From janitor to actor

Chapter 75 Preparing for the Red Carpet Event

Chapter 75 Preparing for the Red Carpet Event
Ren Shuai looked at his phone, wondering if he should go to this red carpet event.

Now that I have told Shen Luxi that I am free tonight, it would not be good to refuse now.

After all, Shen Luxi helped him introduce the new crew, and it also came with a system task, so he should go meet her if it is reasonable.

"Okay, what time?" Ren Shuai typed happily back.

Shen Luxi was a little happy after receiving Ren Shuai's reply, and immediately typed: "I will arrive at about eight o'clock, and then I will wait in the dressing room of "Fashion Baiyang" magazine. You can go directly to me."

"it is good."

After Ren Shuai replied, he waved goodbye for a second, then hurriedly closed the phone and looked ahead.

Because he saw a familiar patrol car approaching slowly.

If Gao Dagui saw it, he would definitely say that he was playing with his mobile phone during working hours.

Although Shen Luxi was used to Ren Shuai's style of saying goodbye immediately after finishing his business, he was still caught off guard.

She also thought that Teacher Li might be the first to participate in this kind of fashion red carpet event, and would ask her some precautions.

But she thought again, although Teacher Li's reputation is not obvious, but the experience is there, she should have participated in many red carpet events, and she was a little worried.

But the fashion red carpet this time is still somewhat different from the red carpet of the film festival. The stars don't need to be well-dressed, as long as they show a sense of fashion and a sense of avant-garde.

Even if you walk the red carpet wearing a quilt, you can be at the forefront of fashion because of your strong sense of design, and even be on the hot search.

Walking on the red carpet here highlights a bold and novel look.

The dress she wore for the event was a red evening dress specially ordered by a designer. It was not made of traditional fabrics, but imitated the craftsmanship of lacquer carving in the palace. It was also very bold in shape, like a hollow flower basket.

Shen Luxi wondered if Mr. Li would still choose a decent black suit as he usually walks on the red carpet, so that it would be a bit abrupt in a group of people.

However, Teacher Li is an old man, and she has never seen many people of the same age as Teacher Li participate in this kind of fashion event before, and she doesn't know how Teacher Li needs to prepare.

She thought about it, and decided to ask her make-up team to prepare a set of clothes, and if it didn't work, she would change it for Teacher Li.

Ren Shuai didn't think too much about it. He didn't know anything about walking on the red carpet, he only knew that he could walk in his clothes.


The patrol car stopped at the door of the duty room, and Gao Dagui walked in with his head held high to inspect the work.

Seeing Ren Shuai sitting in the room honestly, he didn't find anything wrong and felt a little disappointed.

Afterwards, Gao Dagui's eyes fell on the new folding mobile phone in the upper right corner of the table, and he immediately regained his energy.

"I said Li Laifu, you have to emphasize it several times before you can remember. If you find valuables, you must contact them in time and hand them over to the Lost and Found Office of the Security Section. You cannot leave them in the guard room at will. People come and go here. Lost, can you afford it?"

After Gao Dagui finished speaking, he was about to reach for his phone.

Ren Shuai had quick eyes and quick hands, and "snapped" his hand.

Keep your paws away from my new phone.

He originally wondered why Gao Dagui was so angry, and where did he get the valuables from here.

It turned out that I was eyeing my new top-end folding mobile phone.

Before Gao Dagui could react, Ren Shuai quickly grabbed the phone and dragged it into his pocket.

Gao Dagui stared at Ren Shuai's quick operation, and said anxiously: "What's the matter, are you blatantly wanting to steal stolen goods?"

Ren Shuai looked at Gao Dagui with contempt, what kind of stolen goods, improper use of words, if he is uneducated, he should read more and talk less.

"This is my phone."

"What is your cell phone, then obviously..."

As Gao Dagui was talking, he suddenly understood what Ren Shuai meant.

His first reaction was: How is it possible?

Li Laifu has always been stingy, how could he be willing to buy such an expensive mobile phone!
When he was watching the news two days ago, he also saw the press conference of this phone. Apart from being expensive, there were no shortcomings.

Based on Li Laifu's salary, it would take four months for nothing to afford it.

"Where did it come from?"

Gao Dagui's first reaction was that the phone came from a wrong place.

Ren Shuai was too lazy to explain the ins and outs to him, and said in a way that Gao Dagui could most accept and understand: "I won the lottery."

"Win, win the lottery, ahem, congratulations, what is your prize...?"

While there was embarrassment in Gao Dagui's words, there was also a hint of envy and jealousy.

He insisted on buying lottery tickets every day, winning at most 50 yuan.

Li Laifu, who doesn't usually buy lottery tickets, how could he win a big prize as soon as he buys them?
It's so unbalanced.

Ren Shuai squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "I forgot how many prizes are awarded, it's about 20,000 yuan after paying taxes."

Gao Dagui was suddenly surprised and said, "Then you spent all of it on buying a mobile phone?"

He didn't believe that a stingy person like Li Laifu would be willing to spend all his winnings on a mobile phone.

He thought to himself, Li Laifu must be fooling himself.

Ren Shuai didn't panic at all: "Haven't you heard a saying that this kind of windfall money must be spent quickly, otherwise it will bring bad changes. It just so happens that my mobile phone is broken. Seeing this The price is right, so I bought it.”

Is the price right?
Gao Dagui was speechless.

With a dry cough, he said, "Next time you buy a lottery ticket, remember to call me."

He thought, whichever number Li Laifu bought, he would follow suit.

Ren Shuai nodded seriously and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely call you next time."

Gao Dagui nodded, turned around and left with a sour heart, thinking that every time he met Li Laifu recently, he always felt so uncomfortable when he left.

Come less in the future.

Unless you buy a lottery ticket.

The next day, Ren Shuai got off work on time and returned to the dormitory.

He's going to attend a red carpet event soon.

Ren Shuai took his time and didn't prepare in advance at all. He felt that he had plenty of time. He just found a suit and took the subway to Sanzhang Street. The journey would take an hour at most.

As a result, when he returned to the dormitory to search the closet, he found that because the suitcase was too small, the suits were folded and squeezed together, and they were all wrinkled, looking like they were picked out from a garbage dump.

Ren Shuai looked at this black suit, took out the spray bottle and sprayed it, trying to make it smoother.

But the material of the suit is too thick, it is almost soaked and it is not flattened.

He sighed dejectedly, thinking that there were not many people watching that kind of fashion red carpet anyway, so he might as well wear it for a formality.

The moment Ren Shuai put on his suit, a reminder suddenly came to mind.

[Ding, the task is triggered, and the audience will be overwhelmed in the red carpet event, and a random item card will be rewarded]

Ren Shuai froze.

He didn't come back to his senses for a long time, he suspected that the system had a convulsion.

What is it that overwhelms the audience? Is this what people say?
He's a big man.

However, the system does not really seem to be human.

But it's a real dog.

 ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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