From janitor to actor

Chapter 69 I'm Really a Concierge

Chapter 69 I'm Really a Concierge

"come here!"

The director didn't even call out his name, and pointed at the murderer actor who came back in a hurry and reprimanded him loudly.

"What's going on, why did you run away, don't you remember how the plot was arranged?"

The actor looked at him aggrievedly, and responded in a low voice: "Just now, Teacher Li's aura is too strong, I can't stand it."

The director was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and felt that it made sense.

Mr. Li's three consecutive forward rolls and whip kicks just now felt very powerful when viewed through the screen. The actor who played the killer was face to face with him, and he was the first to bear the brunt. It is estimated that the pressure is not small.

Lu Jin somewhat understood the actor's difficulties, but...

"You're a professional actor, so you have to be dedicated. Besides, Mr. Li is so professional, so he must act appropriately and won't hurt you." Lu Jin persuaded with a righteous face.

After hearing this, the actor also thought it was his own fault. As a professional actor, he was indeed too unprofessional.

At the end, Lu Jin added another sentence: "Besides, our crew has insurance for you."

The mental construction that the actor had just done collapsed in an instant.

Director, if you don't know how to comfort people, just say a few words.

The actor turned silently and walked back to his place with a desperate expression on his face.

Ren Shuai walked back to his place, when a figure suddenly flashed in front of him, blocking his way.

"Mr. Li, hello, my name is Sun Zong, and I am also a teacher at Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts."

Sun Zong warmly reached out and shook Ren Shuai.

"Oh, hello, I'm just Meiying's concierge, not a teacher." Ren Shuai responded.

He doesn't like trying to gain fame, so he has to explain that he is not Mei Ying's teacher at all, so as not to cause misunderstandings.

Sun Zong was embarrassed after hearing this, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't take it to heart, it's my poor eyesight that mistook you for the guard."

Hearing Ren Shuai's words, Sun Zong thought that he knew that he arranged Ren Shuai as the doorman, and felt that Ren Shuai said this to embarrass him, so he immediately opened his mouth to explain.

But Ren Shuai was puzzled.

Why do you say that you saw it wrong, what did you see wrong?

"You read that right," Ren Shuai affirmed.

Sun Zong felt that Mr. Li was a little narrow-minded, and he admitted that he was wrong, so why did he still say such things to run on him.

However, in view of the strength of the other party, he felt that Ren Shuai should have a high status in the school and should not be offended, so he continued to explain: "You misunderstood, I said you are the porter, because I saw a person who looks like you On duty in the guard room."

"That's right, that's me." Ren Shuai nodded.

Sun Zong was speechless, Xin Dao himself had explained it in this way, why did Teacher Li not accept it.

But the situation is stronger than others. He is just a physical education teacher hired by the school, and he hopes to use this identity to be gilded and get more work.

You can't offend teachers like Mr. Li who are formally established in the school, lest you will be put on small shoes in the future and lead to dismissal.

He held back his breath and said in a small way: "Then I may have misunderstood. I guess you were kind enough to help the security department guard the gate for a while, so I took it for granted that you were the concierge. I'm really sorry."

Ren Shuai admired the imagination of the man in front of him. He even said that he was a concierge, but Sun Zong could think that he was helping others on duty.

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't answer, Sun Zong thought that he was finally going to forgive himself, so he lowered his attitude and said: "Your Excellency doesn't remember villainous mistakes, so don't take it to heart, after all, I came here because I was hired from outside. The school has been in school for several months, and I don’t know the situation, so I can’t compare with a staff member like you.”

Ren Shuai sighed, and said seriously: "Mr. Sun, I don't know what you have misunderstood, but I solemnly tell you that I am really the porter of the school, not a teacher."

Hearing Ren Shuai's words, Sun Zong was confused.

Judging from Ren Shuai's attitude, this sentence is definitely very serious, and it does not mean to run on him at all.

But how could a school concierge have such acting skills and unmatched martial arts skills?
While he was wondering, Ren Shuai said another sentence.

"Although I am an employee, I am not necessarily better than an external employee like you. Don't underestimate yourself."

After speaking, Ren Shuai saw that the Wia group was ready, so he walked towards his place.

After hearing this sentence, Sun Zong frowned suddenly, feeling that he had been tricked.

Where is the concierge who is working as a staff?
Teacher Li said solemnly just now that he is the concierge, and he was playing him at all.

The last sentence is the truth.

He is really a narrow-minded person, Sun Zong complained in his heart, feeling that he was wronged, he just said that Ren Shuai was the concierge, and lied about the teacher to deceive the director team.

Now I have confessed my mistake to him face to face, so I shouldn't be so recalcitrant.

Looking at Ren Shuai's back, Sun Zong cursed inwardly: I don't have the capacity to tolerate others, I don't deserve my virtue, just wait and see... I'm not someone to mess with either.

If Ren Shuai knew Sun Zong's thoughts, he would definitely call him wronged.

He was only able to become a regular employee of the security team because he joined the job relatively early and the school happened to have vacancies for workers.

It can only be said that Sun Zong's knowledge is too narrow and he doesn't understand the security system.

After Ren Shuai took office, he felt more at ease.

With the experience of using martial arts cards just now, his confidence in his skills has greatly increased.

From this point of view, if the shooting goes well, it doesn't take two or three hours at all, and it can be done in one hour.

When the director's assistant saw Sun Zong coming back, although he wanted to reduce contact with him, he still couldn't help asking curiously: "What did Teacher Li say?"

Sun Zong curled his lips slightly and said: "I don't know where he heard the news. He knows that I said he is the porter. He is too small-minded if he is not forgiving."

"Why, I think you have a good chat with him, don't you?"

Sun Zong snorted: "I explained everything. I mistakenly thought he was the porter, but he didn't mean to forgive me at all. Instead, his words were stinging at me."

"Why did you hate you?" The director's assistant felt gossip.

"He said that he was the concierge, and he obviously wanted to make me look bad. If you ask me, his acting skills can't be that strong. The scene just now was too short, so I can't see the good or the bad. When he plays too much, he will not be too good at acting." You can tell how many catties he weighs."

The director's assistant felt that he was blatantly jealous, and his words were sour.

I spread rumors about an old artist like Mr. Li, trying to make people forgive me, but they didn't agree, so I continued to belittle them.

The director's assistant couldn't stand it, and said, "Leaving aside the acting skills, Mr. Li's martial arts strength is obvious to all. I just chatted with the martial arts director, and even he admired Mr. Li's skills."

Sun Zong shook his head disdainfully and said: "It all depends on Wei Yala. I am a professional bodybuilder. I don't know how difficult it is to shoot TV. It's all show and it can't be considered martial arts. It's really useful. At that time, it doesn’t matter at all.”

The director's assistant felt that Sun Zong was playing the role, as for the performance, good-looking is enough.

What practicality do you want.

Ren Shuai's side has gradually lifted off, and a new round of filming is about to begin.

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(End of this chapter)

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