From janitor to actor

Chapter 63 Filming

Chapter 63 Filming
Ai Si thought, the production team of this film Mr. Li took over is quite formal, so it's hard to persuade, so skip it.

"Then what are you filming next week?"

She thought, it is impossible for Uncle Li to receive invitations from regular crews, and there will always be one that is not as good as her own variety show crew.

Ren Shuai was stunned by the question, and could only say: "It's a spy movie. I really don't know the specific director and production team, but I heard it's not bad."

"I heard, who did you listen to?"

Ai Si felt that the opportunity had come. Both the director and the production team were unknown, and they were probably grassroots.

"Shen Luxi."

Ai Si was surprised when she heard that it was Shen Luxi.

Shen Luxi is definitely a top-line actress now. She is famous for her careful selection of scripts, and she is also very cautious in her choice of producers.

But what really surprised her was that Shen Luxi actually invited Uncle Li to participate in a TV series. The two seem to be out of luck.

"Are you familiar with Shen Luxi?" Ai Si asked inquiringly.

Ren Shuai thought for a while, and said that familiarity didn't seem to count, the two had just filmed a rivalry scene.

"so so."

Ai Si was speechless, she could only settle for the next best thing, and put her hope on the invitation at the end of the year.

But before she asked, she was a little bit unconfident, but it's just three things, it's impossible for Uncle Li to meet such a reliable production team every time.

"What is your shooting invitation at the end of the year?"

Ren Shuai thought that he had two invitations at the end of the year, Zhou Xuan and Ma Chunpeng, but the timing of these two invitations was not accurate.

Perhaps Zhou Xuan's film can start shooting ahead of schedule.

"I'm not sure, it's just a verbal invitation, and the filming date of the crew has not been set yet."


Ace was very surprised. Does this mean that there will be more than one invitation at the end of the year?

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "One is Zhou Can's new work, but it's still in the preparatory stage, and the other."

"Zhou Gu?" Ai Si couldn't help interrupting.

That is a well-known person in the screenwriting world. He has always been strict with his own works, and he is also strict with the selection of producers.

"It's the screenwriter Zhou Chou?" She couldn't help but confirm.

"Well, it's him."

Ren Shuai didn't expect Zhou Xuan to be quite well-known, but it's probably because of too strict requirements that his reputation spread far and wide.

Now Ai Si believes that Uncle Li's acting skills are really good, otherwise how could he get so many invitations from professionals.

Seeing Uncle Li's acting skills from variety shows should be just the tip of the iceberg.

She thought about what another invitation was, or don't ask, it hurt her self-confidence a bit.

"Did you just say you still have an invitation?" Aisi still asked.

After all, it is said that the incident is only three times, and this is the fourth time, so let's ask again, just in case.

"It's Ma Chumpeng's New Year's Eve film. The shooting time hasn't been fixed yet. It will be around the end of the year."

When she heard Ma Chumpeng's three words, Ai Si had already petrified in place, and she didn't understand the rest of the words.

I'm so stupid, really.

Ai Si really regretted that she didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back.

She shouldn't have asked.

Looking at Uncle Li in front of her, Ai Si felt that the other party hadn't changed much, but it seemed that he looked different.

It seems that the image is taller.

Maybe, I was wrong at the beginning, she really shouldn't have invited Uncle Li to be a contestant, but should be a judge and mentor.

But Uncle Li has no time.

Ai Si felt very frustrated and regretful, but said unwillingly, "Mr. Li, no, Mr. Li, then you don't have a film appointment next month. If you are invited by the show, can you participate?"

Impressed by her persistence, Ren Shuai nodded and agreed, "I'll be fine for the next month."


Ai Si sprained her foot, if she didn't act early, Uncle Li might be asked out again.

She nodded goodbye.

I can't talk to Uncle Li anymore, I'm a little suspicious of life.

This is not the concierge, he is clearly a well-loved old actor.

Ren Shuai was slightly puzzled when he saw her hasty steps and her back in a hurry.

Even if I didn't reach a cooperation intention with her, it wouldn't be as if I wanted to avoid him...

Four days later, Ren Shuai finally began to rest.

But I also want to take advantage of today's rest day to participate in the filming of Su Yu's movie "Who is the real murderer".

He rushed to Thailand by car and went straight to the set.

This is the highest paid film he has received, and his attitude is very correct, even if he has traveled all the way to Thailand, he has no complaints.

The crew was filming exterior scenes in a residential area, and it happened that Ren Shuai's scenes were all exterior scenes.

The director is filming at this time, and it is the scene where the security guard patrols the community.

Ren Shuai, as a scavenger, basically played most of his opponents with the security guard.

Playing the role of Uncle Security is Taixiong, a veteran actor in the show business specially invited by the crew, who has played many veteran cadres and father-in-laws.

Although he has always played supporting roles, his acting skills are recognized as good, and he has won the Best Supporting Actor Award.

The actors who play with him are under pressure, but there are also many people who look forward to acting with him, especially those who have comparable acting skills.

Ren Shuai didn't feel anything about it.

Uncle Li paid attention to him before, and his acting skills are indeed very good.

There is another person of the same age who plays the security guard with Taixiong. Ren Shuai looks familiar to him, but he can't remember.

Seeing Ren Shuai's arrival, the producer Han Wei walked over, stepped on exquisite high heels and greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Li, you are here, let me take you to put on makeup first."

Ren Shuai responded with a nod and a smile, and walked into the dressing room with her.

The security actor who was filming with Taixiong glanced at Ren Shuai's back and felt a little familiar.

Taking advantage of the gap between shootings, I asked: "Who is the teacher who plays the role of the scavengers, does he look familiar?"

The director's assistant knew him well, and responded: "It seems to be a teacher invited by the director and producer. I was not there on the day of the interview. I heard that the acting skills are very good, and the salary is not low."

Ren Shuai tossed about in the dressing room for two hours, and finally finished the image of a sleazy scavenger.

The make-up artist was slightly relieved, feeling that Ren Shuai was a bit too handsome, and it took more time to paint this kind of sloppy makeup, which was not easy to produce results.

Ren Shuai appeared on the set wearing a ripped suit and chicken nest head, and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The security guard who played Taixiong's colleague also looked over, but Ren Shuai's appearance was a bit difficult to recognize the original appearance.

When the director saw that Ren Shuai was putting on makeup, he immediately extended his hand to say hello: "Mr. Li, let's shoot one now. Are you and Mr. Tae-hsiung playing against each other?"

Ren Shuai nodded and walked over there.

Taixiong saw his rival actor approaching, he nodded slightly to say hello.

Ren Shuai looks a few years older than Taixiong, and Taixiong naturally thinks that Ren Shuai is older than him.

In fact, Taixiong is 63 years old this year, while Uncle Li Laifu is only 59 and a half years old.

 Ask for recommendation and collection!

(End of this chapter)

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