Chapter 70

Lu Jin took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention all departments, this time we will try to get a pass for the real shooting, get ready, start the machine."

After hearing the order, the Wia team quickly pulled the steel cable, and Ren Shuai's figure fell quickly, with his toes on the ground and his hands slightly raised.

What followed was the much-anticipated triple forward roll.

But at this moment, there was a soft sound of "Kara", and a safety button on Ren Shuai's body was released, and he froze when he was about to get up.

The director hurriedly called out, and everyone's hairs twitched, feeling that an accident was about to happen.

Ren Shuai was very close to the ground at this time, and felt that his body suddenly lost his balance, tilted to one side, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Suddenly, he twisted his body slightly like a soul, his left leg curled up and stretched out to his chest, he stepped on the ground with one step, his right leg stretched back half a step, and landed steadily in a lunge posture.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment, and felt their eyes blurred. Ren Shuai, who was about to fall to the ground, suddenly stopped firmly.

这 是
Have you performed the Great Teleportation of the Universe?
Just now, Sun Zong, who was complaining about Ren Shuai's flamboyance, tightened his expression.

He put himself in the situation and thought for a moment. If he was the one who was on the wire just now and suddenly lost his balance, it would be absolutely impossible to adjust in such a short time, let alone land safely with a standard posture.

It's good not to throw a dog and eat shit.

The director's assistant turned his head slightly to look at Sun Zong. The meaning was obvious. Look, this skill of turning the corner into safety and turning the situation around in an instant, could it be a show?
Sun Zong himself felt his face was hot, he stepped back unconsciously, and stood in the shadow of the corner.

He closed himself.

Seeing that Ren Shuai had landed, the crew members ran over to check the situation, and the martial arts director was the first to rush.

"Ms. Li, how are you? Are you injured?"

He is also in charge of the Wia team, and he and the props team are both responsible for the lack of inspection of the equipment.

Ren Shuai stood up, moved his hands and feet, and felt a little rubbing on the skin of his waist. It should be the moment when the lock was loosened just now, Wia suddenly tightened, strangling his flesh.

"It's not a big problem," he replied.

The doctor in the team immediately stepped forward and said, "Ms. Li, let me check you up."

People from the Wia team hurried forward to help Ren Shuai unload his equipment.

Ren Shuai said to the doctor: "It's okay, I just fell to the ground by myself, and I didn't fall."

The female doctor said seriously and responsibly: "It's better to check it before you rest assured. You don't want to move around, just untie your clothes and let me see if there is any trauma."

Ren Shuai obediently unbuttoned the tattered props and costumes, revealing his upper body.

The female doctor looked at his slightly reddened skin, reached out to touch it and said, "Does it hurt to press here?"

Ren Shuai shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt too much, it's a little cold."

The female doctor realized that her hands were a little cold, so she rubbed them, and then pressed on his chest and other parts of his abdomen.

"Do you feel any pain elsewhere?"

"No, I think it was just rubbed, and the skin wasn't even broken."

The female doctor nodded, told him to turn around slowly, made a few movements slowly, and checked him carefully, then nodded slightly and said: "There should be no problem."

"Then can I put my clothes on?" Ren Shuai asked.

Only then did the female doctor realize that Ren Shuai's figure is a bit good. For an actor of this age, he can still see six-pack abs, which is really rare.

Then she recalled the touch she had just made, and she blushed slightly.

"Okay, you can dress up."

Before Ren Shuai could do anything, the martial arts director hurried over to help him put on his clothes.

At this time, the producer Han Wei also rushed over after hearing the news, and was a little relieved to see that Ren Shuai was fine.

Lu Jin had been observing the situation early on. Seeing that the examination was over, he looked at the doctor and asked, "How is Teacher Li?"

The female doctor inexplicably recalled the image of herself touching Ren Shuai's chest just now, and suddenly felt embarrassed.

Seeing her like this, Lu Jin immediately misunderstood, thinking that it was inconvenient for her to speak face-to-face because she had something to say, maybe Teacher Li had a big problem.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, and dragged the female doctor a little further away to ask questions.

Han Wei observed carefully and found that the doctor's reaction was not right, so she walked over together.

"What's wrong with Mr. Li, won't you be paralyzed?"

The female doctor looked at the two of them in surprise, waved her hands and said, "What are you talking about, Mr. Li is so...healthy, how could he be paralyzed."

Lu Jin was puzzled, since you are fine, why did you make that expression.

The female doctor coughed lightly, and said seriously: "I checked, and Mr. Li has no trauma or fracture, but whether there is a slight fracture remains to be verified. I recommend going to the hospital to take a picture."

"Bone fracture?" Han Wei asked suspiciously, "Bone fracture should also hurt, right?"

The female doctor shook her head and said, "Not necessarily. There are some slight bone fractures that the patients themselves can't detect. Some people don't even know that they have had a bone fracture until the fracture heals on its own. Generally speaking, people of Mr. Li's age People all have a certain degree of osteoporosis, and a sudden forceful landing like the one just now is likely to cause bone fractures."

But...Looking at Mr. Li's figure, he should take good care of his body at ordinary times, so there may be no problem.

The female doctor secretly hoped that Teacher Li would be fine, but out of professional considerations, she still wanted him to go to the hospital to take a film.

They nodded to express their understanding, and hurried back to Ren Shuai. Han Wei said with concern: "Ms. Li, let's suspend today's filming. You should go to the hospital to take a film and check first."

Ren Shuai knew his own situation well. The lunge landing just now seemed to be very violent, but with the blessing of the martial arts card, the body had already lost most of the strength through a small swing, and did not cause additional damage to the bones and muscles. load.

"It's not necessary, I'm really fine." He shook his head.

Then, he suddenly thought of the insurance policy with many zeros. It seemed that it would be good to go for a checkup, and it would be considered a public health checkup.

However, the martial arts card is only valid for two hours, even if it needs to be checked, it is not now.

Seeing that Han Wei still wanted to persuade, Ren Shuai immediately said firmly: "Today, the scene is set up, the first man and woman and Mr. Taixiong are here, if we don't shoot, the crew will suffer a lot."

Han Wei was very moved when she heard the words. She didn't expect Teacher Li to be so considerate of the producer, especially as a producer, she was under financial pressure.

No, I absolutely cannot abandon Teacher Li's physical safety just because of my own self-interest.

"You don't need to worry about money, your body is the most important thing."

Ren Shuai saw that her attitude was also very firm, so he compromised and said: "How about this, since I don't feel any bad now, I will shoot first, and after these few action shots are finished, I will go to the hospital for examination, how about it?"

Seeing Teacher Li's dedication, Han Wei felt admiration in her heart, and said, "Mr. Li, you are really a role model for our film and television industry. I really don't know what to say."

This situation even moved her, who was always rational.

Such a dedicated actor should really give me a dozen.

Han Wei secretly decided in her heart that whenever she had the opportunity in the future, she would cooperate with Teacher Li.

Moreover, next time, Teacher Li must play the leading role.

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(End of this chapter)

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