From janitor to actor

Chapter 59 Pensions are tight

Chapter 59 Pensions are tight
Ren Shuai sat in the guard room and took a sip of wolfberry water.

After taking a week of annual leave, he finally returned to work.

In view of Comrade Li Laifu's performance of taking one year's annual leave, his immediate boss Gao Dagui decided that he would not be allowed to ask for leave for the next month.

Unless he is willing to retire early.

Ren Shuai glanced at the bank card deposits, and after a careful decision, he still had to stick to the normal retirement time limit, and he was determined not to leave work early.

After all, the house price is too high, whether buying or renting, his wallet can't afford it.

By the time he finished his first acting job, Cary had $12086 in savings.

Later, although I participated in drama performances and variety show recordings, these two jobs basically had no income, only 500 yuan for meal allowances, and I spent a lot of money on bus tickets in the first two days.

The remuneration for "Silent Business War" that has just been performed has not yet been settled. According to the standard of 3000 a day, Ren Shuai stayed on the crew for a total of 4 days, and there will be 12000 remuneration. After deducting taxes, there is less than [-] left.

I don't know if the crew's finances will be settled in advance. If it follows the time in the contract, he will have to wait another month to receive the money.

Ren Shuai figured out how much pension he could save if he retired in three months.

With a monthly salary of 5000 yuan, plus the 3 yuan remuneration for the reasoning movie that has been determined, I can have less than 60,000 yuan in savings before retirement.

If you include the spy movie recommended by Shen Luxi, Ma Chunpeng's movie and Zhou Chan's film appointment, you might be able to save 10 yuan.

Although it sounds like a fortune, he can only receive a pension of 1500 yuan a month after retirement.

It costs at least 1000 yuan a month to rent a house in a remote area, and at least 3000 yuan a month to rent a house in Meijing.

This is still without accounting for living expenses and other expenses, and it is absolutely beyond our means.

If there is another accident, if you get sick and take medicine or something, it is hard to say whether you can last for a year with 10 yuan.

Ren Shuai felt a strong life crisis. Even if he only wanted to eat and clothe himself, this amount of money would never be enough for his retirement.

If you want to live a better life, you must earn a little more money.

Let's see if the system can provide some surprises.

Ren Shuai opened the system panel and began to check.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Makeup Card*1, Martial Arts Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (520/1000)
Recognition degree: 550
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Since the last time I checked, the acting proficiency has increased by 40 points, and the recognition has increased by 11 points.

Before starring in Qian Manjin, the skill proficiency was 300 points, and the recognition degree was 508 points.

That is to say, the role of Qian Manjin this time not only completed the system tasks and received a martial arts card, but also increased 220 points of acting proficiency and 42 points of recognition.

In addition to counting the salary, the harvest is good.

Ren Shuai nodded in satisfaction, and clicked to open the task list to view.

[Main quest, if the recognition level reaches 1000, a random skill will be rewarded]

[Trigger the task, play the role of the villain, and reward the lucky wheel once]

There is still a long way to go before the recognition rate exceeds [-], but the skills rewarded by the system should be very useful and worth looking forward to.

Ren Shuai has only played the Lucky Wheel once, and he got an item card last time. He doesn't know what he can gain this time. Everything will be known after he participates in the spy war drama at the end of the month.

He closed the panel, and just about to pick up the cup to drink, but found a person standing there outside the window, looking straight at him.

Ren Shuai was taken aback. He was only looking at the system panel just now, but he didn't notice when someone was standing outside the door.

He looked closely, but found that it was an acquaintance.

It was the female reporter who always stopped at the school gate to interview him.

Seeing Ren Shuai come back to his senses, the female reporter smiled and said, "Uncle Li, it's me, do you remember?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "I'm not accepting interviews."

The female reporter froze and then became happy. Although Uncle Li still refused her interview, at least Uncle Li still remembered who she was.

In the past few days, the leaders of the station have urged her to submit news, but there has been no big movement in the entertainment industry recently, even if there is a bit of entertainment gossip, it is not her turn to interview.

I can only find a way to find another way.

Tonight, the latest episode of "Once Upon a Time" on Xingxing Platform will be broadcast. She heard from a classmate that a concierge also participated in the filming and recording, and immediately thought of Uncle Li.

She thought to herself that she could take advantage of the heat and go to interview him, maybe she could dig out some news that was not known to others.

She smiled earnestly and said, "Uncle Li, I don't want to interview, I just want to chat with you."

"I only have 5 minutes to rest."

Ren Shuai didn't understand what special attraction he had, which caused the female reporter to stare at him so sympathetically.

Since it's not an interview, let's chat casually, otherwise we can't send her away.

The female reporter looked at the smiling Uncle Li and felt very happy, and finally had the opportunity to get a few words out of Uncle Li's mouth.

After several exchanges, although Uncle Li did not accept an interview, the female reporter believed that Uncle Li, the concierge, was unusual with her keen professional sense.

His eyes are different from other porters, no, it should be said that he is different from other uncles.

There is a special spirit.

"The latest episode of "Once Upon a Time" will be aired tonight. I heard that you participated in the filming as a guest?"

She didn't take any equipment like a microphone, she just asked curiously with a gossip look.

Ren Shuai smiled, waved his hand firmly and said, "No."

Although he participated in the filming, he was not a guest, at most an enthusiastic audience.

After all, guests are another price.

The female reporter was amazed, seeing Uncle Li's appearance, he didn't seem to be lying.

Could it be that I thought too much?
She just heard from her classmates that there was a concierge who participated in the filming, but she didn't know who it was, but she just thought of Uncle Li habitually.

This is awkward.

"Then do you know which guest participated in that episode of filming?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "I know that."

"Who is it?" The female reporter asked excitedly.

"Cui Zixun and Ji Mingxi." Ren Shuai said truthfully.

"Uh, I want to ask other than the two of them..."

"That's gone."

Ren Shuai replied very firmly.

He personally participated in that episode. The only guests were Cui Zixun and Ji Mingxi, and the rest were enthusiastic audiences.

The female reporter was skeptical, she obviously got reliable information from her classmates.

Ren Shuai looked at the time and said: "The rest time is over, I can't chat with you anymore, and the leader will see that I want to deduct my salary."

The female reporter could only nod her head resentfully, and walked out of the school reluctantly.

I always feel like something is wrong...

Ren Shuai lowered his head and turned on his phone, and began to check the broadcast time of "Once upon a time".

After all, it is his first variety show, so I have to watch it when I go back tonight.

 Asking for recommendation, asking for collection, asking for monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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