Chapter 77

Holding the folding phone, Ren Shuai looked left and right for a while, and said to Shen Luxi on the other end of the phone: "I'll be there soon, about 10 minutes."

"Then you report the license plate number, I'll tell the security department of the building, just drive in." Shen Luxi said enthusiastically.

Ren Shuai couldn't be dealt with.

He is a two-wheeled car, where did he get the license plate number?

"I'm going in," he said.

Shen Luxi was puzzled for a moment, thinking that Senior Li would not come here by subway, he is really a good example of thrifty and green travel.

However, since he was able to squeeze the subway, his attire should not be satisfactory.

Let Senior Li hurry up and change into the clothes he prepared.

Shen Luxi said: "Okay, I've already reported the information to the guard room for you, just go to the dressing room on the 16th floor and find me after you come in."

"Okay." Ren Shuai hung up the communication at the speed of light.

It's really inconvenient not to be able to ride a bike while making a phone call. It's time to get a set of Bluetooth headsets.

He glanced at the navigation, then rode on his beloved small bicycle and continued to his destination.

When approaching Sanzhang Street, Ren Shuai realized that he was naive.

You can't reach your destination by bike or anything.

I can only walk.

The fans of various celebrities were well informed, and they had long been guarding nearby, blocking the streets near the "Fashion Baiyang" magazine office.

The traffic police were well prepared and directed the traffic in an orderly manner.

However, the crowds are too large, except for the car lanes, which can barely pass through, and the non-motorized lanes and sidewalks have been captured.

Ren Shuai parked the shared bicycle on the side of the road, and had to walk for the last 500 meters.

The crowd surrounded them, holding various support boards and surrounding posters, waiting for the arrival of their idols.

Ren Shuai calmly walked into the crowd without worrying that the crowd would spoil his appearance.

On the one hand, it has the blessing of the system, on the other hand, his suit is all kinds of hidden flowers squeezed out, and he is not afraid of being squeezed again.

However, the two who were walking side by side with Ren Shuai became excited, and a little girl about the age of junior high school quickly pulled the sleeve of the classmate next to her.

"Look, look, there is a star next to me."

Another female voice with a ponytail turned her head to look at Ren Shuai, also getting excited.

"Really, he's so handsome. It's the uncle's style I like. Do you know who he is?"

The little girl shook her head and said in a low voice: "Whoever he is, handsome is enough, let's follow him all the way, keep quiet, maybe we can get an autographed photo."

After speaking, she held up the Polaroid camera in her hand and shook it.

The ponytail girl nodded, and took out a metallic marker pen for signature from her pocket.

The two were clearly prepared.

"However, why is he crowded in the crowd?"

"You don't know that, Da Yin hides in the city, his fans must not think of it, if he waits in the parking lot, he will be in vain."

The girl with the ponytail had an expression of seeing through the truth.

Ren Shuai didn't realize that there were two little tails behind him, and he still walked in his own way.

At this time, a young man walked up to him, looked at him carefully and asked, "Excuse me, are you an artist?"

Ren Shuai didn't stop, thought carefully, and answered rigorously: "Not really."

The man glanced at Ren Shuai again, and seemed to muster up his courage and said, "Then do you have an idea to become a star?"

Ren Shuai glanced at him vigilantly, seeing that he was wearing glasses, looked more refined, and didn't have any support equipment on him, so he didn't seem like a star chaser.

The man quickly said, "Actually, I'm a scout."


Ren Shuai didn't want to talk to him anymore.

This kind of person must take advantage of this fan gathering to deceive boys and girls who yearn to enter the entertainment circle.

The two junior high school girls behind saw someone approaching Ren Shuai, and immediately stretched their necks to eavesdrop.

Then I heard the young man say the word "scout".

The two suddenly became interested and started whispering.

"Isn't he a star? There is actually a scout who strikes up a conversation."

"Looking so handsome and dressed so stylishly, she must be a star. I guess that scout is unprofessional and doesn't know anyone."

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't answer, the gentle young man took out an ID from his coat pocket.

"I'm not a liar, our company is in the Sanzhang office building over there."

Ren Shuai glanced sideways at his work card, which said Lanyangyang Film and Television Culture Communication Studio.

"Cough." He couldn't help coughing to suppress his almost laughing voice.

Lan Yangyang, is this name serious?

Ren Shuai couldn't help but think of a certain animation character from his previous life.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Ren Shuai flatly refused.

The young man didn't give up, he looked at Ren Shuai again, organized his words and said, "Do you know that your image is very suitable to be an artist, I..."

"I know." Ren Shuai said.

"Well, what I mean is that our company specializes in producing various online movies and short videos, and we really need people with good looks like you. Now the film and television industry lacks outstanding actors of your age." He said sincerely.

"Well, I'm an actor." Ren Shuai said.

Young people: ...

When I asked him if he was an artist just now, he clearly said...not...

Well, the answer is very rigorous.

The young man glanced at Ren Shuai reluctantly, and thought that it was no wonder that he could immediately fall in love with him at a glance, as expected, the professional ones are different.

He felt that he couldn't strike up a conversation for nothing, so he took out his mobile phone and said, "Then can I take a photo with you?"

Ren Shuai looked at the sea of ​​people in front of him. If he stopped to take a group photo, it would definitely attract people's attention.

If he is dressed like this, if he is misunderstood as a star, it will inevitably cause crowds and stampedes, which is very dangerous.

To be on the safe side, Ren Shuai could only refuse. He found a plausible reason and said, "Sorry, I don't like taking pictures."

The young man could only express his understanding, but he had no intention of leaving. He just kept walking beside Ren Shuai, as if he still wanted to get close to him.

Fortunately, the distance of 500 meters does not need to be too long. Ren Shuai quickly looked at the looming entrance of the building ahead.

The two junior high school students behind him listened to Ren Shuai chatting with the scout all the way, and finally confirmed that Ren Shuai was an actor, and they became even more excited.

"I'll just say that the scout is blind. Such a handsome uncle must be a star." The girl with the ponytail said airily.

"Yeah, your eyes are the most poisonous, let's hurry up and ask for a group photo, you won't be allowed in the front."

The girl with ponytail was a little hesitant. Just now she heard Ren Shuai saying that she didn't like taking pictures together.

No, such a handsome uncle cannot be easily let go.

You have to figure out a way to get him to agree.

While she was hesitating, Ren Shuai had already squeezed into the front row, ready to go to the guard room to report information.

But the security guard who maintained order stopped him and said, "You can't go any further, please step back."

Ren Shuai said, "I'm here to participate in the event."

Only then did the security guard take a closer look at Ren Shuai, and found that he looked like a big star in terms of appearance, temperament, and clothes.

However, there are no big stars who come here on foot, don't they all drive in directly?

Just as the security guard was hesitating whether to let him pass, two junior high school students squeezed out from behind Ren Shuai, one with a pen in his hand, and the other with a camera.

"Uncle, I've watched the urban drama you acted in. The characters in it are super handsome. Can you take a photo with us?"

"Yes, yes, all the girls in our class like you very much."

The good idea they came up with was to fabricate a TV series, saying that they liked Ren Shuai's character.

Anyway, most of the actors have acted in urban dramas, so it is true.

Besides, all actors want to be praised for their roles. If you say that, maybe that handsome uncle would agree to take a group photo when he was happy.

But Ren Shuai is not an ordinary actor. He has filmed many dramas, but there is not a single newcomer actor who is released.

As soon as the little girl opened her mouth, he knew it was a fool.

But Ren Shuai didn't mind, and even readily agreed.


The two little girls happily posed for a group photo.

When the security guard saw it, he immediately believed that Shuai was a big star. Although he didn't know why he was walking, he definitely wanted to let him go.

"Please go over."

Seeing the back of Ren Shuai walking in, the young scout who had been standing by the side burst into tears.

She clearly said that she didn't like group photos, so why did the little girl agree when she asked for a group photo, but she couldn't ask for a group photo by herself.

Oh man.

 Xiaonian in the south today, Xiaonian continues to be happy~
(End of this chapter)

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