From janitor to actor

Chapter 80 The Media Fryer

Chapter 80 The Media Fryer
The host made full use of his experience and introduced Ren Shuai on the spot.

"The one who entered the stage with Shen Luxi is her male partner. We can see that he is very handsome today, and his temperament is very unique. The two of them walked on the red carpet like a golden boy and a jade girl."

When he was introducing, Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi walked through the media photography area, the flashes flickered wildly, and most of them were aimed at Shen Luxi, but Ren Shuai was indeed very eye-catching and attracted many shots.

There are also gossip media focusing on Ren Shuai's face, curious about the relationship between this man with a unique temperament and Shen Luxi.

After a short stay, the two walked in the direction of the host.

"Welcome two guests to our eighth anniversary celebration, please move to the crystal wall to sign."

The host handed over two signature pens.

Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi took it, and turned around with a smile to sign.

At this moment, Shen Luxi was still holding Ren Shuai's right hand, not letting go at all.

Ren Shuai twitched slightly, but felt that Shen Luxi was pulling even tighter.

He secretly laughed in his heart, the actress is so obsessed with styling, even if she signs her autograph, she can't let herself go away, so as not to reveal the flaws in her skirt's styling.

Ren Shuai had no choice but to hold the pen with his left hand, and reluctantly wrote a crooked Li character.

Shen Luxi glanced at Ren Shuai's signature, and immediately felt a lot of sorry.

But she was really helpless. When she was about to sign the autograph just now, she felt that the heel of her shoe was a little loose, and she thought that she must have twisted it when she almost fell in the elevator.

The slender heel was not strong, and it was twisted a bit, and along the way, it was finally overwhelmed and was about to strike.

Now Shen Luxi did not dare to follow behind at all, and basically relied on her toes for support.

The height of the heel is at least 8 centimeters, and she is about the same as dancing ballet now.

On the one hand, Shen Luxi is afraid of falling, and on the other hand, she is afraid that the heel will fall off again. It would be too embarrassing to be photographed like that, and it will definitely be on the hot search tomorrow.

She could only hold Ren Shuai's arm tightly and borrow strength from him.

In the eyes of the media at the scene, Shen Luxi was unwilling to let go of her male companion's hand even if she signed the signature. The relationship between the two must be unusual.

The flash suddenly flickered again.

Shen Luxi's face was full of smiles, but her heart had already begun to cry.

Judging by the attitude of the media, most of them will still be in the trending searches.

But it's because of gossip, Teacher Li must be unhappy after seeing it, old artists don't like to be involved in gossip, and he has caused senior Li to suffer.

Ren Shuai felt that the force from his arm was getting stronger and stronger, and he thought it was because she was struggling to walk in high heels and wanted to borrow some strength.

Seeing that the two signed their names, the host came up to interview and said, "Welcome again, let me interview Luxi first. Look at the design of your clothes. It looks very courtly. Is it specially designed?"

Shen Luxi smiled and nodded, "That's right, this dress was made by the designer following the lacquer carving technique."

The host praised: "The effect is very outstanding. The most important thing is that this dress matches your skin tone and makeup very well, making it appear fairer, more delicate, beautiful and generous."

Shen Luxi thanked politely.

The host shifted his gaze to Ren Shuai, and asked curiously: "Lu Xi, can you introduce this handsome man beside you? His outfit today is quite eye-catching, not only has a trace of retro style, but also reveals a strong sense of fashion. The sense of touch complements my temperament.”

Shen Luxi smiled enthusiastically: "This teacher Li is a senior in my circle, and he is very proficient in acting. Today is a very accidental opportunity for me to have the honor to invite him to participate in the celebration."

The host glanced at the tightly linked hands of the two, and asked tentatively: "Ms. Li, your costume design today is very innovative and matches Luxi's skirt very well. Is it from the same designer?"

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "No."

The host choked slightly, and quickly answered the next question: "When I saw Lu Xi signing autographs, I always held your arm. I think the two of you have a good relationship in private."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "General."

The host was choked again, thinking that Mr. Li had quite a personality, and he didn't believe it if he didn't answer the questions according to the routine.

"Luxi said that you were invited by chance, may I ask what kind of coincidence prompted you to come to the scene?" the host asked.

Ren Shuai was silent for a while, but decided to tell the truth.

Seeing that he was stopped by the question, the host felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

He is an experienced host, and he can handle any difficult person to interview.

Ren Shuai still smiled and replied, "Because I don't have time."

The smile on the corner of the host's mouth froze for a second. What do you mean by that? You just came to the red carpet event because you don't have time?

He wondered if there was something wrong with his hearing comprehension.

Shen Luxi was afraid that after the host continued to ask questions, he would be even more embarrassed, so he smiled and said, "It's because Mr. Li and I have a play to cooperate with, but I'm full of announcements, but I still want to ask Mr. Li for acting skills. That's why I asked him to attend the red carpet with me so that I can find time to ask for acting skills."

The host quickly nodded to express his understanding, and smiled and asked the two to go to the guest seat to take a seat.

I thought most of the handsome people were aloof, so it was really difficult to interview this teacher Li.

Ren Shuai basically helped Shen Luxi off the stage, feeling that she was about to lean on his arm.

As soon as she was seated, Shen Luxi quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, my heel seems to be broken, so I can only rely on you."

After speaking, she smiled a little embarrassedly.

Ren Shuai immediately expressed his understanding, wondering why Shen Luxi had been holding him so hard just now.

In order to act as if she was walking normally instead of limping, she could only put the weight of the left half of her body on Ren Shuai.

At this moment, the media area is already fried.

When Shen Luxi stepped off the stage, everyone noticed that she was getting closer and closer to Ren Shuai, and then they wanted to lean on the other's arm.

The relationship between the two is definitely not as ordinary as it says.

Everyone didn't know that actor, but Shen Luxi pulled him to walk the red carpet together, obviously to take him along, and said that she wanted to learn acting skills from him.

Anyone with a discerning eye can smell the unusual breath.

However, in the past, actresses brought newcomers with a small fresh meat, but Shen Luxi brought someone who was obviously older than her to the celebration, which was not in line with common sense.

The two entertainment reporters couldn't help but communicate.

"What do you think of Shen Luxi? She is young and beautiful, why would she want to find an actor who is not as famous as herself and older than herself?"

"Didn't you look carefully just now? That Teacher Li is not ordinary. In terms of appearance and temperament alone, he will definitely crush a lot of fresh meat. Which woman would not like it, and his attire is even more impressive."

Another reporter agreed that Mr. Li was indeed very attractive, but was there anything special about his attire?

 Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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