From janitor to actor

Chapter 64 Looking Familiar

Chapter 64 Looking Familiar
Ren Shuai walked up to Taixiong and introduced his name.

Taixiong also responded very politely.

The rivalry between the two actually didn't have too many lines, mainly to reflect the scavengers' incompatibility and the tolerance of the security guard played by Tae-hsiung.

There are trash pickers in the community, and other residents and security personnel are extremely repulsive, but fortunately, this trash picker only appears here occasionally, and will leave after picking out the garbage he needs, and will not stay in the community.

But scavengers are still unwelcome. Except when they meet the security guard played by Taixiong, scavengers can continue to pick up garbage in the community. When they meet other security guards, he will be driven away.

There are not many scenes of Ren Shuai, and there is often no communication between him and the security guard.

Most of the lines are spoken by Taixiong, while Ren Shuai is just serious about picking up trash, while occasionally responding.

The scene that is about to be filmed is Ren Shuai's first appearance.

The scavengers walked into this community, rummaging through the garbage intently, and just happened to meet the security guard who was passing by on patrol.

Ordinary scavengers would instinctively dodge or run away quickly when encountering security guards, but this scavenger turned a blind eye to the security guard and continued to search for garbage in his own way.

The director saw that the two of them were exchanging pleasantries, so he said, "Teachers, get ready to start filming."

The play does not require too much communication, it just maintains the strange state when the two first met, and it also fits the relationship between the characters in the play.

Ren Shuai and Taixiong nodded.

The crew arranged a trash can for Ren Shuai, and the trash in it was prepared by props, not real trash.

Ren Shuai didn't mind too much, even if he was asked to rummage through the trash can, it didn't matter.

He still has this professionalism.

Before the director called to turn it on, he began to fully enter the state.

At the same time, Taixiong also entered the character.

"Okay, turn it on."

Ren Shuai walked slowly to the trash can, stretched out his smeared right hand, and leaned over to look inside.

Taixiong walked in gradually, and when he saw the scavengers, he planned to drive them away.

When Ren Shuai was rummaging through the trash, he turned his head to look at him inadvertently, and then continued to rummage without changing his expression.

Their performance was filmed by two cameras at the same time, one aimed at Ren Shuai and the other at Taixiong.

At this moment, the director stared at the monitor intently.

In the machine facing Taixiong, the security guard saw the look in the eyes of the scavengers when he turned his head, and his movements gradually stopped, showing a slight sympathy in his eyes, as if reading a kind of alienation and loneliness from the eyes just now. Feeling lonely.

The director nodded in satisfaction, and turned to look at the monitor facing Ren Shuai.

The scavengers still went their own way to rummage through the trash cans, and their eyes changed inadvertently with every rummaging, showing his satisfaction with all kinds of garbage.

Both performed very well.

The director was a little bit unsatisfied, but he still called the card.

"The two teachers are very good, this one is over."

There are still a few waiting actors standing around the set, and they are all watching the performance of the two veteran actors at this time, hoping to learn a little bit of experience from it.

And the security guard who played Taixiong's colleague looked at Ren Shuai more intently.

It really looks more and more familiar, it is definitely someone I know.

But if he is an old actor in the show business, he won't lose his impression.

Just thinking about it, the field manager next to him called out: "Mr. Sun, it's your turn to play."

His name is Sun Zong, he is 55 years old this year, but his face is relatively mature, he looks like he is in his sixties.

Originally, he also participated in the interview of the scavengers, and the main creators of the crew also expressed their recognition of his acting skills. From the words, it can be judged that he will basically be invited to act.

But when the contract was finally signed, the role that was originally guaranteed to fly was gone.

After asking the assistant director, I found out that another old actor came later and replaced his role.

Sun Zong inevitably had some grievances in his heart, but the crew made up for it with another character and still signed the contract with him.

He is a teacher who teaches body, and he has good dance skills, and he can meet the requirements of the action scenes of the role of scavengers.

Although he is not young, his limbs are still quite flexible.

Sun Zong is very confident. Among actors of the same age group, those who are physically better than him are not as good as him in acting, and those who are worse than him in acting are not as good as him in action.

He has been thinking about why he was replaced by others these days.

In the performance just now, he saw Ren Shuai's acting skills, and he didn't lose the wind in the face of Taixiong, and he was not suppressed.

But what he thinks he can do is just need to express the loneliness of the scavengers, and there is no difficulty.

Ren Shuai heaved a sigh of relief when he finished this filming.

I don't know why, but when playing with Tae-hsiung, I feel a little tense unconsciously.

Fortunately, he has extremely blind confidence in the basic acting skills of the system, so he is still as slack when performing.

But he kind of understands the mood of young actors when they face old actors.

Could it be that Shen Luxi, Mu Xiaoqing and Su Xin also feel pressure when facing their own acting?

Ren Shuai was slightly distracted.

The director announced the start of the next shot.

Ren Shuai and Taixiong had their first dialogue.

After starting the machine, Taixiong slowed down and stopped a few meters away from Ren Shuai.

He said in a warm voice: "It's okay, don't worry, I won't chase you away."

The scavenger played by Ren Shuai looked at the other party with a look of looking at the ants, and muttered something in his mouth.

"I wasn't in a hurry."

After he finished speaking, he didn't rummage through the trash anymore, instead he picked up the tattered cloth bag and walked away.

"Okay, card."

After the director finished shouting, he looked at the monitor and nodded in satisfaction.

However, he showed a hint of hesitation.

Taixiong looked at him and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

The director shook his head, and said to Ren Shuai and Tae-hsiung at the same time: "Teachers, come over and have a look. I feel that the first conversation between these two people can be more emotional?"

Tae-hsiung looks at the reply on the monitor. The security guard he plays only shows a little sympathy. The fulcrum of the character's heart is the inexplicable throbbing in his heart when he sees the eyes of the scavengers. He thinks it is sympathy for the weak.

The scavenger played by Ren Shuai is actually an out-of-this-world expert. The combing in his eyes is not because of the misery in life, but another kind of superior mentality.

Therefore, he only looked down at the security guard, and didn't mean to burst out of self-esteem or gratitude after receiving sympathy.

The two thought there was nothing wrong with their performance.

But the director always feels that the first time these two characters meet and talk, there needs to be some chemical reaction.

While they were discussing, Sun Zong's eyes gradually widened.

He finally remembered where he had seen Ren Shuai.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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