From janitor to actor

Chapter 60 After Uncle Li's debut, everything is different

Chapter 60 After Uncle Li's debut, everything is different
After get off work, Ren Shuai had dinner and returned to the dormitory.

Looking at the time, there are still two minutes before the broadcast of "Once Upon a Time".

He took out his phone and clicked on the star platform client.

The page popped up, and what came into view was a pop-up advertisement of "Once Upon a Time" that filled the screen.

Ren Shuai clicked directly and was linked to a trailer.

In the two-minute trailer, Ren Shuai saw several shots of himself flash by, with exaggerated fonts and patterns on the side.

"Surprised! Uncle is full of confidence in playing games!"

"Can the uncle carry the whole audience?"

"Excellent acting skills, Ji Mingxi pk the gatekeeper!"

"Cui Zixun & Ji Mingxi cook for the first time, and they were dissed by the uncle~"

Ren Shuai looked at the lively trailer and raised a little interest in watching the feature film.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he clicked on the link to watch the feature film.

At the beginning of the program, the guests introduced the environment.

"Cui Zixun is one of the hottest stars today, what was he like in the past?"

"Ji Mingxi, who has attracted much attention due to the popular costume drama series, and is known as the four most beautiful men in costumes, what was he like in the past?"

"Next, please follow the program group and let's find out together."

The humorous voice of the narration fell, and the figures of Cui Zixun and Ji Mingxi appeared on the screen.

The director began to introduce the shooting content of this issue.

The two exchanged identities, acted separately, and got to know each other's places where they used to study.

After that, we will meet up and go to Cui Zixun's university first, and review his campus life together.

"This film is exclusive to VIPs, please watch after purchasing a membership."

After watching for 5 minutes, the picture on the screen stopped suddenly, and a QR code for purchasing VIP membership popped up.

Ren Shuai was taken aback, his face darkened.

It doesn't make sense that you need to spend money to watch the variety show that you participated in filming.

Seeing the price of the VIP membership monthly fee, Ren Shuai began to hesitate.

The monthly subscription actually costs 50 yuan.

He decisively closed the star platform software.

Bring up the chat tool.

"I heard that the program I recorded was aired today?"

Ren Shuai sent this passage to the director of "Once Upon a Time".

Before he could ponder whether the director would remember him, the other party replied in seconds.

"Yes, sir, your performance is excellent, and the cut of the program is very effective!"

Ren Shuai was a little surprised, he didn't expect the female director to reply to his message so soon.

"Is it broadcast on the Xingxing platform?"

Ren Shuai asked knowingly.

"That's right, it has been broadcast for 7 minutes now, and the click-through rate continues to increase."

The director is currently in the data monitoring room of the Star Platform, and the other main creators of the program group are also sitting around, paying attention to the effect and data of the program broadcast.

Ren Shuai thought for a while and typed: "Can I read it after opening it?"

"Yes, sir, you should go and see it too, it's very exciting."

Ren Shuai sighed, wondering if he hadn't hinted clearly enough, why is it so difficult to get a VIP.

"Okay, then I'll check it out next week." He typed again.

The director was puzzled for a moment, thinking that Uncle Li was too busy this week, why didn't he watch it today?
The assistant next to her was immediately excited when she saw the latest data, and immediately turned to the director and said, "Sister Sha, we have broadcast more than 80.00% of the variety shows broadcast in the same period online, and the purchase rate of VIP members is also soaring!"

The director, who was looking down at the phone, was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

The VIP transfer time seems to be one week, and the VIP content updated this week can be watched for free at the same time next week.

Uncle Li wouldn't just wait a week for the 50 fast membership fee...

Well, it seems that Uncle Li is not well-off. The last time he recorded a program, he worked very hard for 500 yuan for meal allowances and contributed a lot of wonderful performances.

Ren Shuai was speechless when he saw that there had been no reply for a long time, and was about to give up.

At this time, I suddenly saw a string of garbled characters on the phone.

"Uncle Li, this is the VIP redemption code for the Star Platform, you can use this to watch the VIP content directly."

After she finished sending it, she kindly sent the exchange flowchart along with it.

The corners of Ren Shuai's mouth turned up, it seems that this director is very good.

He smiled in satisfaction.

Ren Shuai can directly redeem VIP members with one click.

After binding his account, Ren Shuai discovered that the redemption code was not a monthly membership, but an annual membership, worth 500 yuan.

made money.

He praised his tact in contacting the director.

Then he opened the latest issue of "Us Once", and started watching it from the sixth minute.

Soon, the program team led a team to Ji Mingxi's school. In the camera, many fans could be seen surrounding the school gate, and the security guards who maintained order also showed their faces inside.

Among them was a profile of Gao Dagui.

At this time, a piece of inconspicuous small characters frequently floated on the barrage.

"The school security team is very dedicated under the leadership of the captain."

Ren Shuai knew at a glance that Gao Dagui probably posted it himself.

Soon Cui Zixun and Ji Mingxi entered the cafeteria to cook. The master chef carefully taught them, and they were also very serious when cooking.

The post-production group also added a lot of postings expressing their hard work, and finally added shiny special effects to the finished products of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and vinegared cabbage.

Ren Shuai felt a strong malice through the screen.

The program group is going to do something.

How delicious it looks now, how uncomfortable it will be after a while.

When the program was performed, the evaluation of the students after they tasted the two dishes gave the audience the feeling that the dishes were okay, and they were even recognized.

However, the background music suddenly changed, and Uncle Li appeared on stage.

Ren Shuai saw himself holding his usual stainless steel lunch box, pointing to two dark dishes with his own hands, and left satisfied.

The program team has subtitled here thoughtfully.

"Uncle Li, the gatekeeper of the school, has also come to taste the dishes of the two guests."

"Uncle Li and Ji Mingxi still have an unknown relationship."

Next, Ji Mingxi began to talk about the process of losing his bicycle and being retrieved by Uncle Li at the old car trading market.

Uniform content began to fly over the barrage.

"Uncle Li is so kind!"

"Uncle Li is so kind!"

"Uncle Li is so kind!"

This was sent by the director of the program group by the staff. As a result, the rhythm was brought up, and the audience began to keep up with the team, which made this bullet screen swoon.

Ren Shuai remembered this memory. Comrade Li Laifu was very serious and responsible to find the bicycle back then, but he completely forgot who lost the bicycle.

The barrage was still swiping the screen, but I saw Uncle Li, who had left for dinner, went and returned.

With a "clang" sound, the lunch box was slapped on the counter.

Angrily, he began to criticize the two people who were cooking.

The barrage froze for a moment.

The audience was a little caught off guard.

This, the plot reversal is a bit fast, and the contrast between the characters is a bit big.

Just now I said that Uncle Li is really kind, and now he immediately started to criticize people.

The audience was overwhelmed by the program group.

Seeing himself throwing a tantrum on the screen, Ren Shuai was a little surprised.

This is photogenic.
Pretty handsome.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for votes!


(End of this chapter)

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