Chapter 71
With Ren Shuai's insistence, the crew returned to normal rhythm.

The martial arts instructor was scolded by Lu Jin and Han Wei, who kept nodding and apologizing.

Then he counted down the men in charge of equipment quality inspection, and did not let him go until he ensured that the equipment was absolutely safe this time.

This means that Mr. Li is fine, and if something goes wrong, they can't afford to pay for it.

The martial arts instructor was afraid for a while.

Fortunately, Mr. Li is very skillful and turned the corner into safety in a critical moment, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Seeing the martial arts instructor standing there with an apologetic face, Ren Shuai walked over to comfort him and said, "It's okay, don't think about it."

The martial arts instructor nodded movedly and said, "Mr. Li, don't worry, I have personally checked the equipment this time and there is absolutely no problem."

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

After a while, the director announced to start shooting again.

Ren Shuai took off very smoothly this time, and still rolled forward coherently. Until the landing, the camera performance was perfect.

It's just that when he just landed, and when he flew towards the knife in the murderer's hand, something happened to the actor who played the murderer.

This time the actor did enough mental construction, he didn't turn around and run away, but he would admit it even if he was kicked away.

But he showed a righteous and generous expression, and finally closed his eyes tightly when Ren Shuai flew to him.

Seeing this, Lu Jin was so angry that he immediately called out.

From the camera, those who didn't know thought Mr. Li was a big villain and the killer was a hero.

"What's your expression like?"

Lu Jin stood up directly from the chair and rushed towards the actor in a huff.

"It's not that you just stand there with a knife in your hand. You are an actor, so you have to show a flustered and unexpected look!"

The actor glanced at Ren Shuai, and said with a guilty conscience: "I also wanted to do that in my heart, but the expression on my face was out of control, so..."

Seeing him like that, Ren Shuai wondered, "Am I scary?"

"Uh, no, but when you rushed over, your aura was so strong that I felt like I was going to be kicked to death by you." He said cowardly.

Lu Jin suddenly didn't know what to do.

Ren Shuai was even more anxious than him. Although he had no problem with his movements and his martial arts moves were smooth, his opponent's actors were holding him back.

He thought for a while, and suddenly suggested to Lu Jin: "When I kicked that kick, the murderer's face couldn't be photographed. He was standing sideways, why don't we find a substitute."

Looking at the actor's condition, Lu Jin also knew that he couldn't perform well. He originally wanted to take a panoramic shot, but now it seems impossible.

You can only find a substitute to act.

So he hurriedly greeted the director's assistant and asked him to arrange for a stuntman to come over.

Although there are alternate actors in the crew, it is necessary to choose one of similar stature so as not to pass through.

Sun Zong, who had been standing in the corner and shut himself up, observed the situation, and found that the director's assistant had been looking for a stuntman since he came back, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you looking for a substitute?" He asked knowingly.

Seeing his malicious look, the director's assistant was a little too lazy to talk to him, but out of adult politeness, he still nodded.

"Hey, let me just say, although Mr. Li is good at martial arts, but after all, he is old and his physical strength is not good enough. He only took a few shots, so he needs to find a substitute."

The director's assistant was speechless and wanted to explain the situation, but Sun Zong continued with an air of elation: "And when he landed forcefully just now, he must have been injured somewhere, I'm just embarrassed to say it for the sake of face, otherwise why would he be so fast?" Find a substitute."

The director's assistant was completely speechless. He forcibly interrupted Sun Zong, who was still complaining, and said, "It's not Mr. Li looking for a substitute, it's the actor who plays the killer."


Sun Zong showed an expression that you don't lie to me.

He incomprehensibly asked: "The actor doesn't have any action scenes, what kind of substitute can he find?"

Sun Zong thought to himself, it must be the old man Li who wanted to find a substitute, and lied that it was someone else.

The director's assistant explained helplessly: "Because he didn't have the courage to raise a knife in the face of Mr. Li's domineering aura, and he couldn't even do basic expression management."

"It's too exaggerated. I don't believe it. Some people really use everything to flatter them."

Sun Zong absolutely did not believe it.

Actors who perform action scenes don't use doubles, but the person who doesn't shoot fight scenes finds a double, is that plausible?

The director's assistant didn't continue to speak, but took a few glances at Sun Zong, and suddenly suggested: "I think your figure is similar to that of the actor who played the killer, or you can try to be a stand-in, so that you can experience the interaction with Mr. Li up close. The feel of the play."

Sun Zong's first reaction was to refuse, how could he act as a double for a teacher of his dignified film and television academy.

But then he was moved again.

In this drama, he has no rivalry with the character of the scavengers, so why not take this opportunity to meet the so-called old drama for a while and see how powerful he can be.

At that time, he can temporarily change his actions to make him look ugly.

"Okay, I'm free now, and I just went to play a cameo as a killer to warm up."

Sun Zong agreed.

The director's assistant just teased him casually, but Sun Zong unexpectedly agreed.

"Okay, let's change clothes with me."

He thought to himself that he should let Sun Zong feel the strength of Teacher Li himself, otherwise he would be so annoying to listen to him making sour complaints all the time.

They quickly changed their costumes and came to the shooting location.

Ren Shuai's previous action shots were perfect, and he didn't need to reshoot. He just needs to continue to fly down, raise his legs and kick the knife to take over the scene.

Sun Zong put on a peaked cap to cover most of his face, turned his head to look at Ren Shuai who was hanging on the wire, and smiled secretly.

Wait a while and change your movements a little bit to see if you can still catch the scene smoothly.

Ren Shuai rose to mid-air, and his eyes gradually became sharper after entering the scene.

With the sound of starting up, he flew down.

The whole person is like an eagle breaking through the clouds, just like its prey.

Ren Shuai was about to land, quickly raised his right leg, and swiftly swept towards Sun Zong's right hand holding the knife.

Sun Zong, who was going to play a trick, suddenly felt chills all over his body. Looking at Ren Shuai who was approaching quickly, he couldn't even think of resisting in the slightest.

Not to mention changing his movements secretly, his whole body is a little stiff now, and it feels difficult to even move a little bit.

How could this be?
How could his aura be so strong?
The body doesn't listen...

Forgive me!
Many thoughts flashed through Sun Zong's mind at the same time, until Ren Shuai's foot touched the knife in his hand.

Sun Zong finally collapsed completely, and his whole body "plopped" and fell limp to the ground.

He muttered: "I was wrong, I shouldn't, forgive me, don't hit me."

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(End of this chapter)

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