From janitor to actor

Chapter 62 Variety Show Producer Invitation

Chapter 62 Variety Show Producer Invitation

Ren Shuai solemnly pretended that he was not Li Laifu.

And the hostess wearing black-rimmed eyes finally said after repeated confirmation: "Uncle Li, I am the producer that Sister Sha introduced to you, and my name is Ai Si."

Only then did Ren Shuai realize that he had misunderstood.

But why didn't she contact her, instead she looked for it herself?
Ai Si continued: "We have a variety show and would like to invite you to appear in it."

Hearing this, Ren Shuai walked out of the concierge room and walked around the window to meet Ai Si face to face.

"What program?"

He is not very interested in variety shows, after all, he cannot provide recognition.

But they all came to the door in person, full of sincerity, and had to give face.

Ai Si pushed the black-rimmed glasses, took out a folder from her backpack and handed it to Ren Shuai.

"Here is the process and introduction materials of the program. You can take a look at it in detail when you have time. Simply put, we are a cross-border performance program. The program group will organize amateurs to perform, and then invite professional actors as mentors to score and compete through the promotion system Champion, runner-up and third place."

Ren Shuai quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I'm still a newcomer, so I'm not suitable to be a mentor."

He thought to himself that his acting skills were not bad, but his theory was basically unreasonable. If he was asked to comment on others, he would show timidity after a few words.

Ai Si couldn't help but cover her mouth and said, "Uncle Li, you are so humorous. I invited you as a contestant."

Ren Shuai froze for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "That's even worse, I can't cheat."

Ai Si showed doubts on her face: "How can it be cheating? Our show does not have a default champion, it is absolutely fair and just."

Ren Shuai took the introduction document, pointed to the word crossover in "The King of Crossover Acting Skills" on the cover, and said, "I'm not a crossover player, I've already participated in several works."

"You misunderstood. The cross-border contestants we are looking for mean that their main occupation is not actors. After all, we will not invite people who can't perform at all. A show still has to consider the audience's perception." She explained.

Ren Shuai went around and said a lot, but in fact he just wanted to reject the invitation in disguise.

He opened the file and glanced at it just now, and saw that the shooting time was at the end of the month. At that time, he should go to Shen Luxi's crew to play the villain, and he might not have time to shoot variety shows.

On the other hand, variety shows are not as important as system tasks, unless the announcement fee is high.

However, he knows his current worth, and participating in a variety show as a contestant will definitely not be too high.

Ai Si didn't know what he really thought. The reason why she came here in person today was because of some unexpected situation on the show.

Since they chose cross-border players, they all have their own jobs. As the broadcast is approaching, several players who had been negotiated before were temporarily absent due to work reasons.

She can only use the network around her to start temporarily pulling people in.

Although the contestants participating in the show are cross-border actors, they must not have any acting skills, otherwise the effect of the show will definitely be poor after filming and broadcasting, and the ratings will not be too high.

Another variety show on their Xingxing platform was broadcast yesterday. The small editor in charge of writing tweets wrote a few soft articles praising the uncle's acting skills. It happened to be seen by Ai Si. She fast forwarded to see Uncle Li's acting skills. The discovery is really remarkable.

Especially since his job is to be the concierge at the gate, this identity contrast can bring some highlights.

So although she wanted to get the contact information, she chose to visit in person, because she was determined to win Uncle Li.

"Master, don't worry, your job will not be delayed. Our program only shoots one or two days a week, all of which are on weekends."

"To be honest, I have another job at the end of the month." Ren Shuai smiled apologetically.

Ai Si looked at Ren Shuai suspiciously, and felt that although he was well maintained, he should be 50 years old anyway, so she asked: "Will you be assigned extra work to guard the gate at school? We can't let young people have more work." Labour, is it so introverted now?"

"Uh, don't get me wrong, I'm going to join the filming team."

Ren Shuai sweated, admiring her imagination.

There are still two weeks before the end of the month, and Ai Si asked: "Since you don't have time at the end of the month, can you do it this weekend?"

She thought to herself that if the uncle really can't spare the time, she can record it first, and then compete in the form of a VCR short film. Anyway, the first episode of the program does not need to be performed live.

Ren Shuai apologized, "I'm sorry, but I will be in another group this weekend."

Ace was surprised.

A concierge, is the film contract so full?
Does it mean from another angle that the uncle's acting skills are highly recognized.

She gritted her teeth, thinking that if the uncle couldn't go to the first two rounds, he might be able to participate in the final finals as a kicker.

"So, are you free at the end of the year? Our program will be filmed for two months. At the end of the year, we will film a finale. We invite you to go to the hall as the big devil."

Ren Shuai could see her sincerity, but he still could only express regret.

"Sorry, I'm going to join the team at the end of the year."

Ace gasped.

I'm afraid professional actors are not as full as Uncle Li's film appointments.

She couldn't help asking, sir, do you still have time to look at the gate?
Ai Si looked at Ren Shuai in front of her again, and she did see something special, but what special charm did he have to get so many invitations?

That's beside the point, as a producer, she's gifted at persuading people.

Although the uncle has already said that he wants to join the filming group, he can still ask for leave to record the program, or even reject the filming appointment of the filming group and accept his own filming invitation instead.

Full of confidence, Ai Si began to help Ren Shuai analyze the stakes.

"Uncle Li, we are recording a program on the star platform, and the audience is huge. Once you perform well on the program, it is very likely that you will be favored by a bigger producer."

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't respond, she continued: "Let me be blunt, I don't know what kind of films you are involved in shooting, but to tell you the truth, the performing arts market is very complicated, and some film crews can produce a work even if they are shoddy. , but participating in these works is a kind of consumption for the actors, and it will not bring improvement."

Ren Shuai deeply agreed with this sentence, nodded and said in agreement: "You are right."

Ai Si was very pleased that the uncle agreed with her, but when she waited to hear the following, she found that the uncle had said nothing more than that.

It seems that the point is still not thorough enough.

She further asked: "Which film are you participating in this week?"

Ren Shuai thought for a while, and said, "The director seems to be called Lu Jin, and the producer is called Han Wei, and it's a Lunar New Year movie."

Ai Si paused for a while. She had heard of these two people. Although they were not well-known big directors, they were considered cutting-edge directors in genre films.

As for the producer Han Wei, she knew even more that everyone was a producer, and Han Wei was a very intelligent colleague who should not be underestimated.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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