From janitor to actor

Chapter 67 Transforming in the Air

Chapter 67 Transforming in the Air
Ren Shuai felt a pulling force, and his whole body was pulled high into the sky.

This is the first time I feel this way, even if I am not afraid of heights, I feel a little dizzy, and my hands and feet start to feel weak unconsciously.

Fortunately, there was makeup on his face to cover it, otherwise everyone could see Ren Shuai's pale face at this time.

But with rich experience in martial arts instructors, Ren Shuai's nervousness can be seen from his stiff limbs at a glance.

Sun Zong, who has been paying attention to this side all the time, began to laugh secretly. He has filmed scenes of hanging Wia a few times before, and he knows what it feels like to go up.

Looking at Ren Shuai's state, he knew that Ren Shuai was definitely a novice from Via.

It won't be long before you have to reveal yourself.

At that time, the entire director team will know who the so-called Teacher Li is.

Seeing Sun Zong showing a standard villain's sinister smile, the director's assistant was a little puzzled and said, "Brother Sun, why are you smiling so happily?"

Sun Zong was startled, he restrained his expression, and said earnestly: "I know what you think, don't you just think that my role was robbed by that Teacher Li, I feel unbalanced, and pour dirty water on him? ?”

The director's assistant quickly waved his hand and said, "I don't think so."

"It's okay. After a while, you'll know that I'm telling the truth. He's not an old drama at all. He's really a gatekeeper."

Sun Zong showed an expression that everyone was drunk and I was sober, waved his hands and continued: "I'm not the kind of villain who has no stomach, have you seen him hanging in the state of Wia?"

The director's assistant looked at Ren Shuai who was slowly rising into the air, and nodded suspiciously.

Sun Zong said with a smile: "Based on my vision of teaching the body for many years and my experience in filming action scenes, he definitely doesn't have any action skills."

The director's assistant looked at Ren Shuai who looked like he was being acupunctured on Via, and he believed this a little bit.

But when the director is interviewing for the role, there is no reason for the main creative team not to evaluate the actors' action scenes, right?
At this time, the director who was sitting in front of the monitor was slightly depressed.

When they heard Mr. Li dictate that he knew martial arts, they believed them, and they had never seen Mr. Li's strength.

But judging from the state in the camera, Mr. Li's eyes are obviously straight, his hands and feet are stiff, and he looks like a rookie no matter what.

Teacher Li is not bragging to get the role, right?

"Ms. Li, how are you?" the director asked through the loudspeaker.

Ren Shuai swallowed, and forcibly calmed down and said, "No problem."

But even so, there was still a tremor in his voice.

The director's face darkened when he heard this.

Sun Zong couldn't help laughing again, turned to the director's assistant and said, "Look, he's obviously trying to save face."

The director's assistant probably replied to the letter this time, and Mr. Li didn't even have any confidence in what he said just now.

"Is he really the school concierge?" the assistant director asked.

"That's still fake, can I lie to people?" Sun Zong said with a smile.

The director's assistant quickly denied, "I'm not saying you're lying, I just thought Mr. Li and the gatekeeper look alike, and you're mistaken."

"I'm not mistaken. Didn't you say that his salary is very high? He must play this role by any means in order to make money and deceive the director team." Sun Zong said with a curled lip.

At this time, the martial arts instructor raised his head and shouted to Ren Shuai: "Mr. Li, if you feel uncomfortable, just say so, don't hold on."

Ren Shuai had been suspended in the air for a while, gradually getting used to the height, and asked below, "When will the machine turn on?"

Seeing that Ren Shuai had no intention of giving up at all, the martial arts instructor secretly sighed.

Raise your hand to indicate to the director that you can start shooting.

The director looked at the state of Ren Shuai on the monitor, hesitated for a while, and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Try shooting first."

Hearing this, Ren Shuai wondered if he should use a martial arts card for a test shoot?

Just as he was hesitating, he heard the word power on, and then felt his body lighten, and a violent weightlessness swept over him.

"Use, use, use martial arts cards!"

He shouted inwardly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the martial arts card, the level of martial arts has greatly increased]

Ren Shuairen was in the air, and suddenly felt a wonderful feeling filling his whole body, and his sense of control over his limbs and body became very clear.

The body that lost its center of gravity due to weightlessness regained its balance instantly.

The martial arts instructor looked up. From the moment Wia descended just now, he could tell that Mr. Li knew nothing about action scenes, and his body swung out like a corpse without any control in the air.

Sun Zong didn't hide his smile at all, he knew that the concierge, Uncle Li, would not be able to pretend for long, and he would definitely show his secrets.

The director's assistant is now [-]% convinced. It turns out that Mr. Li is really an old liar, and even the director team was deceived by him.

Lu Jin frowned in front of the monitor, and felt a chill in his heart the moment Ren Shuai swung out.

Anger gradually rose in his heart. Even if Mr. Li could win Ma Chunpeng's favor, he could not deceive the crew with his qualifications.

Not testing Teacher Li's martial arts ability at the beginning was definitely the biggest mistake in the interview.

Lu Jin picked up the walkie-talkie, opened his mouth and said, "K..."

At the moment when he uttered this syllable, Ren Shuai completed his first fall with Wia.

When he slid to the lowest point, he suddenly made a posture of a white crane spreading its wings, his toes straightened, and he made a movement of touching the ground.

Smart and neat.

Completely no longer the stiff state at the beginning.

Lu Jin stuck the word "ka" in his throat.


He hurriedly cut off the intercom signal, for fear that the sound would be transmitted and affect Teacher Li's performance.

Sun Zong, who was waiting to see the joke, froze.

The director's assistant was puzzled again, and his trust in Uncle Li as the concierge dropped to [-]%.

The turning point came so fast that even Ren Shuai himself couldn't get used to it.

One second it was thrown out like a sculpture, and the next second it was graceful like a fairy.

It's just outrageous.

The one who doubts life the most is the martial arts instructor.

This, I'm afraid it's because I'm dazzled?


Absolutely a coincidence!
The martial arts instructor was going to command the Wia group to stop at any time, and it stopped in mid-air.

Although the people watching below had different expressions, their expressions and movements froze for a moment, but Ren Shuai in the air did not pause at all.

After Wia fell to the lowest point, he was quickly pulled up again. According to the requirements of the martial arts instructor, Ren Shuai needed to use this pulling force to make a forward roll.

Sensing the force from his body, Ren Shuai took advantage of the momentum and exerted strength from his waist. His body quickly curled up into a ball and began to roll in the air.

One circle, two circles, three circles.

Originally a prescribed action, he completed it three times within this distance.

Ren Shuai really didn't do it on purpose, he just followed the feeling of his body.

That kind of strength, that distance, can completely do three forward rolls.

So he did it.

The people looking up at him had different expressions at first, but now they seem to be wearing the same emoji, only the lips are slightly parted and the eyes are round, showing their inner surprise and shock.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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