From janitor to actor

Chapter 81 Three Trigrams

Chapter 81 Gossip
The reporter just felt that Ren Shuai was well dressed, with a sense of fashion and aesthetics, but he didn't know what his peers said was so good?
The blond-haired colleague next to him opened the photo in the camera, zoomed in on Ren Shuai's suit, pointed to it and said, "Look at the casual suit he's wearing. The dark red color is a reprint of the classic model released by Fenden Konicki two years ago." .”

The reporter nodded and said, "I know this dress, but it's an old model from two years ago. What's so special about it?"

The blond man waved his hand and said, "Look carefully, although this one looks similar to the one two years ago, but there are many hidden flowers that are faintly visible, which is not ordinary."

The reporter showed a puzzled expression, thinking to himself, what's so special about just multiple hidden flowers?
The blond man didn't take it seriously when he saw him, and he said scientifically: "I heard that Fenden Kou Niqi just came out with a limited edition suit this year, which is an upgrade on the classic one, and that suit can't be bought even if you have money." arrive."

"Could it be the suit that Mr. Li is wearing?" The reporter asked in surprise.

"I think it is. It is said that there are only five pieces of that dress, and the designer made them all by hand. Look at the hidden flowers on his suit. Every angle is different. It is definitely handmade." The blond man is sure. road.

The reporter nodded and felt very reasonable. People who can buy this kind of limited-edition suits are definitely not ordinary, so they are worthy of Shen Luxi.

The blond man swipe the camera screen with his fingers, zooming in on the leather shoes worn by Ren Shuai.

"Look here again, this daddy shoe is the old model of Kanai Numbos five years ago, but have you noticed any difference?"

He pointed to the photo and asked the reporter next to him with an open-minded face.

The reporter shook his head blankly, and said in a low voice, "The model from five years ago is not a new limited edition, is it?"

The blond man shook his head and said, "Ms. Li's fashion matching ability is very strong, or his styling team is very good. These old shoes are made of top-layer cowhide, with a square shape. The shape matches this suit very well. The only difference is the color The whole body is pure white, and it will inevitably look awkward with his suit, but look at his shoelaces."

The reporter obediently focused his attention on Ren Shuai's shoelace, which was a light orange wide belt.

He seemed to realize something: "It seems that the color of the shoelaces is the same as his bottoming shirt."

"That's right!"

The blond man felt a sense of accomplishment of being able to find a star's fashion point, and the more he talked, the more excited he said: "The color of the light orange sweater and suit he wears inside is warm, and it looks very coordinated, but if the shoes Pure white does not match, but it is very difficult to choose the same light orange shoelaces as the inside, which proves that his pair of shoelaces must be custom-made."

The reporter didn't know what to say after hearing this.

It seems that this little-known teacher Li is really extraordinary.

Ren Shuai sat on the chair, completely unaware that his status and image in the circle of journalists was constantly rising.

He looked down at his shoelaces, remembering the unexpected situation when he went out.

Ren Shuai's dormitory space is not too big, and the shoes he bought can only be piled in a corner. When he took out the shoes, he found that the shoelaces had been eaten by insects and had many small holes.

Ren Shuai didn't care about such small details at all, and ignored the wormholes on the shoelaces, but when he put on the shoes and went out for a while, the shoelaces suddenly broke.

He was going out late, so naturally he didn't have time to go back to change his shoes. He had an idea and found two decorative drawstrings on the bottoming shirt, which immediately acted as temporary shoelaces.

I didn't expect to hit the right side, but it added a touch of soul to the white daddy shoes, and it echoed with the top.

Shen Luxi looked at Ren Shuai's outfit today, and asked, "Did you invite a designer to make your outfit today?"

Ren Shuai thought for a while, the system produced can indeed be said to be created by the designer, nodded and said: "It is."

Shen Luxi immediately asked: "Excuse me, who is the modeling teacher, can I ask for the contact information, the modeling ability is too powerful."

Ren Shuai could only say: "It's really powerful, but it likes to keep a low profile and rarely communicates with others."

Shen Luxi immediately understood, then nodded and said: "All real masters are like this, very low-key, just like you."

Ren Shuai nodded modestly, "That's right."

At this time, the host has already begun to introduce the third guest on the red carpet.

Ren Shuai stared at it for a while, and found that the gaudy attire was not very competitive.

He always remembered the ultimate goal of tonight, overwhelming the audience.

After that guest, several people came up one after another, both male and female.

Ren Shuai has been observing carefully and comparing himself with himself.

When I found that those people were either coquettish and vulgar, or out of fashion, I was slightly relieved.

Shen Luxi observed Ren Shuai secretly, and found that he had been watching the red carpet show seriously, so she said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to like fashion events so much. If there are similar events in the future, I will definitely invite you again."

Ren Shuai was completely unwilling. If the system hadn't put forward such a weird request, he would never have spent a piece of makeup to create a card, and had to work so hard to choose clothes to participate in this kind of event.

He shook his head slightly and said, "I see inspiration, and I don't usually participate in this kind of activities."

Shen Luxi was slightly surprised when she heard this.

According to what Senior Li said, this kind of fashion outfit is more for artistic creation for him, and it needs the blessing of inspiration.

It was I who underestimated Teacher Li again, always thought that he was on the second floor, but I didn't expect him to be as tall as the tenth floor.

Sure enough, he is an artist, outstanding in every field.

Shen Luxi's admiration for Ren Shuai deepened.

In the media area, although the reporters were still shooting the red carpet guests with flashlights, they immediately turned their attention to the seating area under the stage after the shooting.

Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi there were the ones they focused on.

After a period of observation, the media reporters found that Shen Luxi and Ren Shuai kept talking and laughing at Yan Yan, seeming very close.

People's enthusiasm for gossip has always exceeded the attention of the red carpet.

Which star looks good in clothes is nothing compared to which star is in love.

Fans are more curious about gossip than they are about idol outfits.

It is celebrity gossip that can really bring traffic to those media.

Therefore, the reporters in the media area, their minds have already flown to the audience, and they just randomly took photos of the celebrities on the red carpet. The focus of the capture is the scene of Shen Luxi chatting with Ren Shuai.

Shen Luxi and Ren Shuai didn't realize that the reporters in the media area had started smuggling, and they were still chatting in their own way.

While Ren Shuai paid attention to the red carpet, he discussed the content of the new drama with Shen Luxi.

It's his first time playing a villain, so he has a lot of curiosity, and he doesn't know much about the upcoming role.

 I finally released a chapter before 12:[-], tomorrow is New Year's Eve, please vote~
(End of this chapter)

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