought that he had seen through his identity and came to test him?
Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence, but such a role was asked to be played by myself.

Seeing Mr. Li's face suddenly turned ugly, Zhou thought, not knowing what he said wrong, he quickly explained: "Mr. Li, I see that you are different from other people of the same age. There is not only the precipitation of years in your eyes, but also The vigor and vitality unique to young people is very rare, and it is very suitable for the role in my book."

Ren Shuai was almost scared to death, thinking that his secret was discovered and was about to be taken away for research, but it turned out that it was because of his eyes.

A false alarm.

He let out a breath of foul air slowly, and asked curiously, "What kind of story is it, can you tell me?"

Zhou Xuan showed distress, thought for a while and said: "This is not the final draft, and the content has not been released publicly. How about I tell you the general plot and fragments?"

Of course, it cannot be said that it has not been published publicly, otherwise once it is leaked out and copied, there will be disputes over copyright.

Writers pay attention to this.

Ren Shuai expressed his understanding.

"Well, you don't need to go into too much detail, you can simply talk about it."

Zhou Xuan put down his teacup and said with a smile, "Thank you for your understanding. The story happened to a rebellious rich second generation. His pleasure in life is to spend money and have fun. However, the elders in the family hope that he can learn and make progress, so conflicts arise. He was cut off financially.

The rich second generation ran away from home and stayed at a friend's house. They idled around all day long, thinking about living a life of eating and dying. "

Ren Shuai sighed when he heard this.

Although the second generation of the rich wants to eat and wait to die, he wants to retire early and enjoy life.

But the reason is similar, it's just that when you are young, you don't want to work hard.

However, Ren Shuai now realizes that if you don’t work when you are young, you have to go to work after retirement; if you don’t work when you are young, you have to work after retirement;

It's just the difference between sooner and later.

Alas, look at Li Laifu, he couldn't be an actor when he was young, but he became one when he retired.

Ren Shuai is only thankful that he still has a system to rely on.

Zhou Xuan took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued: "Until one day, his family's business collapsed, and his parents were imprisoned for economic crimes, but he still didn't have the consciousness to shoulder the burden of the family. Borrowing money to get by, and finally becoming a street gangster collecting protection money."

"One day he fell in love with a girl. After the two got together, he thought he would change, until the girl couldn't stand him and asked to break up. He cried so much, but there was still no change."

"There is no one around to persuade him anymore, and he is sure that he will not change in his life."

Ren Shuai wondered how such a character could be the protagonist, it was so unpopular.

Seeing the change in Ren Shuai's expression, Zhou Xuan said with a satisfied smile, "Do you think this protagonist is annoying?"

Ren Shuai nodded without hesitation.

"That's right. This script is an experiment for me. I just want to write a person who is extremely disappointing. He is given the opportunity to repent again and again, but he never catches it."

Zhou Xuan introduced it excitedly.

Ren Shuai couldn't help asking curiously: "Then what is your purpose in writing this script? Did you repent because you planned to let him have a dream?"

Zhou Xuan shook his head with a smile and said: "That's not true. I just want to explore the innermost feelings of people. Is it true that only the personal experience can be profound. Sometimes the external stimulation is so strong that it is not as good as the personal experience, or it is true. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.”

"But I can't really write that the rich second generation gets old, so I can only use surreal techniques to let him experience a dream with a strong sense of reality, let him grow old, and experience the end of his life. Let's see if that changes."

Ren Shuai thought, there must be changes, such as himself.

Especially when I know that I will never go back when I am young, I will live more seriously, work harder, and know how to cherish.

Zhou Xuan refilled a cup of tea for Ren Shuai, looked at him thoughtfully, smiled and said: "In the dream, the rich second generation became an old man in his seventies, but the world has not changed, and other people are still the same. age, only he grows old overnight, no one knows him."

"At the same time, he also met his young self, another self."

When Ren Shuai heard this, he suddenly became interested.

If a person observes his own life as a third party, he really doesn't know what it feels like.

Will you be touched by seeing your decadent appearance, and will you have enough motivation to change?
Zhou Xuan didn't introduce the plot when he said this, but took a sip of tea with a smile.

He deliberately stopped here, hoping to arouse Ren Shuai's interest.

The old artists he has seen often choose roles based on personal interests.

If this role can arouse Teacher Li's interest, he should agree to play it, Zhou thought.

"When will the shooting be?" Ren Shuai asked.

Zhou Xuan was overjoyed at once. Asking Mr. Li like this proves that he has already developed an interest and intends to play the role.

It is really difficult to meet an actor like Mr. Li who is both young and young.

must be caught.

"I've started to contact familiar partners, and they also said that the project will be approved soon, and I think the filming will start within this year." Zhou Xuan said with confidence.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that he would be able to retire at the end of the year, and he would have to take annual leave for filming within the year, so he didn't know if it would be enough.

It is more reliable to ask about the salary.

(End of this chapter)

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