From janitor to actor

Chapter 66 Difficult Actions

Chapter 66 Difficult Actions

Lu Jin thought for a while and said: "There are not many shots, and you know the plot. The killer ran out of the unit building. The security guard failed to stop him and was almost stabbed by a knife. You saw it from a distance, and flew over with a few strides. , Subdue the murderer."

He looked at the storyboard in his hand, and continued: "You need to hang the wire and run over, and then the martial arts director will design two beautiful aerial moves, you fly to kick the killer down, and after a simple fight, the its uniform."

After listening to it for a long time, Ren Shuai felt that it was not too difficult, but he had no experience in hanging wires at all, and he didn't know if the aerial movements mentioned by the director could be done.

And after talking for a long time, the director didn't mention the main point, Ren Shuai was concerned about time.

If it was more than two hours, he was worried that the martial arts card would suddenly become invalid in the middle of the performance.

Wouldn't that be embarrassing.

"About how long it will take to shoot, I'm not worried about the movements, but I'm afraid that after a long time, I will lose my strength." Ren Shuai asked for a reason.

Lu Jin smiled and said, "That depends on your performance. If it goes well, the filming can be finished in two or three hours."

Ren Shuai felt a little churn in his heart, will it take two or three hours for everything to go smoothly?
He had to think of a way to shoot more smoothly.

The time must be compressed within two hours.

The props group and the martial arts group are ready, and someone is sent to notify the director.

The content of this scene is that the male and female protagonists identify the murderer. As a result, the murderer escapes from the scene at the right time. After escaping from the building, he encounters the patrolling security guards and clashes.

At this time, the scavengers just saw that the road was uneven, and subdued the killer with extremely strong force.

Ren Shuai was led to an entrance of the complex, where a lot of equipment was set up and some cushions were placed on the floor.

The martial arts instructor was a thin, short middle-aged man. When he saw Ren Shuai approaching, he immediately stepped forward to say hello.

"Teacher, have you ever made an action movie before?"

Ren Shuai shook his head.

The martial arts instructor was taken aback, then looked at Ren Shuai's body, and asked, "Do you usually practice martial arts?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "I do a set of fitness boxing every morning when I wake up."

The martial arts instructor was taken aback again, and could only ask: "Then do you have dancing skills?"


The martial arts instructor was a little scratching his head. This uncle is not too young. He has neither martial arts nor dance skills, but he wants to shoot action shots.

This, might as well use a substitute.

He was in a bit of a dilemma, not knowing how to design his movements.

If it is too difficult, I am afraid that he will not be able to do it, and he will be easily injured.

But if it is too simple, it will neither reflect the power of martial arts masters, nor have enough visual effects, and it will definitely be ugly to shoot.

The director saw the martial arts instructor and Ren Shuai talking, walked over and said, "Let's hurry up, Wu Zhi, the movements you design for the uncle must be strong, and Mr. Li, you should try to show ease and smoothness when doing the movements."

Based on his many years of work experience, the martial arts director inferred that it would be difficult for an actor like Mr. Li who has no foundation to shoot action scenes, and because he is not young, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Then it's better to let him back out of the difficulties, and if he can't do it at that time, just let the substitute play directly, saving a lot of trouble.

Sun Zong, who had been observing from the sidelines, curled up his lips. Seeing that the martial arts instructor had talked with Ren Shuai for a long time and did not start filming, he thought that he must have encountered difficulties.

Not everyone can act well in action scenes, and the requirements for body control are extremely high.

Like the janitor or something, he can't do it by playing fitness boxing every day.

Sun Zong quietly waited to see how this fake Teacher Li would end up.

The martial arts instructor began to explain the movements and pose in various poses.

"Ms. Li, when Via pulls you to a high place, bend your right leg, straighten your left leg, and then make a mid-air walking movement. During this period, your waist must be pushed up, and you must not relax your strength."

Ren Shuai understood in his head, but his body didn't know what to do, so he responded, "Well, what then?"

"Then Via will lower a little bit, and you're going to be on your toes, but don't really step on the ground."

After the martial arts instructor finished speaking, he walked to a position, stretched out his hand and gestured: "At this time, you are about seven or eight meters away from the murderer's position, and the wire will be pulled up again. You must seize this opportunity to pull up, and use the upward force to , do a front flip."

Ren Shuai tried his best to remember the action and nodded again.

Seeing him nodding and agreeing so easily, without even having any doubts, the martial arts instructor knew that Ren Shuai was an absolute layman.

This kind of rookie with zero experience is struggling to perform action scenes on the ground, and it is absolutely impossible to complete the scene of hanging Wia.

If you are younger, it's okay, if you practice a few more times with brute force and tenacity, you might be able to pass it.

But this age certainly can't stand the toss.

The martial arts instructor knew that Ren Shuai would not be able to complete it, so he gave up his mind and simply chose the most difficult movement to start designing.

"After rolling forward and landing, you have to kick away the murder weapon held by the killer with a kick, and then kick him away with a [-]-degree rotating whip leg, and then step forward, grab the murderer with your hands, twist Throw it on your back and subdue it."

Listening to the series of actions, Ren Shuai's mind was buzzing.

No matter how confident he was in the martial arts card, he still felt a little overwhelmed.

This series of actions, just listening to it, feels that the difficulty is already full.

Sun Zong had already approached just now, and listened carefully to the whole content with his ears stretched out.

The more he listened, the happier he became. Even he couldn't do the movements that the martial arts instructor said, let alone a porter.

I am afraid that only those who have professionally studied martial arts can do this level of difficulty.

"Do you have any questions?" the martial arts instructor asked.

Ren Shuai recalled it again, nodded and said, "No problem."

The martial arts instructor sighed inwardly.

Sun Zong laughed heartily when he heard this.

There must be a good show to watch next.

The martial arts instructor nodded and said, "Alright then, teacher, follow the actions I just said, and first make moves with the actor who plays the murderer."

Ren Shuaixin said that this series of actions is difficult to listen to, but it must be more difficult to actually do it, and the shooting time must not be short.

The martial arts card must be used at the moment when the shooting starts, and the time must not be wasted on routines.

"It's okay, there's no need to use tricks, just shoot it once and try it out, and adjust if there are any problems in the actual shooting."

"Uh, that's fine."

The martial arts instructor nodded helplessly, he had never heard of an action scene that didn't even require tricks.

But who makes people an old-timer? Whatever they say is what they say.

Anyway, whatever difficulties you encounter in a while, it is Teacher Li who suffers.

Soon a young man from the martial arts team ran over to put on Via for Ren Shuai, adjusted the tightness, checked it carefully, and stretched out his hand to signal that he was ready.

The director sat far away in front of the monitor, and when he heard the signal from the walkie-talkie that it was ready to start, he immediately took out the loudspeaker.

"Actors, please take your seats, and other departments pay attention, and prepare to start filming immediately."

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(End of this chapter)

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