Chapter 58
Out of face, Ren Shuai was inconvenient to ask the salary directly, so he began to make sidelines.

"What is the scale of this film?"

Zhou thought that Mr. Li only asked a question about the shooting time, and suddenly turned to the direction of the size of the crew. Could it be that he was worried that the production was not good enough, which would affect the final presentation effect?
"According to past experience, the investment after the project is approved is at least 8000 million. Although it is not a large-scale commercial film, most of the funds are spent on production and will not spend too much on hiring actors."

After Ren Shuai heard the last sentence, his heart sank.

In other words, the actor's salary will not be too high.

He took a sip of his tea and said after deliberation: "How about you contact me after the project is approved, there are still more than two months until the end of the year, and I can't say the time."

Zhou Xuan contacted him personally to finalize him, so he was naturally dissatisfied when he heard such an ambiguous answer.

"Ms. Li, if you have any difficulties, just ask, I can help you find a solution."

Seeing his sincerity, Ren Shuai said truthfully: "I still have my job, and I'm about to retire, so it's not good to always ask for leave."

Zhou Xuan immediately replied: "As for the school, I can help you coordinate."

He always thinks that Ren Shuai is Meiying's teacher, and he must be busy with his usual schoolwork, and it is really inconvenient to ask for leave for a job like teaching.

Zhou Sui is a well-known screenwriter in the industry, if he asks for leave from school, it will be fine.

Even if Gao Dagui wanted to make things difficult for Ren Shuai, there was nothing he could do.

Ren Shuai nodded in satisfaction, and said, "However, I still have a movie to shoot at the end of the year, as long as the date doesn't hit it."

Zhou Suo didn't care and said, "It's okay, the filming period for this role is not long, two or three days should be enough, even if the time really hits, I will help you to ask for leave from the production team over there."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "That's good, but what if you don't ask for leave?"

"To tell you the truth, I still have a small network in the circle. I can get through the screenwriter circle. If not, I can ask the director directly for leave. You don't have to worry about this. I will solve any problems."

It can be said that Zhou Xuan spared no effort to finalize the role of Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai was very moved. This kind of creative spirit is worthy of admiration. Even if the salary is lower, he still has to support it.

"That's good, as long as I have this sentence, as long as the time is right, I will definitely act."

Zhou Xuan nodded happily, finally finalized an important role, and his heart was broken.

It is not easy to find young and mature actors in the entertainment industry, and it is even more difficult to find young and mature actors.

Zhou Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, took a few sips from his teacup, and since things were pretty much the same, there was no need to waste Teacher Li's time.

He got up to pay the bill, and walked down the teahouse with Ren Shuai.

"Mr. Li, you are going back to Meijing now, do you want me to drive you off?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "Don't bother, I've bought all the tickets."

The transportation expenses for the actors to join the group were already included in the contract, so he naturally didn't want to take advantage of others.

Before leaving, Zhou Suo suddenly asked curiously: "Mr. Li, you should have a very standard selection of works, I wonder which movie you will make at the end of the year?"

Ren Shuai thought about it for a while, and suddenly he was a little stunned. He seemed to really not know what kind of film Ma Chunpeng was going to make, even the genre. After all, the contract had not been signed, it was just a verbal agreement.

I agreed at the beginning because the salary was attractive.

"This I..."

Seeing that Mr. Li hesitated, Zhou thought that some confidential content was involved, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "The contract requires confidentiality, right? I understand, so you don't need to say it."

Ren Shuai said, "I haven't signed the contract yet."

Zhou thought stunned, so to speak, the crew that asked Mr. Li to film at the end of the year was the same as himself, finalizing the actors in advance.

That being the case, I have to act first, quickly finalize the time, and sign the contract immediately. Even if the other side hits the time, it has to give way to my side.

After all, it is first come, first served, who made the contract signing over there late.

He secretly praised himself for his wit, if he didn't ask one more question, he would be at a disadvantage.

Then Zhou Xuan was a little puzzled and said, "Since you haven't signed the contract yet, you can always tell me the title of the film, right?"

Ren Shuai spread his hands: "I don't know the name."

"What about the subject?"

"do not know."

"Where's the cast?"

"do not know."

"What role are you playing?"

"do not know."


Zhou thought a little confused, since he didn't know anything, what was Teacher Li planning?

"Then why did you agree?"

Ren Shuai: "..."

It can't be said that the pay is high.

Zhou Xuan suddenly realized, and asked, "Is the screenwriter famous?"

If it's a famous screenwriter, even if they don't know the content of what they produce, the actors can rest assured to accept the invitation, after all, the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

Ren Shuai thought for a while. When Song Lishu introduced the lineup of the crew, she seemed to have mentioned the name of the screenwriter.

"Called Cloud..."

Clouds or mountain vegetables, I can't remember.

Ren Shuai only cared about the salary at the beginning, and didn't care much about the rest.

Zhou Xuan suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Could it be, yes, Teacher Yunshang?"

"It seems so."

Ren Shuai in the screenwriting circle doesn't understand at all, and neither does Uncle Li.

Zhou Xuan was suddenly agitated, and his usual sense of calm suddenly disappeared, like a fan boy who mentioned an idol, his whole blood became excited.

"It's actually Teacher Yunshang. No wonder you agreed to the invitation without asking anything. Her works are all classics. If you meet her, wouldn't it be convenient for me to ask for an autograph?"

Ren Shuai was taken aback by him, he didn't expect Zhou Chan to have such a side.

Then he suddenly remembered that Su Yu seemed to ask him to ask for Zhou Si's autograph, and almost forgot.

He fumbled in his pocket, but found no pen and paper.

After getting a little excited, Zhou Xuan gradually regained his composure. Feeling the gaffe just now, he quickly coughed a few times to relieve the embarrassment.

Seeing Ren Shuai touching his body, he asked in confusion, "Mr. Li, what are you looking for?"

"There is a junior who likes your work very much and asked me to sign it. I forgot it just now. I just remembered it when you said it."

Zhou Xuan was flattered and said: "A screenwriter of my level only has some achievements. Do you still have younger generations who like me?"

"Well, a girl from the screenwriting department."

"No problem, don't bother. If you want to sign, I can find a few books and sign them and send them to her."

"Oh, that's fine too."

Ren Shuai left an address of the crew and prepared to leave.

Zhou Xuan asked again: "If you see the screenwriter on Yunshang, please help me to get an autograph, too. I will ask you to get it myself when the time comes."

Ren Shuai saw that he really liked Yunshang and nodded in agreement.

Zhou Xuan suddenly thought of something, followed him and asked: "Mr. Yunshang has always worked with big directors in the industry, do you know who this time he is working with?"

Ren Shuai knows this.

"Ma Chumpeng."


 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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