chapter 78

Ren Shuai entered the building directly after registering the information.

He walked towards the elevator, and just pressed the up button when his phone rang.

"Ms. Li, are you here?" Shen Luxi's tone was a little anxious.

"Well, we're downstairs."

Ren Shuai turned his head and glanced at the wall clock in the lobby. The time is now 7:35 pm, and there are still 25 minutes before the red carpet event starts.

He feels that he has plenty of time and is not in a hurry.

"It's too late, you can go upstairs and change your clothes now, the organizer has already informed you to wait for the venue." Shen Luxi still said anxiously.

Ren Shuai had no experience in participating in such activities, and thought that the time was fixed from time to time.

But in fact, various fluctuations will be encountered when holding an event, and the time may be advanced or postponed at any time.

For example, this time, the stars generally arrived very early, and there were not enough dressing rooms, so the organizers could only start the event in advance and let the stars who were ready enter the venue first.

Ren Shuai asked suspiciously, "Change clothes?"

"I've prepared a set of costumes for you, but I'm afraid it's too late to do the styling. The event has started ahead of time. Let me go to the art hall on the third floor." Shen Luxi said.

Ren Shuai stood at the elevator entrance and said, "It's okay, I'm ready, so let's go directly to the third floor."

After finishing speaking, the elevator just went down to the first floor, and Ren Shuai stepped in.

Shen Luxi persuaded: "You should change to another set, I carefully selected it."

After she finished speaking, she didn't see Ren Shuai replying, and found that the communication had ended...

Teacher Li is always so decisive in hanging up the newsletter.

Shen Luxi sighed helplessly, got up and walked towards the door.

I wondered what would happen if Mr. Li was complained by the media for not being fashionable because of his ordinary clothes and ordinary attire.

I called Senior Li to come here. If I was scolded on the hot search, would Teacher Li blame me?

Shen Luxi felt a little uneasy.

She is the first guest arranged by the program group. Given that Shen Luxi is now firmly in the front line of the circle, she is fully worthy of the first appearance at the opening.

If it wasn't for the fact that there will be seniors at the level of actresses in the circle walking the red carpet, the organizers even wanted to arrange for Shen Luxi to come to the finale.

She communicated with the organizer in advance and said that she would bring an old senior to appear with her.

There was no objection from the sponsor, and they readily agreed.

It's just that the staff who received this request at the time were a little puzzled. Usually, it's not the seniors who lead the newcomers, why Shen Luxi brought an old senior to the red carpet at such a young age.

The elevator quickly reached the third floor. As soon as the door opened, Ren Shuai saw many staff gathered at the entrance of the hall, and there were welcoming ladies in short skirts standing on both sides.

As soon as Ren Shuai stepped out of the elevator, a tall and thin concierge in a black suit had already seen him, and immediately walked up to greet him with a warm smile and said, "Hello, guest, please come here to sign in."

Ren Shuai saw a roster made of a big red book, flipped through it, found his name at the end, and signed it.

The concierge who received him glanced at Ren Shuai's name, and there were countless question marks in his heart.

Li Laifu?
This is the stage name, it sounds a bit like a comedian.

But this one in front of him is not only very handsome, but also very fashionable in clothes, but has a calm and airy demeanor, and there is no sign of being funny all over his body.

The concierge withdrew his thoughts, bent down and stretched out his hands to lead Ren Shuai into the hall.

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "I'll wait for someone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the elevator door in the corridor behind him opened, and Shen Luxi walked out.

She was wearing a deep red cut-out road shoulder dress, the hem of which was dragged to the ground, and only her white feet could occasionally be seen when she was walking, her whole body was like a work of art.

The concierge took a look and went up to meet him and said, "Ms. Shen, please move over here to sign in."

Shen Luxi did not go to sign in immediately, but began to look around.

She glanced over the concierge and the welcome lady, and glanced at Ren Shuai who was standing in front of the signature stage, without stopping, and looked carefully at the group of service personnel gathered together.

Will Mr. Li be dressed too plainly, so that he can't tell it among these staff.

She carefully identified each one so as not to overlook the past.

Ren Shuai was just about to raise his hand to say hello to Shen Luxi, but found that she seemed to have not seen him, and her eyes were fixed on the staff at the door.

After Shen Luxi looked around, she confirmed that Teacher Li was not in the crowd, and looked around suspiciously.

Apart from the staff here, there was only the stylish and handsome male artist in front of the signing stage, but she didn't know her, so she didn't take the initiative to say hello.

But she felt that the male artist had been looking at her, and she probably recognized her.

But it was a little awkward to greet someone she didn't know directly, so she simply turned around and faced the elevator.

Teacher Li just said that he was downstairs, why hasn't he come up yet?
Shen Luxi thought for a while, and felt that she should go to the first floor to greet her. After saying that, she raised her hand to press the elevator.

"Where are you going?"

Shen Luxi heard a magnetic voice coming from behind, she turned her head slightly, and found that it was the handsome male artist, she nodded politely to say hello.


After Shen Luxi finished speaking, she continued to turn around and wait for the elevator.

Ren Shuai was a little confused by her.

Didn't she ask herself to meet and then participate in the red carpet event? Why did she act as if she didn't know him when they met.

"Aren't you going in?" Ren Shuai could only ask again.

Shen Luxi did not expect the male artist behind him to strike up a conversation with her so actively. Although he is very handsome, she still has to pick up Teacher Li and has no time to chat with him.

"Not yet, I'm going downstairs."

At this time, the elevator just arrived, and Shen Luxi walked in after finishing speaking.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, if he changed places temporarily while walking on the red carpet, then he had to go with him.

Therefore, Ren Shuai consciously followed Shen Luxi and got into the elevator together.

Shen Luxi was surprised, and took two steps back unconsciously, but her skirt was so wide that it basically occupied the entire elevator, so there was no room for her to step back.

There was no assistant who didn't come with me just now because of the shape of the skirt.

But Ren Shuai stood in front of her so calmly, and looked directly at her so calmly, his eyes were as righteous as looking at his own people.

This man...why...seeing himself like this, although he is very handsome, he doesn't seem very polite.

Shen Luxi lowered her eyes slightly, but suddenly felt that this gaze was a little familiar.

She immediately raised her eyes and looked back to meet Ren Shuai's gaze.

Seems familiar?
Shen Luxi's eyes gradually widened, and she exclaimed in an instant.

"You, you... are Li, Teacher Li?"

Ren Shuai was taken aback by her sudden sound, thinking that luckily his heart is fine.

Shen Luxi's face turned red immediately, feeling that she was being rude in front of Senior Li again.

Why every time I want to express myself in front of Senior Li, but always self-defeating.

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(End of this chapter)

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