From janitor to actor

Chapter 74 Uncle Li's Funny Talent

Chapter 74 Uncle Li's Funny Talent
Ren Shuai walked out of the guard room, facing the request for a group photo, he was still a little uncomfortable.

I didn't expect that I would gain fans one day.

Still two young schoolgirls.

The tall girl took out her phone, turned on the selfie and aimed at herself and Ren Shuai.

"Uncle Li, look at the camera, one, two, three, eggplant."

The girl pressed the shutter button continuously and took several shots in a row before putting down the phone in satisfaction.

"Thank you, Uncle Li." They thanked politely.

Ren Shuai asked curiously, "What do you like about me?"

The two said in unison: "Sense of humor."

sense of humor?
Ren Shuai never thought he had this quality.

"Where did you see that?" Ren Shuai asked suspiciously.

The short girl smiled and said, "Your every move is very humorous."

The tall girl nodded in agreement.

Ren Shuai looked surprised and looked at the two of them in surprise.

The two girls nodded and bowed and left, leaving Ren Shuai alone to continue to be confused.

He returned to the guard room, turned on his new phone and started searching the Internet for the latest news of "Once Upon a Time".

Soon, he discovered that the official version of Uncle Li's cut special was released.

This special has just been online for a day, and the number of views has reached 30.

Ren Shuai immediately clicked to watch.

The tempo in the video has been doubled, giving it the feeling of watching a Chaplin silent film.

Ren Shuai saw himself walking into the cafeteria quickly, threw down the lunch box and began to point at Cui Zixun and the two to teach them a lesson. In the next second, the two took off their hats and confessed their identities. Ren Shuai said "cut this part".

The shot saying "this cut" was repeated three times, highlighting the contrast between before and after.

The barrage kept flying over content such as "hahaha", "so real", "desire to survive" and so on.

Ren Shuai continued to play it later. It was his rhetoric when he was playing the game of looking at photos and drawing pictures, "Don't worry, I have you".

Immediately afterwards, when he picked up the photo of Ji Mingxi's younger brother, he had a naturally dazed look on his face. The paintbrush in his hand could not be dropped for a long time, and finally handed in a blank paper.

The two shots before and after were put together and played for comparison, which immediately showed his face-slapping behavior.

The barrage army crossed the comments such as "slapping the face at the speed of light", "bullying the uncle" and "making it impossible for the uncle".

Ren Shuai was speechless. He would have thought that the people on the show were all film and television stars, and that Uncle Li probably knew each other.

Unexpectedly, the program group arranged for a star family member.

Definitely over the top.

Ren Shuai played it later, thinking that the next shot would be a shot of himself showing his strength, showing not only his acting skills, but also his game level.

As a result, the progress bar couldn't hold back.

This cut special is only two minutes in total.

Does this count as a malicious clip?
But my performance seems to be true. From the audience's point of view, it's really funny.

No wonder the two girls said he had a sense of humor.

Ren Shuai couldn't help but turn off the video, and after a while, he received a message on his phone.

Shen Luxi sent a cute smile and said, "Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to have such a strong sense of variety."

Below is a link to a video, which is the cut special of Uncle Li that Ren Shuai just finished watching.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that she should be doing a road show promotion for "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", so how could she still have time to watch the video.

In fact, it was precisely because the crew of "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" came across Uncle Li's video when they were looking for material for promotion.

It happened that the agents and the production team of the leading actors were in a group, and everyone sent all the artist materials they found to the group for the agents to screen.

It just so happened that Shen Luxi's manager knew that his artist was very concerned about that teacher Li Laifu, so he forwarded the video to Shen Luxi.

As soon as she finished reading, she immediately sent a message to Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai didn't know how to answer, so he could only reply with a funny expression of "I know I'm excellent".

Shen Luxi found that the New World was normal, but she didn't expect that Teacher Li was not as serious as she imagined. Although sometimes cold, he had a sense of humor.

He is a senior with an interesting soul who can take a joke.

She continued to type: "Ms. Li, are you in Meijing City tomorrow? I recently cooperated with the crew in a road show and will fly to Meijing City tomorrow."

Ren Shuai replied, "Yes."

Shen Luxi was overjoyed, and quickly typed: "Then are you free to help with the road show? Many people in the crew are going to do a variety show together."

Ren Shuai replied, "No time."

He still has to stick to his post.

Shen Luxi was lost for a second, and typed: "The variety show is called "Happy Saturday", and the ratings are very high. There is another crew member who recorded it with us."

Hearing what she said, Ren Shuai vaguely recalled certain variety shows he had watched in his previous life.

In those programs, several crew members will be invited to play games together and promote new dramas by the way.

But for a person like him who doesn't have a celebrity status, he can only show his face on stage on that kind of show, and he probably won't even have the chance to say a word.

Purely for fun.

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't reply to the news, Shen Luxi was a little disappointed. Seeing Teacher Li's talent in variety shows, she thought he would be willing to record variety shows.

This time, in addition to promoting "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", she also has to warm up for the upcoming new drama "Guns in the Silence".

It just so happens that Mr. Li is also going to play the role of the chief spy in this spy film, and he needs to communicate with him about the specific shooting time and content.

Originally, there was a special person in the crew to be in charge of notification, but Shen Luxi was Ren Shuai's introducer, so she took this job onto herself by the way.

Shen Luxi originally wanted to meet and communicate with Ren Shuai in advance, but now it seems hopeless.

The content of the script can't be explained clearly in one or two sentences. If it wasn't for the fact that the announcements were not too full, she would have taken the time to go directly to the Meijing Academy of Film and Television Arts to communicate with Ren Shuai.

Shen Luxi was thinking about it when she suddenly remembered that after the recording of the variety show, there would be a fashion magazine red carpet event in the evening, and there would be many people in the circle.

But she thought that old artists like Mr. Li might not like to participate in this fashion event, so she didn't invite her.

But since Mr. Li has no time to participate in variety shows during the day, he may be free at night.

"Ms. Li, are you free tomorrow night?" Shen Luxi asked.

Ren Shuai probably knew that Shen Luxi wanted to discuss the new drama with him, and since he didn't need to be on duty at night, he could take time to meet her.

"Yes." He replied.

"Great, there is a red carpet event on Sanzhang Street tomorrow night, shall we go to it together?"

This answer was beyond Ren Shuai's expectations, he thought that Shen Luxi was just asking him to drink tea and chat.

I didn't expect to ask him to participate in the red carpet.

He knew that Sanzhang Street was a gathering place for fashion frontiers, many fashion events would be held there, and there were several avant-garde magazines around.

Uncle Li has always wanted to be a film star. Apart from self-discipline, he also has some pursuit of fashion. The reason why he didn't save much of his salary is to spend part of it on dressing up.

(End of this chapter)

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