From janitor to actor

Chapter 76 The Power of Makeup Cards

Chapter 76 The Power of Makeup Cards

The system proposes a task, and naturally it must be completed.

After all, the rewards are generous.

But Ren Shuai was in trouble at the moment.

For the requirement of overwhelming the audience, he is really powerless.

As a man of science and engineering, he has absolutely no experience and talent in fashion design and styling.

However, he remembered that there was a makeup card in the item card.

Ren Shuai thought, a make-up card is worth 300 points, and the system will randomly reward a prop card after completing the task.

In view of the previous performance of the system, the quality of the rewarded random item cards will not be too bad.

When playing Qian Manjin before, the system rewarded a martial arts card worth 500 points.

But everything has risks. Since it is called a random reward, there may be a charm card worth only 100 points.

It is not worth the loss to exchange a makeup card for a charm card.

Due to lack of historical experience, Ren Shuai did not have enough data analysis basis, so he could only gamble.

He took out a coin and murmured: "If it's the side with the pattern, use the card, but don't use the other side."

Ren Shuai clasped his hands together, shook the coin in his palm, then took a breath, and threw it into the sky.

"dang lang lang"

After a series of light sounds, the coins rolled on the ground.

Then, stuck in the crack of the wall.

"Uh, this."

Ren Shuai looked at the coins standing on the corner of the wall, and simply squatted down to take a look.

The side facing him is the pattern, and the other side is against the wall.


He ordered in his mind: "Use makeup to make cards."

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the makeup card to obtain the effect of makeup and hair styling]

Ren Shuai didn't feel anything special, walked to the mirror in the bathroom and looked at it, he was shocked.


He blinked, and the person in the mirror blinked too.

He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, and the person in the mirror...was a bit too handsome.

In Ren Shuai's current look, there is a streak of silver in his brown-black hair, and the corners of his eyes have been processed by the system, making them look deeper and more piercing.

The tails of the eyebrows are slanted, the bridge of the nose is high and straight, the lip line is clear, the whole person is sharp and angular, and the skin texture looks ruddy and shiny.

This shape not only looks more handsome and energetic, but also lowers the sense of age to a teenager.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Li has such a good background, coupled with the magical makeup skills produced by the system, he can kill three generations of school girls in the entertainment industry in seconds.

It's a pity that I was born at an untimely time, and I didn't catch up with the big trend of idol popularity when I was young.

Ren Shuai felt a little emotional, and turned to look at the pile of clothes in his closet.

This look looks good with any outfit.

I don't know if it's the aesthetic improvement that came with the makeup card, Ren Shuai picked out a suitable outfit from the pile of clothes at a glance.

That suit is a casual suit, similar to a fleece face, and the color is not particularly bright, it is a bit dark wine red.

Due to the special material of this suit, there are no dead folds due to stacking, but the short fleece on the fabric is still squeezed out in various directions.

However, in terms of visual effects, the irregular inclinations of the short fleece look like dark flowers designed on the fabric, reflecting different shades of red from all angles.

Ren Shuai put on this suit with a thin half-high collar sweater inside, looking very personable.

He nodded in satisfaction in the mirror, turned and set off.

In autumn the days get shorter and it gets dark early.

This time happened to be when the students were having dinner after class, and there were many students walking around the campus.

Ren Shuai was walking on the road, taking advantage of the cover of the sky, he didn't attract too much attention.

However, those students who passed by him still stopped and looked back frequently.

"Which star was that just now?"

"He walked too fast, I couldn't see clearly, but he seemed very handsome."

Several students looked back.

There was also a bolder one who encouraged: "Shall we go over and ask for a group photo?"

"Do you know anyone?"

"She's so handsome, she must be a star, so it's right to take a picture first."

However, in the exchange of students, Ren Shuai has already walked away quickly.

He also realized that there was something wrong with going out like this. Fortunately, the sky was covered, otherwise it would definitely attract onlookers.

He also heard some fragments of the students whispering, and quickly accelerated his pace.

He is not interested in group photos or anything.

Moreover, due to tossing about clothes and styling, he left the house half an hour later than expected. If he had taken the subway, he would have been on time.

But if he squeezes the subway like this, he will probably be on the hot search tomorrow.

Keep a low profile and take a taxi.

Ren Shuai looked at the traffic conditions in the evening rush hour, and sighed with emotion, the queue time of the mobile phone taxi app has been postponed infinitely.

At this time, unless the subway is on time, other means of transportation are...

Ren Shuai glanced at the only shared electric bicycle left on the side of the road, and immediately rushed over to occupy it and declare his sovereignty.

Opposite him, a young man who was a step late hammered his head resentfully.

But the young man didn't walk away, wanting to see if the well-dressed compatriot just wanted to take a selfie by leaning on the car.

After all, dressing up like this and riding an electric car doesn't match the painting style.

Ren Shuai didn't waste too much time, he just took out his mobile phone, scanned the QR code and drove off.

The young man looked at the back of Ren Shuai going away, and a series of question marks rose in his heart, but he could only look for new prey, no, an electric car.

Ren Shuai rode his beloved small motorcycle, and he was very refreshed in his heart as he rode fast all the way.

The car I got was really delicious.

Along the way, he hummed songs, felt the rhythm of the evening wind, and was in a good mood.

An hour later, Ren Shuai found helplessly that the electric car was out of battery.

Good mood lost in half.

Seeing that there are only 2-3 kilometers left to the destination, why can't we persist.

He parked the car at a public charging parking spot on the side of the road, turned his head, and saw a shared bicycle leaning on a flower bed.

Just you.

Ren Shuai pulled the handle up, the car belonged to him.

Just happened to meet another young man who was a step behind him.

Ren Shuai raised his head proudly and stepped onto the bicycle.

The young man glanced at him, and he didn't feel disappointed that he didn't get the car. Instead, he gave him a contemptuous look, walked to the electric car, and returned to Ren Shuai with pride in his eyes.

Tch, I thought it was great that you snatched a bicycle, but what my master snatched was an electric car, the young man secretly poked in his heart proudly.

Ren Shuai ignored him, pedaled his bicycle and walked away in a leisurely manner.

Young man, still too young, your uncle will always be your uncle.

There was only one young man who was silently crying after scanning the QR code while looking at the battery.

Ren Shuai got on his bicycle, felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket, and stopped to take a look.

Lucy Shen initiated a voice chat.


Ren Shuai clicked to connect.

"Mr. Li, where have you been?"

Shen Lucy's sweet voice came through the receiver.

Ren Shuai's first reaction was that it was time to buy a Bluetooth headset.

It's really inconvenient to make a phone call while riding a bike.

 I wish you all a happy new year!

  ~╰(* ̄︶ ̄*)╯~
(End of this chapter)

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