From janitor to actor

Chapter 72 Believe in yourself, you are right

Chapter 72 Believe in yourself, you are right

Lu Jin shouted and stood up from the director's chair.

After landing, Ren Shuai looked at Sun Zong who was sitting paralyzed in front of him, and listened to him muttering to himself, feeling extremely puzzled in his heart.

Sun Zong kept saying: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, I was very wrong, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"Where did you go wrong?" Ren Shuai couldn't help asking curiously.

After hearing Ren Shuai's voice, Sun Zong finally woke up from the state of panic, turned his head to look at Ren Shuai standing behind him, and had the urge to turn around and save the opponent's thigh for forgiveness.

But reason prevented him from doing so.

"Mr. Li, you don't remember the faults of villains. I don't dare to say that you are the janitor again. I really know that I was wrong." Sun Zong lowered his head and said in a low voice.

Ren Shuai couldn't laugh or cry.

"You're right."

He thought to himself, why is Sun Zong so unconfident.

Now that everyone saw him watching the gate in Meiying, he still denied what he was doing.

Ren Shuai stretched out his hand, ready to help Sun Zong up.

As a result, Sun Zong was like a frightened rabbit, jumped up from the ground, and took two steps back at the same time.

Ren Shuai: .
Am I that scary?

Ren Shuai thought for a while, and it seemed that the martial arts card had disadvantages. After using it, the aura was too strong, and the opponent actors couldn't catch the scene, so how could the filming go smoothly.

Seeing that an hour has passed, there are still two scenes of martial arts that have not been shot.

It's too late to go on like this.

At this time, Lu Jin walked over clapping, looked at Ren Shuai and Sun Zong with satisfaction, and said, "The effect just now is great, pass it."

Sun Zong raised his head in doubt, he was paralyzed from fright, and the effect was good?

Ren Shuai was surprised, he didn't expect the scene just now to pass.

Lu Jin took a step forward and encouraged Sun Zong: "Mr. Sun is very good at acting as a stand-in, especially the design of the falling action is very clever, which can highlight the deterrent force of Mr. Li when he fell from the sky, and he fell at the same time as the flying kick." , showing that Mr. Li's kick is fierce."

Sun Zong felt even more aggrieved when he heard this.

There is no ingenious design on his part, he is almost scared to pee, but he can't run away, okay?

Ren Shuai was quite satisfied when he heard the words. After this shot passed, it could save a lot of time.

Lu Jin said with a smile: "Teacher Sun Zong, why don't you help play the murderer in the martial arts scenes that don't need to show your face?"

Sun Zong was so frightened that he staggered a few steps on the spot, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

This blow is about to kill me, how dare I continue in the future.

Not to mention that he didn't want to meet Ren Shuai again on the set this time, even if he met him at school in the future, he would take a detour.

"No, no, I'm old and my physical strength is not good enough. I was overdrawn just now."

Sun Zong kept shaking his head to express his refusal.

Lu Jin was a little puzzled, didn't he just stand there holding a knife and still, oh, there was also a falling movement.

But is this a job with a lot of activity? Why is it physically exhausted?

Ren Shuai could see that Sun Zong was a little scared of him, but at least he didn't run away like the actor who played the murderer.

This is excellent.

Some people run away in the face of fear, while others lose control of their limbs and freeze in place.

Sun Zong is the latter.

Ren Shuai appreciates his qualities.

Especially as a stand-in actor, if you don't need to show your face, as long as people don't run away, the shot can be shot smoothly.

"Ms. Sun, think about it again, I feel very comfortable acting with you." Ren Shuai suggested with a smile.

Just as Sun Zong wanted to refuse, he suddenly remembered Ren Shuai's status and his behavior of offending him, and froze immediately.

At this time, all kinds of thoughts came one after another, turning around a thousand times.

Teacher Li wants to take the opportunity to give me some color?
Teacher Li is trying to find some psychological balance?
Teacher Li wants me to learn a lesson?

No matter what Mr. Li thought, Sun Zong didn't seem to dare to refuse, otherwise it would be a knot in the future.

He was wronged in every possible way, and he nodded enthusiastically with a smile on his face in every possible way: "Since you have said it yourself, Mr. Li, there is no reason for me not to agree."

"Great, Mr. Sun, you will be able to act well." Ren Shuai responded with a satisfied smile.

I thought to myself that this actor is really dedicated, and he insisted on acting even though he was afraid of being like that.

You should learn from him.

The martial arts instructor told Sun Zong about the movements, and Lu Jin was about to start the machine soon.

The actor who played the murderer had a mental breakdown and could only perform facial close-ups and personal movements, and he couldn't perform at any level when facing Ren Shuai.

The rest of the movements that have physical conflicts with Ren Shuai need to be done by Sun Zong, the newly promoted stand-in.

In this shot, after Ren Shuai kicked the murderer's knife away, the murderer wanted to fight back, but the difference in force value was too large, and he would be thrown into the street with one move.

At this time, the director announced the start of the game.

With his back on his back, Sun Zong waited for Ren Shuai's [-]-degree roundabout kick to land. He only needed to borrow a seat and fly out to hit the street.

But Sun Zong, who turned his back to the camera, felt extremely regretful.

This feeling of not being able to see the opponent's movements and waiting for the judgment of fate at any time is simply terrible.

I was really confused by lard, how could I agree to act as a double?

He suddenly heard the sound of wind coming from behind, his neck shrank in fright, and he quickly threw himself forward.


Lu Jin yelled to stop: "Mr. Sun, you have to wait until Teacher Li gives you a reminder before falling. This time, you fell too early."

Sun Zong quickly apologized and said he would pay attention.

Ren Shuai didn't even make a move just now, but a gust of wind happened to blow, and he saw Sun Zong fall out.

The effect was like being blown down by the wind.

This kind of skill, if you want to touch porcelain, you should be sure...

Ren Shuai withdrew his thoughts and said to Sun Zong who was standing with his back facing him: "Teacher Sun, relax, I will yell when I am about to kick you."

Sun Zong nodded slightly trembling.

This time, Ren Shuai jumped up, and when he exerted his strength, he made a slight sound, and Sun Zong immediately fell to the ground desperately.

Ren Shuai was stunned. This voice should be different from shouting, right?
Sun Zong looked back in a daze, and found that Ren Shuai was still two meters away, feeling embarrassed for a while.

No, I can't be so cowardly, everyone on the set is looking at me, if I behave like this, I won't be able to mix in the action circle in the future.

Sun Zong prepared himself well, and took the initiative to say: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will definitely listen to your prompts this time, and I will definitely not fall down early."


Ren Shuai nodded slightly, thinking that he would yell louder later, lest he couldn't dodge.

Turning on the machine again, Ren Shuai jumped up, turned [-] degrees in the air, raised his right leg, and kicked Sun Zong's upper body.


Ren Shuai yelled as he spun.

Sun Zong suddenly froze, shrinking his neck and going limp.

That loud shout startled him.

Ren Shuai spun around, but saw that Sun Zong, who was supposed to fall out, was still on the spot, and had changed from standing to sitting paralyzed. The kick that was originally kicked on the back was aimed at his head.

Really want to touch porcelain this time?
Sun Zong was frightened, his body stiffened instinctively, he could only forcefully turn his head and glance backward.

But he saw a shadowless foot approaching the door.

It's over, it's over!

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(End of this chapter)

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