From janitor to actor

Chapter 65 He's the Concierge

Chapter 65 He's the Concierge
This, isn't this, the school porter?

Sun Zong felt a sense of shame in his heart.

My dignified physique teacher actually lost to the school concierge when meeting the group?
No, he couldn't swallow this breath.

Ren Shuai and Taixiong were still discussing the shooting of that scene with the director.

Tae-hsiung smiled and said, "How about we do it again with a different feeling?"

The director nodded and said, "Thank you teacher for understanding, let's try another one."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, since the director wants something different, let's change the way of expression.

Sun Zong was very dissatisfied. Looking at the two people in front of the camera, he turned his head and whispered to the director's assistant: "Do you know why the director team chose him to play the scavengers in the end?"

The director's assistant Wei Wei took the lead and said: "I heard, it seems that the acting skills are very good, and he is a teacher of the Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts. He is an old actor who is favored by big directors."

After hearing this, Sun Zong sneered in his heart. He was just a gatekeeper, so he had the nerve to say that he was a teacher?

Anyone can be a teacher nowadays, haha.

I don't know how this so-called Teacher Li fooled the director team, and his acting skills are very good. I'll see how you act.

Sun Zong was thinking secretly, his eyes fixed on Ren Shuai for a moment.

The director soon announced the start again.

Ren Shuai began to rummage in the trash can, his eyes changing with the changes in the trash.

At this time, Taixiong came over, looked at Ren Shuai with a completely different attitude from before, and said in a flat tone: "It's okay, don't worry, I won't chase you away."

Ren Shuai stopped turning over the trash, withdrew his hand from the trash can, turned his head to look at Taixiong and said with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry."

After speaking, he took the time to pack his backpack and straddled it on his shoulders, but instead of walking away like last time, he stood on the spot and looked at Taixiong.

Taixiong reacted immediately when he saw this, and looked back with an inquiring gaze.

But Ren Shuai turned around immediately and started walking away leisurely.

"Okay, card."

The director nodded slightly, feeling that the two veteran actors immediately performed different tastes.

Although the two did not communicate, the effect of this kind of on-the-spot performance was more vivid.

Compared with the last time this time, one of the two emotions is more restrained, while the other is more outgoing.

Taixiong put away his obvious sympathetic gaze, turned to internalize it in his heart, and maintained a calm attitude on the surface.

Ren Shuai no longer responded with a cold attitude, but instead showed a look of interest, but the point was stopped, and after a short look, he withdrew his gaze, turned and left, which was in line with the inner drive of the worldly expert.

The director was very satisfied, this time the performance was completely different from the last time, and he only expressed his thoughts a little bit, and the two teachers could give such a wonderful performance.

It is worthy of being an old drama player, with superb acting and expression skills.

Taixiong looked at Ren Shuai with approval. Although he didn't know him, the turn of his head to look at him on the spot just now was indeed beyond his expectation, but after adding that look, the whole performance was completely different from the last time.

The effect of the two people's first meeting this time was completely opposite to that just now.

The scene where the two meet for the first time is more realistic, and the second meeting is more comically exaggerated.

There is no problem with either expression, the key depends on the director's style and choice.

This is also the reason why the director likes to invite actors with good acting skills. He only needs to give ideas, and the actors can express them very well, with twice the result with half the effort.

Sun Zong, who had been watching from the sidelines, felt a trace of disdain in his heart.

He whispered to the director's assistant: "This kind of acting is too exaggerated, it's too exaggerated. Any actor can be better than him."

The director's assistant heard him spit, and thought that this master was probably jealous of his role being taken away by others, and felt annoyed.

So he comforted him, "Maybe he's not as temperamental as you, and looks more sloppy, so he's suitable for the role of scavengers."

"Hmph," Sun Zong snorted softly, "I know this person, he is not a teacher in our school at all."

The director's assistant asked puzzledly: "Your school?"

He knew Sun Zong a long time ago, and knew that Sun Zong opened a training institution outside, but Mr. Li is a teacher of Meijing Film and Television Art Academy, so why did he become a member of his school?
Sun Zong slightly puffed up his chest and said, "I was recently hired by Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts to be their body teacher."

Only then did the director's assistant realize that it was an external teacher.

Sun Zong did not see the expected admiration from the director's assistant's eyes, and felt a little disappointed. He relaxed his straight back and lowered his voice, "This so-called Mr. Li is just a concierge of the Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts. What is it?" Teacher, you directors and producers have been cheated by him."

The director's assistant was very surprised, and then showed a look of disbelief.

Judging from the performance of the two scenes just now, this teacher Li clearly has good acting skills, how could he be the uncle of the gatekeeper?

"Could you, admit the wrong person?"

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Sun Zong said with certainty: "Every time I go to class and pass by the gate, I can always see him, and I am absolutely right."

The director's assistant expressed doubts, and said in confusion: "The director and the others have high requirements for interviews, so they shouldn't be mistaken."

Sun Zong snorted and said: "Maybe he can speak well and fool everyone."

After finishing speaking, he said in a joke tone: "Just wait and see, the performance is not only supported by two brushes, but there will be action scenes later, I'll just wait and see how he makes a fool of himself .”

Sun Zong secretly laughed in his heart. Once Uncle Li has done his best, he is the best candidate for the role of scavengers.

They were filming, and the male and female protagonists walked over from the side. They were changing their clothes just now, preparing for the shooting of the next scene.

When the director saw the two of them approaching, he immediately turned his head and told the director's assistant, "Where is the person playing the murderer, get the actor to take his place quickly."

Ren Shuai looked at the two handsome men and women who came over, and thought that the crew must be filming the leading role first, so he could rest for a while.

The director raised the walkie-talkie in his hand and said loudly: "Get ready for the martial arts team, quickly adjust the Wia equipment, and then put the martial arts director in place, ready to shoot action scenes."

Ren Shuai turned his head in surprise, and his eyes met the director's.

"Ms. Li, do you want to warm up and get ready, Wu Zhi will come over and talk to you about the movements later."

Is it so sudden?
Ren Shuai thought he had to wait until the afternoon to shoot the action scene, so he immediately opened the system panel and glanced at the martial arts card in the inventory.

[Martial arts card, after use can improve martial arts performance ability, the time limit is 2 hours]

There is only a two-hour validity period, and he has no experience in using it before, and he doesn't know the specific effect, so he has no idea.

So, Ren Shuai walked up to the director and asked, "How long will our action scene be filmed?"

"It's hard to say."


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(End of this chapter)

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