From janitor to actor

Chapter 68 Stunning the audience

Chapter 68 Stunning the audience
At the shooting scene, except for the Wia team who was still pulling the wire dutifully, everyone else seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

Everyone moved in unison, looking up at the sky.

There was a nimble figure there, like a meteor piercing the sky, sweeping swiftly and decisively towards the ground.

Ren Shuai on the wire completed three forward rolls, stretched out quickly, and fell to the ground as the wire relaxed.

At the same time, he flew up and kicked the dagger held by the murderer.

The actor who played the murderer had already set his posture, waiting there, ready for battle.

Two camera positions are facing him, one medium shot and one close shot.

Seeing Ren Shuai's swift kick, a feeling of fear suddenly rose in his heart, and his legs trembled slightly.

When Ren Shuai gradually approached, he lost his defense in an instant, threw away the dagger like a conditioned reflex, and ran away.

Ren Shuai's head was full of question marks, so he could only quickly retract his flying legs, and landed in a neat squat.

According to the original script, after he kicked off the dagger, he had to go after him, and then rotate his flying legs vertically at [-] degrees to knock down the murderer.

But at this time the murderer surrendered himself, and he didn't know how to take it.

But the director didn't stop, so the actors had to continue acting.

He paused for a moment, then started to chase after the murderer.

The actor who played the murderer ran five or six meters before realizing that he seemed to be out of order, and was about to turn his head to signal to the director to express his apology.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw Ren Shuai who was chasing after him with bright eyes.

Why are you still shooting?
Teacher Li looks so fierce.

The actor who played the murderer was stunned by Ren Shuai's menacing appearance. With a loud cry, Sa Yazi ran away into the distance.

Ren Shuai was about to spin and kick, but when he saw the target person running away again, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

Why didn't the director stop?

The actor's loud cry finally awakened everyone who was immersed in a surprised atmosphere.

The director hastily turned on the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Ka, ka, ka!"

Only then did Ren Shuai stop his pursuit and heaved a sigh of relief.

The actor who played the murderer gave the director an aggrieved look.

I almost cried in fright when I thought about it, so the director called to stop, really.

After Lu Jin called the card, he didn't have time to blame the actor who played the murderer for being unprofessional, but immediately looked at Ren Shuai standing there, feeling ashamed in his heart.

How can I feel that Mr. Li is deceiving everyone, he is clearly a respected senior with both virtue and art, and a capable senior who has taken off in acting and martial arts!

Since Mr. Li said that it’s okay to shoot action scenes, then it’s okay, and he should believe it unconditionally. How could he have the slightest doubt.

It's so inappropriate!
After watching Ren Shuai's performance, the martial arts director suddenly felt that he was still too young.

Young is inexperienced.

With my ten years of working experience, how can I see through Mr. Li, a senior who eats more salt than he drinks water.

Judging from the senior's movement skills, he is definitely at the level of a hermit, and it is not at all comparable to his half-baked martial arts.

The martial arts instructor felt that he was instructing Teacher Li's movements, just like handling an ax at the door of the class. No wonder Teacher Li didn't even have any questions.

He was just responding politely, Mr. Li probably didn't pay attention to those simple actions at all.

He turned around, gradually walked into the wire team, silently put on his gloves, and held wire.

He felt that his current job should only be to help Mr. Li pull the wire.

On the other side, the assistant director and Sun Zong were staring at each other.

The director's assistant took a few steps back unconsciously, and subconsciously wanted to distance himself from Sun Zong.

Now no matter what Sun Zong said, he would not believe it.

Seeing is believing, even a layman can see how handsome and unrestrained Teacher Li's movements are.

Where is the gatekeeper that Sun Zong said.

Sun Zong is obviously jealous of Teacher Li, and he still refuses to admit it.

In the future, I have to think about whether to continue to associate with him. This kind of person who is full of jealousy and full of jealousy seems not suitable for making friends.

The director's assistant thought to himself.

Sun Zong didn't know how to respond.

Seeing the few steps taken by the director's assistant, he knew it was useless to say anything.

But Sun Zong is really [-]% sure that Mr. Li is definitely the school's concierge.

Maybe, who really looks like it?
Sun Zong fell into self-doubt.

But he has seen Teacher Li more than once, and he will never admit his mistake.

Could it be that Teacher Li is really a school teacher, but in his spare time, he enthusiastically helps the security team guard the school gate?

It's possible, very likely!

Sun Zong was more and more sure of his guess, and immediately explained: "I saw him watching the gate, but maybe he is indeed a teacher of the academy, and he just helps others to watch the gate."

The director's assistant nodded without saying anything.

You don't need to answer, obviously you don't believe it.

Sun Zong wants to prove himself more and more, he is definitely not the kind of villain who is jealous.

"Why don't I ask, I definitely don't mean to pour dirty water on him."

Sun Zong felt that he was not a human being inside and out, and his face was so painful from being slapped.

You must prove your innocence.

He leaned forward, intending to strike up a conversation with Ren Shuai.

And the director had rushed over before him.

Lu Jin shook Ren Shuai's hand with an exaggerated expression and said, "Mr. Li, I was distracted just now and forgot to call the card. Please bear with me."

Without waiting for Ren Shuai to reply, he quickly continued to explain: "It's because your movements are so amazing that I was stunned. Really, I have filmed several action movies, and this is the first time I have seen martial arts movements like yours. Great teacher."

On the one hand, Lu Jin was ashamed of his doubts, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Mr. Li would question his professional ability as a director.

As a director, directing the whole scene to dispatch, but forgetting to call the card after turning on the machine, it is really unprofessional.

He didn't want to leave such a bad impression on Mr. Li.

Ren Shuai nodded, expressing his understanding, but he just didn't understand why Lu Jin was so excited.

Isn't it just watching the play so engrossed that you forget to call it stop?

Ren Shuai reflected on his performance just now, the martial arts card is really not covered.

Produced by the system, it really is the best.

It's rare to use such an expensive item card once, so it should be possible to play the action more beautifully.

Seeing Ren Shuai's nonchalant expression, Lu Jin heaved a sigh of relief.

As expected, Mr. Li was a lot of adults, and he didn't take his small mistakes to heart at all.

Ren Shuai thought about the action, and said: "Just now I didn't get used to Wia, and I didn't perform well, let's take another shot."

Lu Jin nodded immediately, and suddenly remembered the performance of Ren Shuai's rival actor just now, and immediately became angry.

Facing a professional senior like Mr. Li, the actor who played the murderer turned around and ran away in such an unprofessional manner.

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

 Ask for collection, ask for monthly pass, ask for recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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