From janitor to actor

Chapter 61 You've Got the Wrong Person

Chapter 61 You've Got the Wrong Person

Ren Shuai continued to look back, and the director finally stepped forward and confessed in front of him that he was recording a show.

As a result, Uncle Li was silent for two seconds, and said directly: "Cut this part out."

In the bullet screen, there were some people who complained that Uncle Li was too strict with his brothers, but they suddenly stopped talking.

The bullet screen was silent for a moment, and the next second it was directly refreshed.

"Master has such a strong desire to survive."

"The desire to survive is perfect."

"Worthy of being the concierge of film and television art, the desire to survive."

"The uncle instantly cleared up."

"I admire it."

"I feel sorry for the uncle."

When the audience saw the phrase "cut this part", they all couldn't help but start posting barrage.

Ren Shuai didn't expect the director to cut this part.

The audience seemed very enthusiastic, expressing their opinions on him.

Ren Shuai thought, can these people really not increase the recognition of the system?
He called up the system panel to check.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Makeup Card*1, Martial Arts Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (520/1000)
Recognition degree: 550
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Looking at the attribute values ​​​​on the panel, it is exactly the same as last time, and there is really no change.

Although he was prepared, he was still a little disappointed.

Ren Shuai has no interest in continuing to watch variety shows, and the audience is also watching for Cui Zixun and Ji Mingxi, he just joins in the fun.

He turned off the video, and suddenly received a message on his phone.

"Uncle Li, I saw the variety show you filmed. The effect is great. I didn't expect you to be so good at playing games."

It was sent by Mu Xiaoqing.

She was currently filming "The Imperial Concubine's Scheming" on the set, and was swiping her phone in the hotel after work at night.

Inadvertently found a push soft advertisement, the title reads "The most powerful master in the history of the game".

Mu Xiaoqing also likes to play this game when she is free. Out of curiosity, she clicked in to have a look, but found a photo of Uncle Li.

She followed the link given in the tweet, found the latest issue of "Once Upon a Time", clicked on it, and found that Mr. Li had actually participated in the entire issue, so she looked at it with relish.

In order to watch Ren Shuai exclusively, she skipped all the scenes of Ji Mingxi and Cui Zixun, and only watched the clips of Uncle Li.

After watching it, I was surprised to find that Mr. Li is not only good at acting, but also good at playing games.

As her senior brother, Ji Mingxi met him once before, and heard that he was good at playing games.

I didn't expect to be directly rubbed by Mr. Li on the ground in the program.

After watching the show, he immediately sent a message to Ren Shuai to express his admiration.

I thought to myself, if I have the opportunity in the future, I can not only learn acting from Mr. Li, but maybe invite him to play games together.

Ren Shuai saw the news and replied, "Have you joined the team yet?"

"Well, it's been filming for a week."

Mu Xiaoqing thought, Teacher Li was still thinking about her filming, she seemed to care about her very much, and was a little moved.

"Did you call it quits so early?"

Mu Xiaoqing was curious, how did Teacher Li know that she called it a day?

Her typing hand suddenly stopped, and Teacher Li seemed to have something in her words.

Mu Xiaoqing began to bow her head in thought.

That's right, if it's not the end of work, how can we still have time to watch variety shows?

Does Mr. Li feel that he is not serious about his work, and instead of reciting lines and reading scripts after work, he goes to watch variety shows instead.

Such an actor is so unprofessional.

She quickly deleted the typed words and replaced it with an explanation: "Today, the crew made a big transition, and all the sets were not in place, so I called it a day. I saw the news about you, so I was curious to watch the variety show you recorded. Going to study the script right away."

Ren Shuai looked at the long message she sent and expressed doubts.

He just chatted a few words and exchanged pleasantries, why did Mu Xiaoqing send so many words of detailed explanation in a serious manner.

He thought about it, and when he saw Mu Xiaoqing's last sentence, "Go and study the script right away", he suddenly understood.

Mu Xiaoqing seems to be the kind of dedicated actor. She should have sent a message simply to express her admiration for his game level.

In fact, Mu Xiaoqing was going to study the script and didn't have time to chat with him, but she initiated the topic first, and it would be impolite to end the conversation abruptly, so she sent a long paragraph to explain.

Ren Shuai thought he understood.

He replied very understandingly: "Okay, you can read the script carefully, and I won't disturb your work."

Mu Xiaoqing couldn't help admiring the news that Teacher Li was obviously about to end the conversation.

Old artists are different. This kind of professional attitude is what I should learn first.

"Okay, I will work hard and strive to shoot an excellent work that will live up to your expectations." She replied seriously.

Ren Shuai glanced at the message and drew a question mark.

What do I expect?

He remembered that Mu Xiaoqing was recommended by himself to take on this Gongdou drama.

But he didn't have any expectations, he just hoped that she would have a good development.


Ren Shuai sent an emoji.

Just after the conversation here, Ren Shuai received another message on his phone.

"Ms. Li, someone asked me for your contact information."

This is Sha Su, the director of the "Once Upon a Time" program group I just contacted.

Ren Shuai curiously replied: "Who, why?"

The director directly dialed the voice call.

Ren Shuai clicked to connect.

"Ms. Li, I'm Sha Su. In our show, there is a section of your performance. Just now a producer friend sent a message to ask for your contact information. It should be because he is very interested in your performance. Maybe There is an intention to cooperate."

When Ren Shuai heard that it was a job opportunity, he said happily, "Give it to him."

The director was taken aback, he didn't expect the uncle to be so happy.

She said: "That friend is also a variety show producer, her name is Ai Si, then I sent her your communication number."

When Ren Shuai heard that it was a variety show again, his interest dropped a little, but he did not refuse.

What if the reward is good.

After hanging up the phone, Ren Shuai waited to be contacted, but the phone remained silent until he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Ren Shuai entered work on time.

Just after making a glass of wolfberry water and preparing to sit down, there was a knock on the glass of the guard room.

"Excuse me, are you Uncle Li?"

Standing outside was a woman wearing black-rimmed glasses. She was in her twenties. She was dressed casually. She was not a student at school.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, this could not be the brainless fan who came to seek revenge after watching yesterday's variety show and felt that he had scolded her idol brother?
He waved his hand sincerely and said, "I'm not, you've found the wrong person."

The woman wearing black-rimmed glasses looked at Ren Shuai suspiciously, then lowered her head and began to take out her mobile phone.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, then looked up at Ren Shuai, looked back and forth two or three times like this, and muttered in her mouth: "That's right, they look exactly the same."

(End of this chapter)

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