Chapter 79

Shen Luxi stood in the elevator, looking at Senior Li in front of her, she was shocked.

When he was in the crew before, he played the old fairy, although he was immortal and charismatic, but his sense of age was obvious.

But the teacher Li standing in front of him is not only handsome and fashionable, but also looks very young.

Coupled with the difference between ancient costumes and modern costumes, Shen Luxi didn't recognize him at all.

"Hold, I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I didn't recognize you when you were dressed like this." Shen Luxi smiled apologetically.

Ren Shuai glanced at himself through the reflection of the elevator door. Compared with his usual appearance, he was indeed a different person.

"I don't blame you, I'm overdressed." Ren Shuai said.

"No no, you are very well dressed."

Shen Luxi hurriedly waved her hands, but because of too much movement, she lost her balance and fell to one side.

Fortunately, there was not much space in the elevator, so she supported it with her hands, but the heels were too thin to support stably, and she still couldn't regain her balance.

At this time, Ren Shuai had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed Shen Luxi's arm to help her regain her footing.

"Thank you, thank you." Shen Luxi blushed slightly.

The space in the elevator was already narrow, Ren Shuai took another step forward in order to pull her, and the two of them stood closer now.

Shen Luxi secretly glanced at Ren Shuai, her heartbeat quickened unconsciously.

When the atmosphere was about to become ambiguous, the elevator reached the first floor with a "ding dong".

When Shen Luxi came back to her senses, she was relieved and at the same time felt a little disappointed.

Ren Shuai said, "Go back to the third floor."

"Oh, um."

Shen Luxi responded in a low voice, looking slightly at Ren Shuai's appearance today.

Shen Luxi didn't have time to take a closer look just now, but Shen Luxi found that Ren Shuai's style today fits the theme very well. Not only is it not as simple and ordinary as she imagined, but it also looks extraordinarily stylish.

The black and red casual suit just matched the color of her wine red dress, as if it had been designed in advance.

Especially Mr. Li's makeup and hair today are very delicate. Looking carefully, it seems that each strand of hair has been carefully designed. There is no heavy makeup on the face, but it is inexplicably young and handsome, coupled with some sense of age. It brings stability and depth, with a kind of contradictory charm.

Shen Luxi didn't know that she had been staring at Ren Shuai's face for half a minute, and she was shocked in embarrassment when the elevator signal sounded, and quickly looked away.

Ren Shuai didn't have any special feelings. His goal today was to overwhelm the audience. The more attention he could attract, the more successful he was.

The two walked out of the elevator, but Shen Luxi found that they were standing too close just now, and her crisp skirt had been squeezed into it.

However, the material of this skirt is quite special, and it is difficult to pull the recessed part back from the outside, and a person needs to push it up from the inside.

But right now the assistant is not around, and her skirt is dragging the floor, so there is no way for him to restore it.

Ren Shuai walked a few steps and found that Shen Luxi hadn't followed. Looking back, he found that she was staring at the shrunken skirt worrying.

"Do you need help?" Ren Shuai walked to her side and asked while looking at the skirt.

Shen Luxi's pupils trembled suddenly, what kind of tiger and wolf words did Teacher Li say.

Could it be that you still want to help her...

Ren Shuai didn't notice Shen Luxi's reaction, he stood consciously on the side where her skirt was sunken, and stretched out his hand.

Shen Luxi's face was flushed, even the roots of her ears were pink, thinking what should she do?
Although she respected Teacher Li very much, she didn't think about that, after all, there was a big age gap between the two of them.

She felt that she just admired Teacher Li's acting skills and wanted to prove her own strength in front of him.

However, Mr. Li did dress up very excitingly today, especially the unique contradictory temperament, which is very attractive.

But, to be honest, she and Mr. Li are not very familiar, they have only worked together on a few shots.

It's really not good to casually agree to the kind of help that needs close contact, and it will make her appear casual.

"No, it's not very good, I'd better wait for the assistant to help."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and saw Ren Shuai standing beside him in a circle with his arms outstretched. It was obvious that he wanted her to hold his arms so that he could use his body to cover the depression.

"Oh, okay."

Ren Shuai lowered his arms, ready to step aside and wait.

Shen Luxi was immediately annoyed, thinking how could she miss Teacher Li so much.

Senior Li is clearly a highly respected, prudent, decent, well-behaved and somewhat cold-hearted artist.

I really lost my mind too much.

She was very sorry for her serious faux pas, and the expression on her face suddenly became aggrieved.

Seeing that she suddenly looked like she was about to cry, Ren Shuai thought that actresses really put great emphasis on styling, and it was just that the skirt was slightly deformed, which made her sad.

Out of gentlemanly demeanor, he comforted: "Don't worry, your skirt is like a flattened ping pong ball, and it can be restored to its original shape after being scalded with boiling water."

Shen Luxi laughed out loud when she heard the words.

Teacher Li really has a sense of humor. The coldness is just the appearance, and the interesting thing is the soul.

She was even more ashamed of her cranky thinking.

At this time, a staff member in a dress walked out of the performing arts hall, and after seeing Shen Luxi, he hurriedly urged: "Luxi, hurry up, you are the first guest, and the media reporters are all ready, hurry up and enter."

Hearing this, Shen Luxi turned around and walked to Ren Shuai, took his arm and said, "This is Teacher Li, let's enter together."

The staff looked up at Ren Shuai, surprised by his handsome attire, wondering why he didn't know this character before.

"Come here."

She led the two of them inside.

Ren Shuai asked suspiciously, "Don't you care about your skirt?"

Shen Luxi smiled sweetly: "It's enough for you to help me block it."

The two walked into the performance hall arm in arm.

Today's fashion red carpet belongs to the indoor red carpet show. The two need to start from the backstage, walk around the stage under the guidance of the host, and then take their seats under the stage.

Shen Lucy held Ren Shuai's arm, smiling beautifully and naturally.

Although Ren Shuai participated in this kind of activity for the first time, he was not too nervous and kept a faint smile on his face.

The host received a signal from the on-site director through the earphones, and immediately announced loudly: "The first person to walk on the red carpet of our [-]th fashion anniversary celebration is actress Shen Luxi. She is a hot front-line actress in the film and television industry, and she is always at the forefront of fashion. Always keep a firm grip on changing trends.”

The host praised Shen Luxi while waiting for her to appear.

As a result, he saw two figures slowly approaching from the other end of the red carpet.

The host hurriedly looked down at the card in his hand, but he didn't see Ren Shuai's introduction.

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